By M Dowling – Independent Sentinel

Pfizer, the Big Pharma vaccine bullies, sponsored an ad on iHeart radio about the lighting up of the Empire State Building in Pfizer Blue. The announcement was on Power 105.1. I wonder how much they paid to light up the Empire State Building. Continue reading “Iconic Empire State Building Used to Push Pfizer Vaccines”

By Vigilant News

Aug.28, 2023 – Larissa Borges, 33 year old Brazilian fitness influencer died suddenly on Aug.28, 2023 after suffering double cardiac arrests. She was traveling in Gramado, Brazil when she had 1st cardiac arrest, went into a coma, then had a 2nd cardiac arrest that was fatal.

Continue reading “Fitness enthusiasts are dying suddenly – 16 sudden deaths examined”

By Kyle Becker – Trending Political News

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued a subpoena on Friday targeting Elvis Chan, the FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the San Francisco Field Office.

Chan is implicated in the Big Tech censorship campaign over the 2020 election. Continue reading “FBI Agent Implicated in Big Tech Censorship is Subpoenaed After DOJ Cancels Interview”

By The Post Millennial

BREAKING: US Govt asks for public assistance in locating $80 million F-35 jet that went missing after ‘mishap’

After a pilot ejected during a “mishap” on Sunday afternoon, the US military is still looking for a missing $80 million F-35. Continue reading “BREAKING: US Govt asks for public assistance in locating $80 million F-35 jet that went missing after ‘mishap’”

By Margaret Flavin – The Gateway Pundit

Thirty-six year old Alexina Wattiez received the devastating news that she was diagnosed with terminal cancer.  In 2021, doctors told her she would not survive another year.  By the spring of 2022, her health had deteriorated to the point that she chose Belgium’s controversial euthanasia program to end her life in what she hoped would be a more peaceful and less painful way to die. Continue reading “Woman Euthanized in Belgium Heard Screaming by Loved Ones as She was Suffocated by Pillow”

By Tomiekia Johnson – The Postmillennial

TOMIEKIA JOHNSON REPORTS: Trans-identified male murderer Dana Rivers antagonizes female inmates in women's Chowchilla prison

Dana Rivers, a trans-identified male who murdered a lesbian couple and their son in 2016, then set their house ablaze in an attempt to cover up the murder, has been sentenced to serve out the life sentence in the Central California Correctional Facility in Chowchilla, Calif. Rivers, who butchered women, now serves time among them. Rivers serve time leading up to the trial and conviction in the Santa Rita Jail. This is the result of a 2021 law in California that allows inmates to “self-ID” as whatever sex they choose. Tomiekia Johnson is an inmate at Chowchilla, and shared her experience of being incarcerated alongside Rivers. Continue reading “TOMIEKIA JOHNSON REPORTS: Trans-identified male murderer Dana Rivers antagonizes female inmates in women’s Chowchilla prison”

By Alex Dhaliwal – Rebel News

Trudeau threatens a ‘grocery tax’ on food retailers to mitigate rising grocery prices

While at the Liberal caucus retreat in London, Ontario, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demanded grocers devise a plan to stabilize prices by Thanksgiving. Otherwise, tax measures may be on the way for retailers. Continue reading “Trudeau threatens a ‘grocery tax’ on food retailers to mitigate rising grocery prices”

By Katie Daviscourt – The Postmillennial

George Soros gives ‘TikTok Army’ of pro-Joe Biden activists at least $300K to push leftism on young voters

Far-left billionaire George Soros is once again meddling in the United States presidential election in support of the Democrat Party. The controversial philanthropist has donated more than $300,000 to an “army of Gen-Z TikTokers” to get them to praise President Biden and push extreme-left policies such as defunding the police, ending cash bail, and abolishing federal border enforcement agencies. Continue reading “George Soros gives ‘TikTok Army’ of pro-Joe Biden activists at least $300K to push leftism on young voters”