
FBI “Next Generation Identification” (NGI) 2012

Federal practices for spying on social media:  

600 law enforcement agencies use some form of social media:   Continue reading “The FBI’s “Next Generation Identification” (NGI) 2013″

The DC Caller – by Josh Peterson

Nearly 2 million of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Twitter followers are not real.

According to the Twitter analytics application Status People, 37 percent of Michelle Obama’s 5,290, 506 Twitter followers — or approximately 1,957,487 followers — are considered fake. Thirty-five percent of her followers are inactive, and 28 percent are considered “good,” or real.   Continue reading “Michelle Obama has nearly 2 million fake Twitter followers”

Screen Shot 2013-09-22 at 4.44.23 PMTech Crunch – by Alex Wilhelm

[Sunday] the AP reported that President Barack Obama’s promised NSA review panel is channeling the entity that it is supposed to inspect, hiding behind layers of government bureaucracy and obfuscating its work.

The AP states that the review panel is lodged in offices provided by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Even more, the DNI is running its media strategy, vetting requests through its own press office. Any whiff of independence that the group might have hoped to engender is now certainly gone.   Continue reading “The NSA Review Panel Is An Even Bigger Joke Than We Previously Thought”

states-private-prisonsStoryLeak – by Daniel G. J.

State and local governments have signed contracts that obligate them to keep a certain number of people in jail (with numbers around 96% occupancy) to bolster the profits of privately run prisons, a survey indicates.

Many governments have signed contracts with corporations that contain “prison-bed occupancy guarantee” clauses, a group called In the Public Interest reported. These lockup clauses obligate the governments to keep between 80% and 100% of prison beds full even if the crime rate is falling. Once again, we see a complete disregard of constitutional rights.   Continue reading “Slave Dollars: State Guarantee Private Prisons 96% Occupancy”

Electronic Frontier Foundation – by HANNI FAKHOURY

As the highest court in Massachusetts considers whether cell-site data is private in the context of the Fourth Amendment, we filed an amicus brief arguing that when the police want to be able to recreate your every step—figuring out your patterns of movement, where you’ve been and with whom—they must obtain a search warrant.   Continue reading “New Amicus Brief Urges Massachusetts to Require Warrants for Cell Tracking”

Ohio driver's licenseReason – by J.D. Tuccille

Last month came word that Ohio’s sneaky Attorney General Mike DeWine had quietly integrated facial recognition software into the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway, a state database that includes driver’s license photos. Caught, the AG promised to create a commission to develop protocols for using the technology, tacitly admitting that no safeguards were in place on a system that turned every Ohio driver into a participant in a police line-up—if the system were used as intended—and a potential stalking target by any whack job with a badge. Now comes news that the ranks of potential whack jobs with access to the database are larg, indeed—larger than in any other state, at least.   Continue reading “30,000 Cops Can Access Ohio’s Facial Recognition Database Without Oversight, Says Report”

nccu shootingMy Fox 8

DURHAM, N.C. — Campus police fatally shot a man near North Carolina Central University overnight after the man “challenged them with a gun,”according to WRAL.

WRAL reports Durham police tracked a suspect who was believed to be armed near the campus Monday night, prompting a lockdown at the university around 10:15 p.m.   Continue reading “Report: Campus police shoot, kill armed man near NCCU”

Bullet Proof DieselAmmoLand

MESA, Ariz. –-( The owners of Bullet Proof Diesel are encouraging their employees to bring guns to work.

“If people were going to come in here and cause harm knowing that half the people in here may be armed I think it would make them think twice about it,” said Ken Neal with Bullet Proof Diesel.   Continue reading “Mesa Business Owners at Bullet Proof Diesel, Encourage Guns At Work”

Gun Rights Policy ConferenceAmmoLand

U.S. Representative Steve Stockman (R-TX) will be among the speakers at the 2013 Gun Rights Policy Conference at the Marriott Hotel Houston, Tex. Airport hotel, an event that will also feature several national gun rights leaders.

Congressman Stockman will speak during the annual awards luncheon.   Continue reading “28th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference – Next Weekend”

corporate-welfare-6k-familiesStoryLeak – by Daniel G. J. 

Corporate welfare is far more costly than we thought. Writer Paul Bucheit estimated that direct and indirect subsidies to large corporations take $6,000 a year out of the average family’s bank account.

The payments to big businesses from the average household making $72,000 a year include:   Continue reading “Corporate Welfare Costs Average American Family $6,000 a Year”

The Hill – by Bernie Becker

The Senate’s top tax writers have promised their colleagues 50 years worth of secrecy in exchange for suggestions on what deductions and credits to preserve in tax reform.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and the panel’s top Republican, Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah), assured lawmakers that any submission they receive will be kept under lock and key by the committee and the National Archives until the end of 2064.   Continue reading “Tax writers promise 50 years of secrecy for senators’ suggestions”

Robert Small deserves an apology Baltimore Sun -by Liz Bowie

The Howard County father whose arrest became a viral web video and a cause celebre of conservative talk radio won’t be prosecuted for disrupting a meeting on state education standards.

The Baltimore County state’s attorney’s office dropped assault charges Monday against Robert Small, who had been led out of the Thursday night meeting in Towson by an off-duty police officer. Small interrupted education officials, complaining that new standards were aimed at sending children to community colleges.   Continue reading “Charges dropped against Maryland parent who spoke against Common Core standards”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Another top microbiologist has been killed, this time in Kenya during the recent massacre. Coincidentally, or not, Elif Yavuz also worked for Bill Clinton at the Clinton Foundation. For those who have been paying attention, the the list of scientists who have met their untimely demise is astounding. Was Elif Yavuz merely in the wrong place at the wrong time or is there more to her death? Did she know something about the more than 50 African children who had recently been paralyzed due to the Bill Gates backed meningitis vaccines? Conspiracy theory forums are going crazy about this one. At the bottom of this story are two videos, the first one a Steve Quayle video detailing the ‘dead scientists conspiracy theory’ with the 2nd one a video report about her death.   Continue reading “Top Microbiologist Killed In Kenya; Worked For Clinton Foundation”

The New Boston Tea Party

For ease of navigating the Executive Orders, the most recent and most searched for Executive Orders are listed below here on the main Executive Order page. The full list is to large to keep it all on one page. To make it easier to view and faster to load the list has been broken out by year. Click on the following links to view that years Executive Orders.   Continue reading “Obama’s Executive Orders”

Hey Lyndsey, I have something here that might interest you!Veterans Today

Hey Lyndsey, I have something here that might interest you!  – ” Oh my!”

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson voices a common opinion for the military and intelligence communities, who generally despise both of them as political and personal low lifes

[ Editors Note:  McCain has long been regard as a security risk, and Graham, although for different reasons. People who have gotten close to McCain’s hidden story of his Hanoi Hotel days have ended up dead. As for Graham, his being the Air Force reserve colonel who can collect a pension, but never showed up for work, does not go down well.   Continue reading “McCain, Graham ‘bordering on being traitors’”