Aug.28, 2023 – Larissa Borges, 33 year old Brazilian fitness influencer died suddenly on Aug.28, 2023 after suffering double cardiac arrests. She was traveling in Gramado, Brazil when she had 1st cardiac arrest, went into a coma, then had a 2nd cardiac arrest that was fatal.
🚨 MUST WATCH: Cancer Genomics Expert Dr. Phillip Buckhaults Testifies to the SC Senate on the DNA Contamination Found in mRNA COVID Vaccines
“The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasmid DNA, it’s not just mRNA…I’m kind of alarmed about the possible consequences of…
They pummel a woman in order to steal cigarettes in Seattle. How many more of these videos until the public starts to demand another round of tough-on-crime legislation?
Migrants on Lampedusa, Italy are setting up barricades and establishing territorial control over certain areas of the island.
🔊 … 🚨🚨🚨
Italy’s sovereign control of their territory is being lost. Will Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni sit by as the island is taken? More boats…
10k military-age men storm an Italian island in a span of 3 days, outnumbering the 6k who live there
This is happening all across the West but on a more subtle scale. Western civilization as we know it will be gone within a generation.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued a subpoena on Friday targeting Elvis Chan, the FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the San Francisco Field Office.
FOX News sources capture a FerroMex train bursting with migrants out of Zacatecas heading to our southern border right now… cheering and clearly not heeding the message: “do not come”
Thirty-six year old Alexina Wattiez received the devastating news that she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. In 2021, doctors told her she would not survive another year. By the spring of 2022, her health had deteriorated to the point that she chose Belgium’s controversial euthanasia program to end her life in what she hoped would be a more peaceful and less painful way to die. Continue reading “Woman Euthanized in Belgium Heard Screaming by Loved Ones as She was Suffocated by Pillow”
Dana Rivers, a trans-identified male who murdered a lesbian couple and their son in 2016, then set their house ablaze in an attempt to cover up the murder, has been sentenced to serve out the life sentence in the Central California Correctional Facility in Chowchilla, Calif. Rivers, who butchered women, now serves time among them. Rivers serve time leading up to the trial and conviction in the Santa Rita Jail. This is the result of a 2021 law in California that allows inmates to “self-ID” as whatever sex they choose. Tomiekia Johnson is an inmate at Chowchilla, and shared her experience of being incarcerated alongside Rivers.Continue reading “TOMIEKIA JOHNSON REPORTS: Trans-identified male murderer Dana Rivers antagonizes female inmates in women’s Chowchilla prison”
WOW: CDC Director Mandy Cohen is recommending a COVID mRNA booster for everyone 6 months and older, claiming the decision was based on extensive data and clinical trials.
However, Pfizer’s latest booster recently received approval based on a study involving 10 mice. It has no…