Breitbart – by Nick Gilbertson

Mayo Clinic fired 700 employees on Tuesday because they were not vaccinated by its Monday deadline.

Employees had until Monday to receive their first dose of  coronavirus vaccine if they were not granted a religious or medical exemption, according to the Star Tribune. The organization says it greenlit the majority of exemption applications. Continue reading “Mayo Clinic Terminates 700 Unvaccinated Employees at Locations Nationwide”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

German newspaper Bild reports Mercedes-Benz has notified owners of its luxury automobiles that a defective coolant pump could spark a fire, adding an immediate recall wasn’t possible because snarled supply chains have made the parts unavailable.

Bild reviewed the letter sent to 800,000 Mercedes-Benz customers owners affected by the defect that said: “the risk of a fire could not be ruled out.”  Continue reading “Mercedes-Benz Warns 800,000 Customers Of Fire Risk, Says Part Shortage Will Delay Fix”

Epoch Times – by Isabel van Brugen

Comedic actress Betty White died just weeks shy of her 100th birthday as a result of “natural causes,” her agent confirmed on Monday.

“Betty died peacefully in her sleep at her home,” her agent and close friend Jeff Witjas said in a statement to People on Monday, shutting down rumors that White had received a COVID-19 booster shot on Dec. 28.  Continue reading “Betty White’s Cause of Death Revealed, Agent Shuts Down Booster Shot Rumors”


If taking away jobs and large gatherings isn’t enough to coerce some people into getting vaccinated against Covid-19, cutting them off from hard liquor and marijuana might do the trick. Canada’s Quebec province may soon find out.

Quebec Prime Minister Francois Legault’s administration is expected to announce a new requirement for proof of vaccination at liquor stores and cannabis outlets later this week, the Journal de Montreal reported on Tuesday. Minor details of the latest mandate, such as whether to require the passport at entrances or cash registers, are still being ironed out, the newspaper said, citing unidentified sources. Continue reading “Unvaccinated to be banned from booze and marijuana in Canada – media”

Philadelphia Enquirer – by Bob Fernandez

In the midst of the latest surge in omicron COVID-19 cases, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Friday on whether the Biden administration can force private-sector firms to vaccinate or test tens of millions of employees.

The court is expected to make a decision swiftly that could freeze the vax-or-test mandates on businesses with more than 100 workers — and the threat of fines — or let the Biden plan be implemented, legal experts say. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, which regulates workplace safety, has said it could begin fining businesses that fail to comply with the mandates on Jan. 10Continue reading “Crunch time for workplace vaccine mandates: U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Large-scale protests in Kazakhstan are growing more fierce by the day, with video emerging from major cities showing police vehicles being attacked and set on fire, as authorities try to clamp down on a third consecutive day of rage against a sudden rise in fuel prices after authorities lifted price caps on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).  Continue reading “State Of Emergency Declared In Kazakhstan’s Largest City After Fuel Price Riots, Internet Cut”

Gateway Pundit – by Alicia Powe

If you are still hesitant about getting a Covid vaccine, observing how easily sheep conform and comply should do the trick.

To promote dangerous experimental gene therapy compliance, the German government used “bits of bread” to train over 700 sheep and goats to assemble in line and form the shape of a 330-foot long syringe. Continue reading “Can’t Make This Up: Flocks Of Sheep Assembled To Form Giant Syringe In Germany To ‘Get The Message Across Better’”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

In March 2021 FBI Chief Chris Wray went in front of the US Senate and lied.  Wray claimed there was no evidence Antifa members played a role during the January 6th US Capitol protests.

Chris Wray was not being honest. Continue reading “Chris Wray Lied: Secret Service Admits They Knew 13 ‘Counter-Protest’ Groups Were Organizing to Attend Washington DC Jan. 6 Protests”

Daily Veracity

In January 2021, tech giants such as Microsoft, Oracle, and MITRE Corporation announced their launch of the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) in partnership with healthcare companies.

On their website, the VCI describes itself as an alliance of private and public organizations dedicated to the development of the ‘issuance of verifiable health credentials’ bound to an individual digital identityContinue reading “The Shadowy CIA Data Firms Behind the Creation of Digital Vaccine Passport IDs”

Gateway Pundit – by Cassandra Fairbanks

Los Angeles Unified Schools were planning to implement an extreme vaccine mandate for students but had to cancel it when 30,000 kids were not in compliance.

In September, the school board for the second-largest school district in the United States voted to mandate that students 12 and older be vaccinated by Jan. 10.  Continue reading “Los Angeles Public Schools Canceled Their Vaccine Mandate After 30,000 Kids Were Not Complying”

Yahoo News

A deputy district attorney and up-and-coming Republican political star in California’s Orange County has died abruptly after telling friends she contracted COVID-19.

Kelly Ernby, a presumed candidate for the state Assembly in 2022, was only 46 years old. According to the Los Angeles Times, she fell ill shortly after speaking out against vaccine mandates at a rally organized by Turning Point USA on Dec. 4. Continue reading “California Deputy DA Who Fought Vaccine Mandate Dies Abruptly After Falling Ill With COVID at Age 46”

Daily Mail

A prosecutor is seeking the death penalty for two people charged with shooting dead a veteran Illinois police officer with her own weapon as she pleaded for her life on the ground and critically wounding her partner, who is now fighting for his life.

Although Illinois isn’t a death penalty state, the U.S. Attorney General can authorize the filing of a petition to seek out the punishment in certain federal murder cases.  Continue reading “Female cop ‘begged for her life’ before being disarmed and shot dead with her own gun at Illinois hotel: Prosecutors seek death penalty for two people arrested for her murder and for critically injuring her partner”


The number of adverse events due to COVID-19 vaccines reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website has surpassed 1 million.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, known as VAERS, reports that as of Dec. 24, there were 21,002 COVID vaccine deaths and 110,609 hospitalizations along with a total of 1,000,227 COVID vaccine adverse events. The figures are summarized on the independent site OpenVAERSContinue reading “1 million COVID-vaccine injuries now reported on CDC’s database”

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

Joe Biden on Tuesday delivered remarks from his fake White House set with the fake background again.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris met with the White House Covid response team to discuss the Omicron variant. Continue reading “Joe Biden Instructs Parents to Not Let Their Children Play with Kids Who Aren’t Vaccinated”