Hispanic businesses in Alabama staged a so called “Sickout” protest last week in an effort to punish the people of Alabama for daring to pass laws designed to stop the illegal invasion of their state.  Evidently Hispanics called in sick for work and Hispanic businesses shut down for the day.  This is proof positive that the invasion of the illegal immigrants is an organized insurgency supported by the Hispanic 5th columns here and the Hispanic insurgents who have infiltrated our government.

Our response should be swift and decisive.  All Hispanic businesses supporting the illegal invasion of the State of Alabama should have their business licenses pulled.  The other businesses depending on Hispanic labor should require verified doctor’s notes and all who cannot produce them should be fired.
Continue reading “Hispanic Sickout Protests in Alabama”

Occupy Wall Street has turned into Occupy Everywhere as peoples around the world fill the streets in defiance of the international corporate mafia banking elite.  Here in the United States the different factions continue their intents to infiltrate the movement in a frenzied power grab.

The Reverend Al Sharpton was in Washington DC speaking for a Jobs & Justice March in an attempt to redefine the movement as a civil rights cause to address the issue of black unemployment.  This is yet another attempt by those rooted in the power structure to cause racial divide and weaken our unity.
Continue reading “Al Sharpton Attempts to Divide the People by Race”

Well the Gestapo is getting out the riot gear.  When the Occupy Wall Street movement began it did so through peaceful protest and the only real violence being displayed was that by the police, who have attacked innocent citizens with both pepper spray and billy clubs for doing nothing more than filming, or in some instances just standing on the street.  I believe these attacks by the police are specifically designed to instigate violence in order to eventually turn the protests into riots.

If you look at the propaganda blitz of the past week, the talking heads have been portraying the protesters as unruly, disruptive, and violent.  If you look at the live footage as I have, you have to be asking what the hell they are talking about.  The only violence I am seeing is being perpetrated by the police, who are in essence, ganging and assaulting citizens for no apparent reason.
Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street and Herman Cain’s 999 Defined”

It has been 285 days since the 112th Congress convened, and keeping in mind the illusion that the 2010 Midterm Elections were decided on one single issue, JOBS, how well have we the people been represented?  I think there has been three weeks that new jobless claims have not exceeded 400,000 as NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT continue to send hundreds of thousands more of our jobs out of our country.

The phony left says they desperately want to fix the economy and bring our jobs back and the phony right says the same thing.  And both sides point their finger at one another, saying it is their fault we can’t do anything.  Both sides portray the other to be a polar opposite.
Continue reading “New Trade Agreements, Nationwide Protests, and World War III, the Final Betrayal”

The FOX propagandists are once again unleashing their acid tongues on the Occupy Wall Street protesters.  Charlie Gasparino, a FOX Business Senior Correspondent, referred to the protesters as “dirty pot smoking hippies” saying that further demonization of the businesses on Wall Street will only make it harder for them to do business and hurt us all.  Gasparino went on to put forth a veiled threat for his corporate masters, saying that they may move their businesses out of the United States if the protesters do not stop attacking them.

Well I’ll tell you what, Charlie, you corporate butt sucker, you can tell your Wall Street masters that they can get the hell out yesterday.  We do not want, nor do we need them.  Tell them to take their sorry asses over to China or wherever else they can find people willing to put up with their elitist bullshit.
Continue reading “Corporate Elite Fleeing Wall Street”

Alex Jones of Infowars.com is reporting that the Occupy Wall Street protests have been co-opted by the democratic social communists.  Jones has gone on to say that our people no longer control the protests and the message.

I tell everyone reading this article; Alex Jones must be considered one of the most dangerous propagandists in the field.  While he is saying out of one side of his mouth that our people on the streets are losing the battle to the communists, out of the other side of his mouth he is coming to the defense of the Koch brothers.  Every free thinking patriot knows that the Koch brothers financed the neo-con’s attempt to take over the grassroots Tea Party.
Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street Protests, Enemies from Without and Within”

The new debate seems to be are the Occupy Wall Street and End the Fed movements being taken over and if so by whom?  This is proving to be a difficult question to answer and I will tell you why.  The grassroots movements cannot be taken over as they are made up of individuals acting in coordination with one another.  Look at it like this, if every communist and socialist comes to the rallies trying to take over, when their failure finally forces them to return home, nothing they say or do is going to stop we as individuals from voting Ron Paul into office, restoring our Republic, and driving the communist and socialists out with the rest of the scum.

Michele Bachmann says that the Occupy Wall Street and End the Fed protests have nothing in common with the Tea Party protests.  And speaking from her perspective as a neo-con trying to claim the Tea Party as her own, she is right.  The social communists and the neo-cons have absolutely nothing to do with the grassroots patriotic movement and we are going to show them just how insignificant they all are when the 2012 election rolls around.
Continue reading “Communists Failing in Hijacking the Occupy America Protests”