Message from Adams: No one is coming to save us… we must fight or be destroyed

Natural News – by Mike Adams

If you’re waiting for someone to save you from the tidal wave of corporate censorship, government authoritarianism and deranged left-wing violence, you’re following a mirage. No one is coming to save you. If you want to live as a free person in a free world, you’re going to have to demand it, fight for it and secure it.

Tech giants, for example, absolutely will not stop their censorship unless they are forced to stop.  

Tyrannical government will never shrink its own size and power unless it is forced to shrink.

There are no saviors running for office.

There are no angels running tech companies.

And God is not going to intervene and stop evil people from destroying our world.

No one is coming to save us.

We’re going to have to fight this (metaphorical) battle ourselves. It’s time we all owned up to this reality and started taking action to protect our basic human rights in the face of unrestrained tyranny. Destroying the tech giants’ censorship stranglehold on humanity is now a matter of self-defense.

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3 thoughts on “Message from Adams: No one is coming to save us… we must fight or be destroyed

  1. This article is a living example of exactly WHY I cringe when other Trenchers would rail and complain against Mike Adams …

    I don’t know exactly what it was in his past that others so adamantly oppose or why they slander him, but I have seen only good and jus articles from him … maybe he is a Shill, but I have seen no evidence of it!

    Please advise if you can specify any substance to the contrary …

    1. He has always seemed to me, quite genuinely concerned with ethical decision making and the like. If he has products to sell, it is not as blatent as Dr. Mercola is.
      I do wonder where all these people get the high tech microphones and studio equipment, but it may have come prior to “demonetization”.
      Regardless of perceived agendas, most of what Mike Adams has to say is correct.

  2. I’m one of those who have criticized Adams (not as much as Zionist shill Jones, but still…I have often conflated Adams with Zionism as well.), but I do support his stance here. He is wealthy, though. Maybe this RealVideo platform of his is the read deal, maybe not. In any case, if he gets shut down like Dr. Eowyn has (and his site I think has reported FOTM shut down), this is a bad thing too.

    Wealthy alt-media guys who have been censored like Adams has need to come up with an alt-blogging platform with no censorship whatsoever. Who knows? they may be coming for me, next, and I don’t have Adams’s money! Long live the Bill of Rights!

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