Ene News

AFP, September 10, 2013: […] TEPCO’s own estimates suggest the full decommissioning of the site could take up to four decades and that much of the trickier work is yet to be done — notably the removal of reactor cores that have probably melted beyond recognition. According to the utility’s own plan, these reactor cores — which are feared to have seeped into the containment vessels and possibly even eaten through thick concrete — will be removed around summer 2020, just as thousands of athletes descend on Tokyo.   Continue reading “AFP: Fears that Fukushima melted reactor cores have “eaten through” concrete of containment vessels — Tepco plan claims fuel to be removed at same time as 2020 Olympics in Tokyo”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Russian warships have gone into an offensive position in the Mediterranean Sea, awaiting the slightest signs of provocation by US warships in this breaking story from FARSNews. This story also shares that any US attack against Syria will lead to ‘Putin entering the scene and Syria attacking Israel.’ Also warned of are ‘unpredictable consequences’ and Barack Obama’s impeachment by Congress. The story and video reports, including a new Alex Jones video, are below.   Continue reading “Russian Warships Go On Offensive In Syria, Await Slightest American Provocation”

CNS News – by Susan Jones

As promised in his Fiscal Year 2014 budget, President Obama has just informed Congress that he will cap next year’s pay raise for U.S. military personnel at 1 percent, instead of the 1.8 percent raise set by the formula Congress established.

The announcement came on Friday afternoon, at the start of the long Labor Day weekend, in a letter to Congress.   Continue reading “Obama Reduces 2014 Pay Hike for U.S. Troops, Still Fighting in Afghanistan”

Government Security News – by Jacob Goodwin

To arm the precision marksmen who are part of the U.S. Border Patrol Tactical Unit’s precision marksman/observer program, CBP plans to procure 40,000 rounds of .308 Hornady 168 grain, A-MAX Tactical Application Police ammunition.

“The PM/O has the ability to engage threats that cannot be successfully or tactically engaged by other Border Patrol or law enforcement personnel,” says the CBP’s solicitation, which was issued on September 6.   Continue reading “Border Patrol wants 40,000 rounds of .308 Hornady ammo for its top marksmen”

Examiner – by Kurt Hofmann

The National Constitution Center has embarked on a project that they call “The Next Ten Amendments,” to discuss and debate ostensible “improvements” to the Constitution of the United States. One of these proposed changes aims, supposedly, to “better define” the right to keep and bear arms. Shall not be infringed is evidently too ambiguous for some. Looking just as one would expect of a document produced by an organization whose vice chairman is virulently anti-gun former Philadelphia Mayor and Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, here is their proposed “improvement” to the Constitutional guarantee of the fundamental human right to keep and bear arms–and it’s a doozy:   Continue reading “Gun prohibitionists’ attempts to rewrite 2nd Amendment are a good thing”

Yahoo News – by PAUL ELIAS

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The Obama administration is releasing hundreds of previously classified documents detailing activities of the country’s long-secret spy court that authorizes domestic surveillance programs.

In a court filing last week, the U.S. Department of Justice said it will turn over the documents to the Electronic Frontier Foundation by Tuesday. EFF officials said they’ll receive the documents in disk form and it will take some hours for technicians to upload the documents to the civil liberty group’s website later Tuesday.   Continue reading “Feds plans to release details of secret spy court”

Furious: Emilio Chavez III was so angry when he found a naked man pepping into his daughter's window that he can't remember severely beating he manDaily Mail

An Albuquerque, New Mexico dad who found a naked prowler peering into his young daughter’s room will face charges after seriously beating the peeping tom.

Police say Emilio Chavez III found 29-year-old Dylan Maho naked and making noises near a little girl’s window when he chose to exact vigilante justice and beat Maho so badly he was taken to the hospital.   Continue reading “A father has been arrested after beating a naked prowler he found peering into his daughter’s window…and he could face a LONGER sentence than the peeping tom”

kerry-boro.jpgThe New Yorker – by ANDY BOROWITZ

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Secretary of State John Kerry said today that he was “shocked and flabbergasted” that the Russians heeded his suggestion about Syria’s chemical weapons, telling reporters, “After four decades in public life, this is the first time someone has taken me seriously.”

“Whether as a senator, a Presidential candidate, or Secretary of State, I’ve devoted countless hours to thunderous and droning speeches that people have consistently tuned out,” he said. “So naturally, to be listened to all of a sudden came as something of a shock.”   Continue reading “Satire: Kerry Shocked to be Taken Seriously”

alert_condition_red_false_flag_operationsZen Gardner

The scenario described below of Syrian “rebels” gassing Israel is so very plausible. The masses who do not grasp the depths that the dark Controllers are willing to sink will fall for this once again, just like they did for 9/11 and a host of other self-inflicted wounds to manipulate the masses and justify the next move, or war. That Israel would gas itself, with the “gas chambers” of the “holocaust” dutifully kept in the forefront of the hive mind, would not enter the masses’ entrained thoughts.   Continue reading “False Flag Chemical Attack on Israel Imminent?”

Before It’s News – by N. Morgan

Man was attacked by 4 police officers, after being stopped for running a red light. The police followed David Scherzhome and the situation escalated into violence. Another case where over aggressive police take their rage out on the citizens of Harris County, Texas.

The family’s account is as follows: It was a traffic stop in north Harris County two years ago that led to a Saturday night news conference. David Scherz had allegedly run a stop a sign and said a Harris County Precinct 4 deputy constable followed him home. Hearing commotion on their driveway, relatives came outside. Continue reading “Man Suffers Brutal Beating At The Hands Of Police And Believes Video Will Prove Police Brutality”

I got away with murder again!The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Hillary Clinton left her position as Secretary of State in disgrace over the Benghazi scandal. Yet, rather than fade away to the background while thanking her lucky stars that she was not marched out of the White House in handcuffs, she is still running for the office of President. Clinton has reportedly raised over a billion dollars and will, again, attempt to win the Presidency.

Hillary Clinton is like the proverbial turd in the toilet that just will not flush. Political disgrace, a long trail of bodies and a history of profound political corruption does not deter her. She is determined to be your next President. One just has to wonder how many people must die for her to become President?   Continue reading “Hillary, “Just Shut Up!””

revisionist historyThe Organic Prepper

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”  ~ George Orwell

I was recently doing some research about the aftermath of some natural disasters that took place here in America. I was shocked to find that the articles I was looking for – ones that I had read in the past – were pretty hard to find, but articles refuting the sought-for pieces were rampant.  Not just one event, but every single crisis aftermath that I looked up, had articles that were written after the fact stating in no uncertain terms that the hunger, chaos, and unrest never happened.   Continue reading “The Disaster Myth Narrative: No One Panics, No One Loots, No One Goes Hungry”

Information Liberation – by Chris

“The US Used Depleted Uranium In Iraq, Israel Used White Phosphorous In Gaza, And Nobody Said Anything About “Red Lines!'”

There’s a reason you’re only getting snippets about Assad’s supposed “chilling warning” of “repercussions” to the US if his country is invaded, it’s because he calmly and succinctly exposed Obama and the US government’s hypocrisy through and through.    Continue reading “Watch The FULL Interview With Syrian President Bashar al-Assad You’re Not Seeing On TV”


Washington, D. C. – Newly disclosed U.S. government files provide an inside look at the Homeland Security Department’s practice of seizing and searching electronic devices at the border without showing reasonable suspicion of a crime or getting a judge’s approval.

The documents published Monday describe the case of David House, a young computer programmer in Boston who had befriended Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the soldier convicted of giving classified documents to WikiLeaks. U.S. agents quietly waited for months for House to leave the country then seized his laptop, thumb drive, digital camera and cellphone when he re-entered the United States.    Continue reading “DHS is targeting activists at the border confiscating smartphones and laptops without probable cause”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” –1 Thessalonians 5:3. This issue is not going away. 

(RT) – The Syrian government agrees to Russia’s proposal to hand its chemical arsenal over to international control in a bid to avert a possible strike by the US-led coalition, Interfax reported citing the Syrian Foreign Minister.   Continue reading “Peace: Syria Agrees to Russian Plan to Cede Their Chemical Weapons to International Community, U.S., China Back Proposal”


North Carolina – Can a firefighter pull over a motorist suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol? Perhaps not, a sharply divided North Carolina Court of Appeals ruled last Tuesday. Gordon Shatley, a Chapel Hill Fire Department lieutenant, was responding to a fire alarm when he stopped his fire engine at the intersection of Estes Drive and Fordham Boulevard at 10:30pm on May 27, 2011. To his left he saw a light-colored Mercedes stopped with a window partially rolled down in pouring rain with only parking lights and the interior dome light on.    Continue reading “Firefighters want to be allowed to conduct DUI traffic stops”

stock cop siren.jpgAccording to News12 New Jersey, the “grenade” turned out to be a salt-n-pepper shaker. 

N.J.com – by  Myles Ma

RIDGEFIELD PARK — An encounter with a man who said someone had broken into his car escalated into a bomb scare that led police to evacuate nearby residents and close Route 46 for hours, authorities said.   Continue reading “‘Irrational’ man locks himself in car, causes bomb scare on Rt. 46, police say”

Veterans Today – by Gilad Aztmon

In the next few days and completely against the will of the American people, hundreds of AIPAC activists will raid the American Congress to push for a war. Nothing new in that but still, one question  bothers me: How many of these pro-war Jews have sent their own sons and daughters to serve in the American military?

Bearing in mind that pretty much the same Lobby pushed for the invasion of Iraq in 2003, one might wonder whether Jews were fairly represented in the military forces or in the casualty statistics of that military blunder. I’d guess they were not.  It seems that the enthusiasm of the Lobby in pushing for wars for America doesn’t translate much into patriotism or sacrifice. The Lobby indeed pushes for wars, but somehow it’s always the gentiles who do the killing and the dying.   Continue reading “On AIPAC And Patriotism”