The Japan Times

OTSU – Radioactive cesium has been found on an estimated 200 to 300 tons of wood chips that were left months ago near Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, prefectural officials said.

Samples of the chips show a reading of up to 3,000 becquerels per kilogram, the officials said Tuesday. The readings are below 8,000 becquerels, the threshold requiring special measures such as keeping the contaminated material from coming into contact with water, but exceed 100 becquerels, the maximum allowed for reuse.   Continue reading “Tons of cesium-tainted wood chips found near Japan’s biggest lake”

Top StoriesKEYE TV

CHICAGO (AP) — Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn says he’s open to sending National Guard troops or state police to assist Chicago police with curbing violence if city officials want the help.

He says state police have helped in places like East St. Louis, but only when local authorities coordinate things.   Continue reading “Illinois Governor Open To Send State Troops To Combat Chicago Violence”

Kansas City Star – by Donald Bradley

Ted Porter slips on the ice, lands on his rear and goes flying across the high Montana glacier on his back.

That’s how his story begins. Or maybe it starts before, when he failed to put ice-digging crampons on his boots.

Or does it really begin years earlier when Ted, growing up a Kansas City kid, decided he would rather climb mountains than play tennis?   Continue reading “KC native’s will to live defeats a Montana glacier”

syriaShouldn’t they be waving the flag and not their feet, in the air?

Yahoo News – by Paul Szoldra

A number of girls from Tunisia have become pregnant after traveling to Syria to participate in “sexual jihad,” according to Lotfi Bin Jeddo, Tunisia’s Interior Minister.   Continue reading “Tunisian Girls Are Coming Home Pregnant After Performing ‘Sexual Jihad’ In Syria”

and-the-truth-shall-set-you-free-4007-articles.htmlDo you remember General Wesley Clark telling us that the generals in the Pentagon were told in 2001 to take down 7 countries in 5 years? Egypt was not on that list. Now you know why.

Cresent International – by Abu Dharr

Who exactly is General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi? Born to a Moroccan Jewish mother, his maternal uncle was a member of David Ben Gurion’s political party. How did this Sephardi sleeper stay within the loop without being exposed for so long and rising to the top spot in the military?   Continue reading “And the Truth Shall Set You Free – General Sisi is Jewish”

Before It’s News

This Post Covers Censorship!
Namely – ScrewTUBE!

!!! I Urge All to Save These Below Videos Locally and Repost !!!

Every one of these below videos has cost me a Strike, A Channel Lock Out, or…
My Channel Removed Completely on ScrewTUBE.   Continue reading “Banned @Youtube BUT, Linked Any Damn Way! -Copy Share- SO THEY “NEVER GET RID OF” THESE BANISHED VIDEOS!!”

Chicago Tribune – by Adam Sege

The man who landed his airplane on Lake Shore Drive early Sunday morning peered past rows of police cars, gaping drivers and news trucks, searching for his fiancee’s red SUV while giving her directions.

“You can’t miss it,” said the soft-spoken pilot into his cellphone.

Indeed, the sight of an airplane parked on a strip of grass by Buckingham Fountain caused quite the spectacle Sunday morning. Police officers posed for photos, drivers slowed for a closer look, and joggers and bikers on the lakeshore path traded witty one-liners.   Continue reading “Airplane finds surprising landing strip: Lake Shore Drive”

pelosiAgainst Crony Capitalism – by Hunter Lewis

And it is not funny.

There are two sides of the coin of crony capitalism. One side is bad economic policies that enrich the few connected to government while leaving behind the general public, the middle class, and the poor. The other side of the same coin is a closely related collapse in morality throughout our society. Hard work and honesty are out; knowing the right people and lying are in.   Continue reading “There Nancy Pelosi Goes Again”

Town Hall – by Christine Rousselle

On Thursday, 13 people were shot and injured in a park in Chicago. The shootings were carried out by an “assault style rifle” with a high-capacity magazine, both of which are already banned in the city of Chicago. Nevertheless, Chicago Police Superintendent Garry F. McCarthy has called for a nationwide ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.  Continue reading “Chicago Police Chief Calls for Nationwide Assault Weapon and High-Capacity Magazine Ban”

11-style-attack-in-KenyaAtlas Shrugs

At request of the Kenyan government “Israeli special forces now operating to try and end Nairobi Mall siege.” It’s interesting to watch how the free world responds in a post-American Obama world.

Jihad in Kenya: Muslim Group holds non-Muslims hostage after massacre in Kenyan mall siege, 39 dead, 150 injured

Among those killed yesterday in the jihad attack aginst Kenya by the devout Muslim group, al-Shabbab, was a Canadian diplomat, the Kenyan president’s nephew and his fiancé, and Ghana’s leading poet. Three British, two French, one Australian and one Chinese citizen also confirmed dead.  Continue reading “Kenya calls in Israeli Special Forces to help end jihad seige in mall”

Press TV

A US Navy helicopter has crashed into the Red Sea, the military said in a statement. It added that the fate of five crew members “is still being determined.

The MH-60S Knighthawk was flying with the guided missile destroyer USS William P. Lawrence, part of a carrier group dispatched to the region to threaten Syria.   Continue reading “US copter crashes into Red Sea; crew members missing”

Before It’s News – by Earthchanges and News Event 

September 22, 2013 – OREGON – Sitting on a major fault line, Oregon is “like an eight-and-a-half-month pregnancy, due any time now” for a major earthquake, a geologist with the Oregon Office of Emergency Management told an overflow crowd Friday in Medford. “

We’re in the zone, and we’d darn well better get ourselves ready for it,” said Althea Rizzo, geology hazard coordinator for OEM. “A lot of you may have moved here from California to escape them, but the fact is, Oregon is earthquake country.”   Continue reading “Oregonians Warned To Prepare For Big One – roads cut off for 5 years, no electricity for 3 months, no gas for 6 months”

Still From Haaretz VideoInternational Middle East Media Center

A Palestinian worker working for an Israeli contractor, without work permit, was seriously injured at a renovation site in Tel Aviv, and instead for calling for professional medical help, the Israeli contractor dragged him onto the ground and left him to die on the sidewalk.

Israeli daily, Haaretz, has reported that the Palestinian man, identified as Ehsan Abu Srour, 54, from the Askar refugee camp, in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, suffered serious injuries and was abandoned by the contractor, who did not even try to resuscitate him or call for help.   Continue reading “Israeli Contractor Leaves Injured Palestinian Worker to die”