AP Gun Control RecallsUSA Today – by Martha T. Moore

Million-dollar campaigns, saturation advertising and massive canvassing have become commonplace in U.S. elections, especially in a swing state such as Colorado. A campaign underway there has all of the above – in a recall vote for two state senators that has become a showdown over gun policy and political dominance in a changing state.   Continue reading “Colo. recall over gun control turns into national fight”

That  US Marine was killed fighting for Israel, which had invaded Lebanon back in June 1982.

The Daily Star – by Rami G. Khouri

The intense debate within the United States these days about whether or not to attack Syria as punishment for the Damascus regime’s alleged use of chemical weapons is one of the most dramatic examples of democracy in action that I have ever witnessed – “the consent of the governed” in action. It is clear a large majority of Americans does not support a military strike. Only 36 percent of those surveyed approve launching a strike, according to a Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday, down from the 63 percent that approved military action last December. Opposition is almost the same across party affiliations.   Continue reading “A dead Marine and the Syria attack”

Right Wing Watch

On Friday’s broadcast, End Times radio host Rick Wiles asserted that President Obama was pressing for military action against Syria on behalf of his “spiritual father,” King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who groomed and financed his rise to power in America.

Calling for Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Boehner, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and others to be arrested and tried for treason, Wiles warned that the US will carry out a “false flag” terrorist attack in the United States that it could blame on Syrian president Bashar al-Assad as justification for military action:   Continue reading “Wiles: US Will Carry Out False Flag Terrorist Attack In US To Justify Military Action Against Syria”

marijuana trim 263x164 Bold Marijuana Legalization Ballot Measure Proposed in CaliforniaNatural Society – by Elizabeth Renter

Attitudes towards marijuana are changing across the nation, and subsequently, so are the laws. But none have been as bold as the newly proposed California Hemp Act 2014 (CHA) recently filed by the California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2014 (CCHI). The CHA would essentially legalize all marijuana and hemp, but unlike laws in a select few states, it would go so far as to stop the California state government from taxing or regulating marijuana at all.   Continue reading “Bold Marijuana Legalization Ballot Measure Proposed in California”

Aspartame: Genetically Modified Bacterial Excretions in Your Food And DrinkGreen Med Info – by Anne Gordon, RN

You’ve heard a lot about aspartame by now, the synthetic sweetener found in many diet soft drinks, thousands of foods and supplements. Indeed, its cancer-causing potential was recently discussed in the GreenMedInfo article: Aspartame: Putting the Die into Dieting since 1981. But when you realize that aspartame is produced from the excreta of GM bacteria (E. Coli) … it makes an already controversial product seem much less healthy.  The original patent is now available for the public to read online. Continue reading “Aspartame: Genetically Modified Bacterial Excretions in Your Food And Drink”

Credit: Twitter/@c_has_e24My Fox Chicago

CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) – A house exploded in the northwest Indiana city of Lowell, Indiana Monday night.

The explosion occurred around 8 p.m. Monday, in a home off of Route 2 near I-65. Police say at least one home was leveled and several other nearby homes caught on fire.    Continue reading “Explosion levels home, damages others in Lowell, Ind.”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

‘President Barack Obama’s Traveling Video Show’,  depicting Syrian sarin attack victims shows how the manipulation of YouTube videos can be used to achieve political ends.

The 13 graphic Syrian videos were shown to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, according to the panel’s website, which says they “explicitly claim to show victims of a chemical or poison gas attack.” (Yahoo News, Sept. 7, 2013) and were displayed for the television world on CNN, Saturday, with Jake Tapper describing what was on them.First came the obscure anti-Muslim video he blamed and never walked back for the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that took the lives of four courageous Americans.   Continue reading “Obama using al-Qaeda YouTubes to go to war in Syria”

3016951-inline-drone-license-deer-fieldFreedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

Do you remember the story of Deer Trail, Colorado and its passion for hunting drones? Well evidently that passion spreads beyond just a few people. It is being reported that roughly 1000 people have already applied for licenses.

The New York Daily News reports:

Hunters in Colorado are lining up for a hot new license: $25 to shoot down a government drone over the village of Deer Trail.   Continue reading “1000 People Apply for Drone Hunting Licenses in Colorado”

Project Censored

Former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers confirmed the presence of American nuclear warheads in bunkers at the Netherlands’ Volkel air base.  According to the Telegraph’s report, the Dutch airbase “houses 22 tactical nuclear bombs belonging to the United States as part of a Cold War military arsenal described by the country’s former Prime Minister as ‘absolutely pointless.’”   Continue reading ““Pointless” US Nuclear Weapons at Dutch Airbase”

800px-Foster_Farms_breast_nuggets_frozenThe Daily Sheeple – by Heather Callaghan

There are many reasons, this year, to believe that the USDA will be more lax than ever on meat safety. Eat large-scale and processed meats at your own risk.

Just before Labor Day weekend, the USDA quietly admitted that they have lifted the ban against processed chicken imports from China.

This is of great concern for multiple reasons.   Continue reading “USDA Lifts Ban on Chinese Processed Chicken Imports”

News Max – by Greg Richter

President Barack Obama says he is willing to wait weeks, but not months, as Congress debates taking military action against Syria.

Speaking to Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace as part of a media blitz on Monday, Obama said that he is aware he has yet to persuade a majority of the American public or Congress.   Continue reading “Obama: Willing to Delay Military Action on Syria”


“For the highest reach of injustice is to be deemed just when you are not.” Socrates – Plato’s Republic

My first awareness of the term Continuity of Government (CoG) came from reading former terror-czar Richard Clarke’s take on the US government failures on 9/11, Against All Enemies. While describing all the fancy high tech systems in place to ultimately be foiled by either human inefficiency (the official story) or nefarious planning (also the official story), Clarke expanded on the implementation of CoG on that world shaking day.   Continue reading “Continuity of Genocide”

vaccineNatural News – by Mike Adams

If you haven’t yet realized the truth about how vaccines contain hidden cancer viruses, prepare yourself to be shocked by the admission you’re about to hear. Decades ago, one of the most prominent vaccine scientists in the history of the vaccine industry — a Merck scientist — made a recording where he openly admitted that vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and cancer viruses.

In hearing this admission, his colleagues (who are also recorded here) break into laughter and seem to think it’s hilarious. They then suggest that because these vaccines are first tested in Russia, their side effects will help the U.S. win the Olympics because the Russian athletes will all be “loaded down with tumors.”   Continue reading “Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys”

Image via AFPRaw Story – by David Edwards

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) is planning to roll out a meat inspection program nationwide that will allow pork plants to use their own inspectors, but it has a history of producing contaminated meat at American and foreign plants.

The Washington Post reported on Monday that documents and interviews showed that a plan to allow hog plants to replace federal USDA inspectors with their own private employees had produced “serious lapses that included failing to remove fecal matter from meat” in three of the five plants that had participated in a pilot program for more than a decade.   Continue reading “USDA privatizing meat inspections with program that allowed ‘chunks’ of feces”

NPR – by Associated Press

EL-ARISH, Egypt (AP) — Egyptian troops and tanks backed by helicopter gunships swept through villages in the northern Sinai Peninsula near the border with the Palestinian Gaza Strip on Monday, the third day of a major offensive against Islamic extremists, a military official said. So far, some 20 suspected militants have been killed and 20 captured in the operation, he added.

Explosions rocked el-Mahdiya and Naga Shabana, two of several villages south of the town of Rafah, the official said, where the military hit targets and shelters used by militants wanted for the killing and abduction of Egyptian soldiers over the past year.   Continue reading “Egyptian Tanks, Helicopters Push Through Sinai”

With police in Illinois and Indiana stopping people for a just a glance or for walking down the same street as a criminal once did or even if you are taking a trip through Tennessee on Labor Day weekend and being forced to extract and donate your blood to the government, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the police are out of control in this country. From shooting dogs, old people and veterans to raiding homes without a warrant and beating people to death before realizing that they had the wrong house (sometimes even with a warrant), these acts of excessive force makes you wonder why more people aren’t rioting or declaring war on the police.   Continue reading “Police State Amerika Continues While Some People Are Still Left In Denial”

Continuing to write about the scams being dreamed up by local cities and counties, I have one more story to contribute.

Yesterday, Sunday, I came home to a warning by my mother that a visiting neighbor had called her from her cell phone as she was driving her van down the street we live on in Black Diamond, Washington.

She related to my mom that she had seen a blonde-haired lady in a blue shirt with a clipboard wandering up and down the street going door-to-door.  ‘She was the dog catcher’.   Continue reading “The Dog Catcher Scam”