Hip Surgery

Three patients limp into three different doctors’ with the same complaint….they all have trouble walking and may require hip surgery…

Patient 1. 
Is examined within the hour, is X-Rayed the same day, and has a time booked for surgery the following week.  The total cost for the operation is $2400.00

Patient 2. Goes to the E.R. is examined within the hour, is X-Rayed the same day, and has a time booked for surgery the following week.  Gets no bill for copay or deductible.  In fact gets no bill at all.  Cost for this patient $0.00.  

Patient 3. Sees his family doctor – after waiting 3 weeks for an appointment – then waits 8 bed-ridden weeks to see a specialist.  Gets an X-Ray, which isn’t reviewed for another week, and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months from then, pending the review board’s decision on his age and remaining value to society.  Gets bill for deductible which is $7,500.00 and has a copay of 20% which equals $6,000.00. Total cost for this citizen $13,500.00.

Why the different treatment for the three patients?

Patient 1.  Is a golden retriever taken to a vet.

Patient 2.   Is an illigal alien.

Patient 3.  Is a senior citizen (or anyone) on Obamacare

18 thoughts on “Hip Surgery

  1. You forgot the 4th scenario which happened with me.
    Patient 4 Goes to his doctor complaining of what he thinks may be arthritis in knees, elbows, wrists and fingers. Doctor says it is and he can offer cortisone injections which will make the patient feel great for a short while then patient will be a candidate for joint replacements. Both doctor and patient know replacements do not last and cause great pain and complications. Patient asks if there is anything the doctor knows outside allopathy that may help. Doctor grills patient about life goals and lifestyle. Doctor finds patient is adult enough to act accordingly and doctor tells patient to take glucosamine sulfate. Patient does and in 3 weeks most symptoms abate with no complications and at the cost of 5 frn’s per bottle of 100 caps taken at the rate of 3 a day. Since patient is becoming an adult though chronologically he has been for years he does research into arthritis and discovers dairy is not a good food and arthritis is a common side effect of ingesting it. Patient stops dairy and glucosamine and is free of ALL symptoms. Patient finds his morning nausea is also gone as a result of stopping dairy. Patient finds his energy is greater and more long lasting as well. Doctor is forced to relinquish his license because of dispensing similar advice and helping addicts actually get over their addictions caused by other doctors.
    We fail for lack of knowledge and lack of wanting knowledge.

    1. hey Joe. the same thing happened to me as well. however i took about 2 months to see results but what a difference with glucosamine sulfate.
      an old g.p. told me about it years ago. that’s real medicine.

      1. hey Joe and Paul…. years ago I was advised to get a knee replacement but I said no way no more surgeries for me…..so I stopped eating all grains and dairy and went on glucosamine and msm and after a few months was just about as good as new

        1. Hey mary in ND. What good news. I don’t trust the white coats. They keep wanting me to come in for a yearly maintenance check up. hah. My body will tell me if I need to do something. I don’t need a bunch of drug pushers to look for something to treat me for.

      1. Hi Katie. The stuff works. However one should make sure it is plant based. The synthetic will work but not as good as the plant based. I use Glucosamine sulfate, MSM, condroiton combination. As i understand it they work shynergisticly. However the glucosamine sulfate alone works well too.

          1. I looked on Amazon and found many. The big problem I see with every brand is the pills are large and you need to take 3 -4 a day. They are also expensive. More than a few people reported getting diarrhea and had to quit. Not for me….

  2. And don’t forget scenario 5:
    Patient doesn’t even consider going to doctor because he can’t afford to pay the ridiculously inflated price of insurance so he goes to see Smith & Wesson Healthcare Services instead.

  3. It happened to me with my shoulder. It finally was replaced, one more to go. I had to raise holy hell, and threaten to go to my congressman, and bring it to the media, but it finally happened. I MAY have to do the hellraising again, unless Trump wins. I sure hope he does, otherwise we may become what was termed “useless eaters” by a government similar to the one Hillary will force on us, should she, GOD FORBID, be elected.

  4. The last time I had to have surgery, it was because they dropped the ball, and missed my collapsed lung on the x-ray.

    The final follow-up visit to make sure they had put me back together properly was the LAST time I ever spoke to a ‘doctor’.

    After which, I cured my own cancer.

    1. I would like to talk with you about that. I did an experiment with B17 with a lab rat that had cancer. I don’t know weather you are reticent about posting your e-mail or if it is ok to use this forum but if you are willing to talk one of my other e-mails is flyingputer@yahoo.com. From there I am happy to either give you my phone or to take yours if you prefer.

      1. It’s no secret, joe. I’ve posted (and reposted) as much as I know about curing cancer on FTT. Here is the post with the original comments, and you can garner additional info/insight from many of those.

        B17 cured not only my cancer, but Mark Schumaker’s & my friend Johnny’s as well. I just sent the following article to a friend of mine here in Sweet Home last week, and his neighbor that’s been taking the toxic chemo pills read it. He’s already eating the kernels, and should be cancer-free within a couple months (depending on quantity being consumed).

        This cure is 100% effective.


        Sorry, but I no longer have a phone.

  5. Another option which we took:
    Went online and purchased an “emergency war surgery kit” and “War surgery handbook” to take care of all problems. Anesthetic comes in the form of a good hit on the head or vodka, maybe neither if you pass out first.

    Not ABOUT to see any “DoKtor,” some of the locals here did and my god… I have seen more people messed up by going in for surgery or to see a doktor than cured. One “dentist” here (chinese gook commie moved in and works at the clinic in town) routinely yanks teeth for no reason and falsifies everything to get more mammon. No one is willing to believe it till you listen to the nightmarish stories of what she does to them. Bitch even tries to seduce others into getting unnecessary surgery.

    Some of the nightmarish things I have seen done by doktors and surgeons… I will take my chances at home just putting up with it or doing the cutting and stitching on myself. That is before they bill you too, YIKES!

  6. Dropped a 400 pound rotary mower on my toe and broke it. I set the toe and life went on. It’s healing, but I haven’t lost the black toenail yet. I follow the story on here a few months ago about real lemons to dissolve buildup in the joints and feel great.

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