Health Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy

Gibraltar is a British Colony at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula attached to the country of Spain. It’s population is just over 30,000 people, and it is best known for its huge “rock,” the “Rock of Gibraltar.”

I have been contacted by residents in Gibraltar stating that 53 people have died in 10 days immediately following the roll out of injections of the Pfizer mRNA COVID injections, and calling it a “massacre.” Continue reading “53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started”

Abel Danger

Editor’s note: Make certain you comprehend a very significant fact when you go over this material. When the Bolsheviks come to power they deny the soul. Once the soul is dead then privacy is dead. As it turns out, those who fell for the QAnon mind fuck got gamed. It also turns out that it was mostly Protestant-associated or influenced Americans who got punked by QAnon as a game, while it was mostly Catholics who didn’t fall for the QAnon psyop. Fascinating isn’t it? Games are where weak compromised males find their “manhood.” Where they can say they “won” by killing a fictitious enemy in a game. They found their “manliness” and their purpose through QAnon online gaming.    Continue reading “Bolsheviks Are Obsessed With Disinfectants and Cleanliness…”

No Debts


In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn, were searching for evidence of government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on the coast of Maine.

By chance, they discovered the library’s oldest authentic copy of the Constitution of the United States (printed in 1825). Both men were stunned to see this document included a 13th Amendment that no longer appears on current copies of the Constitution. Moreover, after studying the Amendment’s language and historical context, they realized the principle intent of this “missing” 13th Amendment was to prohibit lawyers from serving in government. Continue reading “The Missing 13th Amendment”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Joe Biden is not the President of the United States. But then Caroline Kennedy tells her friends that her father’s only mistake was to believe that he was the President of the United States. Biden was handed the agenda of giving what the Corporate Media calls vaccines.  Vaccinate 100 million people in his first 100 days. These are not traditional vaccines which I would avoid anyway. These are far worse.

I ran across a Bitchute video entitled, The Covid Jab is not a Vaccine. It is a Pathogen Creator. One MD and one PhD talking to a constitutional lawyer and a foundation CEO. The two scientists said that this pathogen creator injected inside your body can and will cause MS, ALS, Alzheimer’s and accelerated cancer. (ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.)
Continue reading “Day 100 of GMO Vaccines Will Not Be Pretty”

Jerusalem Post

A 17-year-old was hospitalized in the Safra Children’s Hospital’s ICU at Sheba Medical Center a few days after receiving the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine, according to the hospital.

The youth arrived at the hospital after feeling intense pains in his chest. He does not have any preexisting conditions.  A doctor from the department said that the boy is in stable condition and that the hospital does not believe that his symptoms are connected to the vaccination. Continue reading “17-year-old in ICU after receiving second coronavirus vaccine dose”


Amid a renewed debate on racism in everyday life, including the portrayal of black people in popular culture, Disney Plus last year tagged warnings on some of the older films in its archive as containing “outdated cultural depictions”, with some much-loved animated classics flagged.

A spate of classic animated favourites of more than one generation of children have been taken off the proverbial kid’s shelf of Disney’s streaming service after an update to its content advisories. Continue reading “‘World is Getting Crazier Every Day’: Users Vexed as Disney+ Axes ‘Racist’ Peter Pan, Dumbo”

Arms Watch

The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases. Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa. Continue reading “The Pentagon Bio-weapons”

Great Mountain Publishing – by Edward Hendrie

James Mulder, writing for, reveals that “[a] Covid-19 outbreak at a Cayuga County nursing home that began two weeks ago has infected 137 residents, 24 of whom have died.” The article was published on January 9, 2021. So, going back two weeks from that date we arrive at December 26, 2020, as the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak.

According to the article, “[t]here had been no nursing home Covid-19 deaths in Cayuga County until the first three deaths at the Commons were reported Dec. 29.” So, 24 nursing home residents have died since the outbreak, with the first one dying on December 29th. Continue reading “The Elderly Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine are Dropping Like Flies”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Until December, the Dutch government had bucked the authoritarian trend of most global authorities in their efforts to ‘crush’ the virus, but as cases, hospitalizations, and deaths began to soar, the government turned to harsher measures, and ultimately to the first curfew since WWII.

Yesterday was the first night of the newly enforced curfew and that crackdown sparked a backlash across the nation.. Continue reading “Dutch Youth Torch COVID-Testing Facility In Violent Curfew Backlash”

GEORGE MASON (1725-1792)

Manuscript written on the verso of the Committee of Style draft of the U.S. Constitution by GEORGE MASON (1725-1792) in the Chapin Library, Williams College:

There is no Declaration of Rights, and the Laws of the general Government being paramount to the Laws & Constitutions of the several States, the Declarations of Rights in the separate States are no Security. Nor are the People secured even in the Enjoyment of the Benefits of the common Law. Continue reading “GEORGE MASON: Objections to This Constitution of Government”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

During the final months of the Trump administration Chinese military exercises near Taiwan grew as part of the tit-for-tat escalation of Washington moves in support of the self-declared Republic. However, in a show of (preemptive) force against the new Biden admin, which echoed Mike Pompeo in accusing China of committing genocide against Uyghurs – an allegation that Beijing will not gloss over – Chinese hostilities in the vicinity of Taiwan have escalated dramatically. And on Sunday, just one day after China’s military undertook one of its biggest Taiwan “flyovers” yet (and just days following President Joe Biden’s entry into the White House), Chinese air force planes including 12 fighter jets entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) for a second day. Continue reading “15 Chinese Aircraft Enter Taiwan Air Defense Zone For 2nd Day As US Carrier Roosevelt Approaches”

Zero Hedge – Tyler Durden

Surprise! Mail-in ballots raise the risk of fraud – according to Amazon.

In a Thursday filing with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Seattle-based online retail giant formally requested that a group of Alabama warehouse trying to form a union be required to vote in person, rather than by mail, according to Bloomberg. The company also requested a postponement of the vote so the NLRB can reconsider its earlier ruling which gives workers the next two months to vote by mail. Continue reading “Amazon Demands In-Person Union Vote After Arguing Mail-In Ballots ‘Raise Risk Of Fraud’”

National Preview

Incoming Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has suggested taxing Americans for the number of miles they drive, a policy he endorsed as a Democratic presidential candidate.

The Biden Administration is actively searching for ways to fund its ambitious $1 trillion infrastructure plan. Continue reading “New tax on number of miles you drive? Incoming Transportation Secretary Buttigieg likes the idea”

Counter Punch – 2014

With the conviction last summer of former Khmer Rouge officials Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea for crimes against humanity, the subject of Khmer Rouge rule in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979 received a small amount of attention in the Western mass media. What the media failed to mention was how the Khmer Rouge was maintained as a military and political force long after its fall from power. Nor has it been suggested why, at Western insistence, the scope of investigations at the tribunal would exclude the period after 1979. Continue reading “Who Supported the Khmer Rouge?”