Ron Paul Institute – by Jeff Harris

You would think that during the worst Pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu life insurance companies would be hedging their bets to avoid major losses from Covid-19. I haven’t written a life policy for several years so I was wondering what was going on? I called one of the brokers I deal with that interacts with hundreds of big life insurers to get an inside look into how the Covid crisis has changed their business. Continue reading “Life Insurance and Covid-19; Something Doesn’t Make Sense”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Hours after President Biden promised to release the ‘full report’ from US Intelligence community’s 90-day examination of where COVID-19 originated – unless there’s something he’s unaware of

…the New York Times reports, there’s things he’s unaware of. Continue reading “US Sitting On ‘Raft’ Of Unexamined Virus Intel; Former Official Says ‘Almost No Evidence’ Of Natural Origin”

Willamette Week – by Rachel Monahan

On May 18, Gov. Kate Brown offered Oregon businesses a choice not available anywhere else in the nation: They could allow vaccinated patrons not to wear their masks—after checking vaccine cards at the door.

Two weeks later, the verdict is clear: a resounding thumbs down. Not a single major retailer or venue in the Portland metro area has taken Brown up on the offer.

Continue reading “Oregon Tried to Innovate a Policy for Determining Who Still Has to Wear a Mask. It Bombed.”

The Nevada Independent – by Jazmin Orozco Rodriguez

Finding an attorney to represent them in immigration court can be a challenge for people facing deportation proceedings who often don’t have the financial means to seek legal counsel.

In an attempt to bridge the gap, Nevada Assembly lawmakers on Wednesday approved AB376, which allocates $500,000 in state funds for the UNLV Immigration Clinic to expand its no-cost legal services for immigrants. Continue reading “Assembly approves bill expanding legal resources to immigrant Nevadans”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Catherine Austin Fitts used to be the managing director of Dillon Read Investment Bank and was Housing Commissioner under the first President Bush. She has said that the Powers That Be have stolen $100 trillion from US taxpayers. She concluded back in the 1990s after NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) was passed that Wall Street had no intention of returning what they stole so they must be planning a genocide of Americans. She discussed this with a colleague in a restaurant in Manhattan. He also managed large funds in excess of $300 billion and agreed that genocide was in America’s future. Continue reading “Genocide And The Missing $100 Trillion”

Money Metals

Washington, DC (May 26, 2021) – America’s gold reserves would be audited for the first time in more than 60 years if a measure introduced yesterday by U.S. Representative Alex Mooney (R-WV) becomes law.

The Gold Reserve Transparency Act of 2021 – H.R. 3526 – backed by the Sound Money Defense League, Money Metals Exchange, and free-market activists – calls for the first true audit of United States gold reserves since the Eisenhower administration. Continue reading “U.S. Congressman Seeks Full Audit of America’s Gold Reserves”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

David Chipman, a former ATF agent who was reportedly involved in the massacres at Waco and Ruby Ridge before cashing in as an anti-gun lobbyist for billionaire Michael Bloomberg, said Wednesday he supports banning the most popular rifle in America. Continue reading “Biden ATF Nominee David Chipman Says He Supports Banning AR-15s”

Crack Newz

Are Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” spreading those dreaded “variants” about which the mainstream media keeps fearmongering? You bet.

Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and professor, says that the injections are triggering a phenomenon known as “antibody-dependent enhancement,” or ADE, that once fully “activated” will eventually kill everyone who gets reprogrammed by it.  Continue reading “Yes, covid vaccines are spreading variants”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

As the rest of the country struggled to pay their mortgages, had their businesses shut down, and descended into poverty, COVID-19 for the super rich was a record setting windfall. Four of the most controversial billionaires on the planet, saw their wealth increase by over a combined $100 billion in less than a year. One of those controversial billionaires was Jeff Bezos, who watched his portfolio increase by $70 billion to $186 billion — making him the richest person in the world.

So, what does a person with $186 billion in assets need? Well, apparently, they need another $10 billion — from the United States taxpayers. Seriously. Continue reading “As US Faces Record Unemployment, Homelessness—Senate Preps $10 BILLION Bailout for Jeff Bezos”


There are only a few places on earth where radicals and their children ritualistically burn the American flag and chant “Death to America”: Tehran, Baghdad, Beirut, Kabul, Ramallah — and Portland, Oregon.

The City of Portland, a cloud-covered metro on the south bank of the Columbia River, has become known for its political protesters. Anarchists, Communists, ecofascists, and various other agitators regularly denounce the police, politicians of both parties, and America itself, and flag-burning has become part of the protesters’ liturgy. Continue reading “The Child Soldiers of Portland”

Operation Rescue – by Bud Shaver

Albuquerque, New Mexico- Newly obtained data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), website shows that unborn children in the womb continue to be adversely affected by COVID 19 vaccines at an alarming rate. Abortion Free New Mexico has also received expert analysis on the animal trials (published by the European Medicines Agency) for these vaccines that confirm what VAERS reports indicate, that these vaccines are harmful and toxic to unborn babies.   Continue reading “Vaccine Animal Trials Reveal Threat To Life In The Womb”


HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) – The Pennsylvania Department of Health has dropped its legal action against more than 40 restaurants accused of defying state orders to close indoor dining and maintain social-distancing protocols.

The Health Department had filed two separate complaints alleging that restaurants were violating Gov. Tom Wolf’s pandemic restrictions. Continue reading “Pa. drops legal action against restaurants over pandemic”


NORRISTOWN, Pa. | The Montgomery County district attorney’s office announced the arrest of a Bucks County police officer on felony charges of possessing child pornography.

Hilltown Township Police Officer Matthew Reiss, 47, was charged in Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County with multiple counts of possessing child pornography, said DA Kevin Steele, in a news release. Continue reading “Hilltown Township police officer arrested for alleged distribution of child pornography”

MSN – Daily Mail

A U.S. Navy file dubbed the ‘UFO patents’ has revealed how military scientists spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on experiments involving nuclear fusion and electromagnetic fields as part of research into devastating future weapons.

The documents claim a ‘Spacetime Modification Weapon’ could make the Hydrogen bomb seem like a ‘firecracker.’   Continue reading “US Navy documents dubbed ‘UFO Patents’ show plans for super weapon”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON — After years of failed attempts to pass a firearms background check bill, two senators think they have a path to agreement — at least on one key component of a deal.

Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., and John Cornyn, R-Texas, have been quietly negotiating a way to bolster background check rules by making a small but consequential tweak to current law, which they say would close an unintended loophole in the system that has led to preventable mass shootings. Continue reading “A quiet bipartisan effort on gun background checks may have a path to a deal”