Tell me what actual benefit you receive from living the “normal” lifestyle – a 2 hour commute to work each day, spending 8 hours in a corporate cubicle that removes your individuality and creativity, to receive a paycheck from which the government has taken its huge and undeserved bite leaving almost enough to cover your bills and expenses – just so that you can live in the kind of house and drive the kind of car that your friends and relatives think you should live in and be driving.
We all must admit that for some strange reason that we don’t really understand, we feel a profound sense of accomplishment when we get approved for a mortgage, get a new credit card, or get the “big promotion” at work. There is a scene in the movie Brazil, (a version of 1984), in which Michael Palin lifts his mask as he is about to begin torturing Jonathan Pryce and says glibly, “Confess quick – you don’t want to ruin your credit rating!” We strive, we sacrifice health, family, and well-being for the opportunity to be a better slave.
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