I know Ukraine is yesterday’s news, but in case anyone cares, the American transvestite who threatened to murder American journalists has been reinstated as the Ukrainian military spokesman. NATO has since praised “her.”

One thought on “I know Ukraine is yesterday’s news, but in case anyone cares, the American transvestite who threatened to murder American journalists has been reinstated as the Ukrainian military spokesman. NATO has since praised “her.”

  1. So, He/She/He is “an American serving as an Ukrainian infantry soldier…” How noble!! Then has the gall to say that the freedom being fought for in Ukraine “most closely resembles the heroic efforts of American patriots in 1775!” Surrrrre, those folks back then were fighting to be ruled by kings and bankers and to be made slaves/subjects, and to have all their hard-earned wealth stolen from them. That was their dream. Just ask Patrick Henry or Samuel Whittemore. Hahahahahahaha. He/She/He sure twists and distorts (spits on) our history, but soon He/She/He will understand the real meaning of 1775.


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