Campus Reform – by Chloe Sparwath

The University of Virginia imposed restrictions on students for nearly two weeks in February, limiting what they could and could not do, in an effort to slow the spread of coronavirus.

According to an email sent by university administrators on February 16, on-campus students were only allowed to leave their dorm for essential activities, such as going to a job, attending class, getting food, and performing outdoor exercise until at least February 26, at which time the university would “consider lifting them…if conditions around the virus permit.”  Continue reading “UVA Tells Students Where They Can and Cannot Go Due to COVID-19”

Epoch Times – by Emel Akan

The Chinese communist regime has recently signaled that it could leverage its dominance in rare earth minerals, raising alarm bells in the United States. The threat has prompted the Biden administration to take action to reduce U.S. reliance on China for rare earth metals that are used in everything from smartphones to electric vehicles to fighter jets.

In 1992, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping predicted the importance of rare earths to China’s future when he famously said, “The Middle East has oil. China has rare earths.” Continue reading “US May Boost Rare Earths Mining to Counter Threat From China”

RAIR Foundation

The regional government of Galicia in north-western Spain has declared that the controversial coronavirus vaccination should be mandatory for all 2.7 million citizens. The announcement was made by Galicia’s left-wing regional president Alberto Nuñez Feijóo at a press conference on Tuesday. His government has been working on a corresponding bill since November that will mandate the gene-altering mRNA injection to treat a virus 99.8% of people will survive.

Those who refuse to be injected will be fined several thousand euros. If the violation is classified as a “minor offense”, a fine of EUR 1,000 to EUR 3,000 ($1,200 USD to $3,600 USD) is due. In cases where the violation “poses a risk or serious harm to the health of the population”, the fine can range from € 3,000 to € 60,000. ($3,600 USD to $73,000 USD) Continue reading “Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccinations Coming to Spain”

Washington Post – by Richard Pan

Vaccines don’t stop viruses. Vaccinations do. This common public health saying means a vaccine does no good if we can’t get it into people’s arms. Insufficient supplies, natural disasters and bureaucratic mistakes have slowed efforts, but the overall goal of vaccinating a large majority of the U.S. population may ultimately be hampered by the anti-vaccine movement unless steps are taken to limit its impact.

Otherwise, America may witness more scenes like the one in Los Angeles on Jan. 30, when a mob of anti-vaccine protesters stormed Dodger Stadium, one of the nation’s largest vaccination centers. These extremists succeeded in temporarily shutting down the site, delaying patients, many of them elderly, from getting their shots. The anti-vaccine activists have told the Los Angeles Times that they intend to keep disrupting vaccination efforts.

Continue reading “Opinion: Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism”

Valley News Live – by Bailey Hurley

FARGO, N.D. (Valley News Live) – After several teachers called out sick this morning due to the side effects from their second COVID-19 vaccine, the Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton school district was forced to make today a distant learning day.

With 50 teachers able to get a covid vaccine at a time, DGF Superintendent Bryan Thygeson says as the district looked at the calendar, they knew Thursday’s doses could cause a problem for staff numbers on Friday.

Continue reading “Covid vaccine side-effects causing local schools to make back-up plans”

Leo Hohmann

Should the technocrats who pushed governments to lockdown their citizens be tried for crimes against humanity?

One prominent German lawyer, who is also licensed to practice law in America, thinks they should. And he is organizing a team of thousands of participating lawyers who want to prosecute a “second Nuremberg tribunal” against a cadre of international elites responsible for what he calls the “corona fraud scandal.” Continue reading “Legal team wants ‘second Nuremberg tribunal’ to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity”

Gateway Pundit – by Kristinn Taylor

More than a dozen Michigan National Guard troops deployed to Washington, D.C. have been sickened, with some hospitalized, after being served raw, undercooked meat and meals laced with metal shavings according to a report by WXYZ-TV reporter Brian Abel Monday evening. Other meals the troops have received courtesy of a contractor selected by the Democrat run D.C. government are leaving the troops malnourished. The problem with the undercooked food has being going for weeks but apparently yesterday’s meals were so bad they prompted a staff sergeant to contact the Detroit news station. Continue reading “Michigan National Guard Troops in DC Hospitalized After Democrat Run City Repeatedly Feeds Them Raw, Undercooked Meat and Meals With Metal Shavings”


Cybersecurity firm FireEye has warned Americans that they’ll be targeted by the next big cyberattack, whether they know it or not. Disrupted supply chains and the chaos of cellular and internet networks crashing will follow.

The next conflict where the gloves come off in cyber, the American citizen will be dragged into it, whether they want to be or not. Period,” FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia told Axios on HBO on Sunday. Continue reading “CYBERWAR is imminent & will affect ordinary Americans, claims CEO of company that ‘discovered’ SolarWinds hack”

Yahoo News

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court provided the most recent signal that it’s rethinking the doctrine of qualified immunity — a rule the Court created in 1982 to shield government workers from constitutional accountability. The case, McCoy v. Alamu, was filed by a Texas prisoner named Prince McCoy. Four years ago, a prison guard pepper-sprayed McCoy for no reason. The officer was agitated with another prisoner, who had twice thrown water at him. But because this other prisoner was out of reach, the guard took it out on McCoy, an innocent — and asthmatic — inmate. Video taken after the incident shows McCoy pacing his cell, unable to breathe. Continue reading “The Supreme Court is rethinking qualified immunity”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The Los Angeles school district is launching a Microsoft-developed a COVID-tracking app for children, which allows students to schedule and view the results of COVID tests, post the results of off-campus COVID tests, and schedule vaccinations.

According to a promotional video, however, “the real magic is your daily health check,” where students answer a questionnaire about whether they have any symptoms – after which the “Daily Pass” app will issue the child a scannable QR code to be scanned by a staff member, who will also take the child’s temperature. Continue reading “LA Schools To Launch Microsoft COVID-Tracking App So Children Can Attend Classes”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The World Economic Forum has told us that at the End of the Great Reset in 2030 “you will own nothing but you will be happy.” Translation: we will not own our homes and our cars because we will lease them. A spokeswoman said “we won’t even own our clothes. (We will lease them from billionaires.) Sounds like they want to take everything from us so we will be too impoverished to resist when they cull the herds killing Commoners by the Billions. Continue reading “$35 Trillion Buys A Lot Of Corruption”

Gateway Pundit – by Cassandra Fairbanks

At least two Democrat state legislatures called for New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign on Saturday over a second woman coming forward about inappropriate comments he made towards her.

Notably, the Democrats did not call for his resignation over killing seniors in nursing homes and covering it up. Continue reading “NY Democrat State Officials Call for Gov. Cuomo to Resign Over Inappropriate Comments, But Not For Killing Seniors”

Patriot Rising

It’s open season on gun owners in America!

As we learned from his press release last weekend, Joe Biden is 100% committed to banning the possession of the AR-15 and hundreds of similar rifles in America, as well as the magazines that are needed to run them.

But he’s also determined to create a list of every single gun owner in America, using ‘Universal Background Checks’ as the foil to get it done. Continue reading “National Gun Registry to Be Introduced in Congress Next Month”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

So much for President Biden’s call for “unity” as a mob of Antifa rioters (who as a reminder do not exist in reality as Biden previously noted that is “just an idea”) ran wild through the Pearl District of Portland on Saturday night, vandalizing buildings and spray painting anti-police messages.

Around 2100 PT Saturday night, Portland Police Bureau dispatched officers to the pearl District of town, home to shops, restaurants, bars, and residential living.  Continue reading “‘Crazed’ Antifa Mob Target Portland Businesses As ‘Defunded’ Police Stretched Thin”


At least two arrests were made after a mostly peaceful protest in Portland turned violent. Banks and other businesses were trashed as beleaguered residents pleaded with protesters to “go home!” and leave them in peace.

A group of dozens of people were reportedly demonstrating against immigration policy under the Biden administration in the Pearl District in downtown Portland, but quickly began vandalizing the area. Continue reading “Portland protest turns chaotic with businesses trashed, fist fights on the street and bike cops slamming into ‘press’”

Epoch Times – by Jack Phillips

The Supreme Court on March 1 formally rejected two of Sidney Powell’s lawsuits that challenged the results of the Nov. 3 election.

The Supreme Court didn’t offer any comment about dismissing the lawsuits. One lawsuit was filed in Wisconsin and the other in Arizona.

“The petitions for writs of mandamus are denied,” the court stated. Continue reading “Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Lawsuits Challenging Election Results in Wisconsin, Arizona”