Investment Watch

FedEx Mandatory Transgender Training Audio – You’ll Be FIRED if You Don’t Comply

The Stew Peters Show has obtained audio tapes and slides from mandatory all-employee training materials at FedEx, the giant multinational shipping company and top contractor to the United States Government. It would seem that the Marxists have infiltrated the highest levels of management at the non-union shipping company recently announced that they would be reviewing future political contributions, and condemned violence at the United States Capitol, and released a statement saying they “fully support the results of the U.S. general election.”  Continue reading “FedEx top contractor to the U.S. Government REQUIRED all employees to attend de-masculinization training”

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

The Golden State is entering yet another severe dry season and the state government is responding by draining all the reservoirs and dumping all that precious fresh water straight into the ocean.

Shocking new reports indicate that over the past several weeks, the California State Water Board has routed at least 90 percent of Delta inflow right into the sea, leaving farmers with no water to grow their crops. Continue reading “Despite record-breaking drought conditions, California officials are draining reservoirs”

Yahoo News

Multiple cans of gasoline, 12 firearms and approximately 22,000 rounds of various types of ammunition were found by law enforcement at the home of the gunman who fatally shot nine of his fellow employees at a light-rail yard in San Jose, California, local authorities announced Friday. Officials said that the suspect, Samuel Cassidy, 57, “was prepared to use his firearms to take as many lives as he possibly could.”

“It is clear that this was a planned event,” a statement from the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s office read. Continue reading “22,000 rounds of ammunition found in San Jose shooter’s home”


An upcoming punk concert in St. Petersburg, Florida, is charging attendees who are not vaccinated 55 times more for tickets than those who can prove they have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

The concert, featuring bands Teenage Bottlerocket, MakeWar, and Rutterkin will cost $999.99 for those who have either chosen not to be vaccinated or who cannot get vaccinated, while those who provide proof of vaccination will receive a 98.2% “discount” that reduces tickets prices to just $18. Continue reading “Unvaccinated people made to pay $999.99 for Florida concert, while vaccinated pay $18”

The Great Recession

The most interesting thing about what the Fed is now doing is that it is illegal. The Fed’s argument that it is not monetizing the US debt fails now on its own terms. The Fed is buying treasuries for no purpose other than to directly finance the government’s escalating debt. Here’s the deal:

The drastic moves by the Feds and Fed throughout 2020 sidetracked us without any discussion straight into Modern Monetary Theory, which claims the government can create as much debt as it wants forever and the Fed can directly finance that debt forever with the only bound being the restraints of inflation. Continue reading “The Fed’s Argument That It’s Not Directly Financing Government Debt Finally Fails”

Activist Post – by BN Frank

Last year it was reported that throughout the U.S., birds were dropping out of the sky.  There could be a variety of sources responsible for this including exposure to increasing sources of electromagnetic radiation (aka “Electrosmog”) which includes both 5G and 4G (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

Regardless of the sources, it’s unsettling and tragic that more birds are being affected in the D.C. region. Continue reading “Birds Are Dying and Going Blind in D.C. Area – No Cause Determined Yet”

Summit News – by Steve Watson

President Trump‘s former national security advisor Michael Flynn commented on the renewed focus on the theory that the coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan, saying that he believes it was a ‘weaponised operation’.

“We’ve had over a year of people all over the world having to answer tough questions,” Flynn said during an interview on 1320 AM WJAS. Continue reading “General Flynn Believes COVID Was A “Weaponized Operation” By China”

Breitbart – by John Binder

A reported plan by President Joe Biden’s administration would hide the gang history of a foreign national seeking a green card to permanently resettle in the United States and eventually be eligible for American citizenship.

Center for Immigration Studies Director of Regulatory Affairs and Policy Robert Law writes that a source with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reveals that Biden administration officials are planning to throw out Trump-era provisions that screen out the gang history of green card applicants. Continue reading “Report: Biden Plans to Hide Gang History of Foreign Nationals Seeking Green Cards in U.S.”

“The evil genius of darkness presided at its birth, it came forth under the veil of mystery, its true features being carefully concealed, and every deceptive art has been and is practicing to have this spurious brat received as the genuine offspring of heaven-born liberty. So fearful are its patrons that you should discern the imposition, that they have hurried on its adoption with the greatest precipitation. After so recent a triumph over British despots, after such torrents of blood and treasure have been spent, after involving ourselves in the distresses of an arduous war, and incurring such a debt for the express purpose of asserting the rights of humanity, it is truly astonishing that a set of men among ourselves should have the effrontery to attempt the destruction of our liberties. But in this enlightened age to hope to dupe the people by the arts they are practicing is still more extraordinary.”
— Samuel Bryan, ‘The Anti-Federalist Papers’

How familiar this is, and in so many ways, to what we face in these present times.

The Sun

FORMER President Donald Trump’s West Point appointee has claimed that President Joe Biden is “replacing” white Americans with immigrants.

The appointee, Douglas Macgregor, is known for making inflammatory comments about race and gender. Continue reading “Biden is using migrants to make ‘white people the minority’ and turn US into ‘another country,’ Trump appointee claims”

Raw Story – by Bob Brigham

Hours after the violent insurrection by Trump supporters seeking to overturn the 2020 election, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) voted to overturn the election.

Now the Florida man is openly talking about armed insurrection as he reportedly faces a federal investigation over child sex trafficking. Continue reading “Gaetz gives shocking speech on ‘armed rebellion’ and the ‘obligation’ to use the 2nd Amendment”

Daily Mail

In Times Square, the most densely tourist-populated place in the United States, a mentally disturbed man known as Mr. Kim begs cops to kill him. ‘I want to die. You have a gun? Shoot,’ he pleads. After the officers demur, he picks up a plank of wood and starts smashing it against the Pele soccer shop.

On Sutton Place, one of the most affluent residential areas in the city, a lone man squats on the sidewalk, intently reading a paperback novel next to a shopping cart that contains his worldly goods. He begs for cash with a sign saying he has lost everything. ‘Trying to survive,’ it adds.
Continue reading “Post-pandemic New York City is laid bare as homelessness, mental illness and crime escalate”