By Dave DeCamp –

The White House announced on Tuesday that the US is sending a new $300 million arms package to Ukraine that includes more cluster bombs, which are notorious for killing and maiming civilians. Continue reading “US Sending Ukraine More Cluster Bombs as Part of New $300 Million Arms Package”

By Dan Frieth – Reclaimthenet

An appeal for a response from the Mexican government has been lodged by an international human rights organization, following the conviction of Mexican congressman and ex-presidential candidate Gabriel Quadri. He was found guilty of “political violence” due to a social media post about gender issues. This development raises significant concerns about freedom of speech and political censorship. Continue reading “Mexico: Congressman Charged With “Violence” for X Posts Receives International Rights Groups Attention”

By Jarryd Jaeger – The Postmillennial

Boeing whistleblower's family says 'hostile work environment' to blame for death

The family of the Boeing whistleblower who allegedly committed suicide while in the process of testifying in a lawsuit against the aircraft manufacturer has spoken out, blaming his death on a “hostile work environment.” Continue reading “Boeing whistleblower’s family says ‘hostile work environment’ to blame for death”

By Didi Rankovic – Reclaim The Net

The UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) has been toiling away in relative obscurity for decades, but it was the pandemic that really brought it to the fore. Continue reading “Latest Draft WHO Amendments to International Health Regulations Still Contain References To Power Over “Misinformation,” Vaccine Passports”

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

Former Project Veritas & O’Keefe Media Group operative and Pfizer formulation analyst scientist Justin Leslie revealed previously unpublished recordings showing Pfizer’s top vaccine researchers discussing major concerns surrounding COVID-19 vaccines. Leslie delivered these recordings to Veritas in late 2021, but they were never published:

Continue reading “Buried Project Veritas Recording Shows Top Pfizer Scientists Suppressed Concerns Over COVID-19 Boosters, MRNA Tech”

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Belgian nationalist activist and former member of parliament Dries Van Langenhove was sentenced to one year in prison on Tuesday for being part of a private group chat seven years ago where people shared “racist” and “antisemitic” memes. Continue reading “Belgian Nationalist Sentenced to a Year in Prison Over ‘Hateful Memes’ Shared in Private Group Chat”