we the people
Trea-son [tree-zuhn]: The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.
The Organic Prepper

If Patriots had a “most wanted” list, these people would be at the top of it.

The alleged crimes of this Dirty Dozen?  Betraying the American people from within by wantonly dismantling the Constitution, collapsing the economy, and creating an encroaching police state that rewards the few and restricts the many.  Each and every person on this list could rightfully be investigated for Treason against the United States of America.

This Gallery of Dishonor is by no means inclusive.  It contains, in alphabetical order, some of the most despicable but certainly not all. Continue reading “The Patriot’s Most Wanted: If There WAS a List, These People Would Be At the Top of It”

air defense systemsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

As the U.S. government continues to expand surveillance and monitoring systems to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars within the borders of the United States, a recent announcement regarding the country’s southern air defense systems is raising eyebrows.

Our southern border is, in part, protected by the Tethered Aerostat Radar System (TARS), which utilizes moored balloons hovering at about 15,000 feet to identify low flying aircraft and missiles that may penetrate the border and cross into U.S. airspace. Continue reading “Obama to Shut Down Southern Air Defense Systems: “It Will Be Open Season for Terrorists Flying In With Nukes, Low Altitude Missiles, Or Even Full Scale Invasion of America””

atfYears ago I spoke with a gunsmith about bringing in my .22 long-rifle to him for repair.
He said, “If you got the gun from your Grandfather when he died, you had better try to repair it yourself.  Each month the ATF picks up a log book from me to take to their office and register serial numbers that are to be logged into the book any time a gunsmith works on a gun. That means rifles as well as hand guns. If your Grandfather never registered the gun, then keep it hidden as a family heirloom. It is against the law for a gunsmith to work on a gun of any type and not write down its serial number for the ATF to collect at the end of each month. In effect, it is a backdoor gun registration idea.” Continue reading “Backdoor Gun Registration – Proof”

rgz Guns for Groceries 15SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Leave it to enterprising Americans to always find a loophole in the midst of ever-expanding government regulation.

While thousands of Seattle residents lined up for hours to trade their handguns, rifles and family heirlooms away in exchange for up to $200 in gift cards as part of the city’s latest gun buyback program, gun collectors who have seen prices for assault rifles and firearms accessories almost triple since November took advantage of a huge opportunity.

Police stood in awe as gun enthusiasts and collectors waved wads of cash for the guns being held by those standing in line for the buyback program. Continue reading “BACKFIRE: Seattle Gun Buyback Turns Into Gun Show; Collectors Waved “Wads of Cash” At Those In Line”

bronx elementary schoolNew York Post – by JESSICA SIMEONE and FRANK ROSARIO

A Bronx school went into lockdown this morning after a campus aide overheard a student talking about his gun — a toy gun it turned out, officials said.

The lockdown was called off after an hour and no weapon was found at PS 54, on Fulton Avenue and East 174th Street, officials said. Continue reading “Cops lock down Bx. elementary school after gun rumor sparked by talk about toy”

gang of eightThe so called “Gang of Eight” has put forth their agenda for legalization of 11.2 million illegal aliens.  We have mentioned in the past that the illegal invasion we are seeing from the south is in reality an attempt to replace our workforce here in the US with third world peasants and this latest proposal is just another step down that road.

There are 100 million American nationals out of work, in all reality, displaced, as the majority are baby boomers who were culled right when they had reached the top of their pay grade.   These 100 million American nationals have been swept under the rug by the mainstream propaganda machine.  Those 11 million illegals are in reality 110 million that are to displace us.  Continue reading “Communist Insurgency Gearing up for March”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Global Times, a newspaper described as an “angry Chinese government mouthpiece,” recently published an editorial in which it called for “urgent gun control,” in the United States, the second Chinese Communist Party publication to do so within the last month.

The newspaper’s January 17 front page editorial entitled Political inertia hinders gun control actionstates that there is “clearly an urgent need for gun control in the US,” lamenting that it will “be impossible for the country to ban guns.” Continue reading “Chinese Communist Party Mouthpiece Demands Obama Disarm Americans Again”

stingraysAll Gov – by Ken Broder

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is using an anti-terrorism device that indiscriminately sweeps up cellphone communications of innocent bystanders during burglary, drug and murder investigations.

LA Weekly wrote back in September that the police agency purchased Stingray technology in 2006 using Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funds, and is deploying the portable equipment for routine police operations. DHS grant documents said the device was intended for “regional terrorism investigations.” Continue reading “LAPD Uses Anti-Terrorism Devise to Track Cellphone Users”


Charlotte, NC –-(Ammoland.com)-  Today, the Arkansas Senate passed Senate Bill 71 by a 28-4 vote, with three senators not voting.

This legislation, introduced by state Senator Bryan King (R-5), would remove the absolute prohibition on concealed carry permit holders from being able to defend themselves in any church or other place of worship.  If SB 71 is passed and enacted into law, churches and other places of worship will be able to decide if permit holders will be allowed to carry concealed firearms on their property for self-defense. Continue reading “Arkansas: State Senate Passes Church Gun Carry, Bill Advances to House”

denver airportExaminer – by Caz Loth

The Denver International Airport is a strange conglomeration of anomalies and underground tunnels. One of the first sign that there’s something strange afoot a DIA is the system of grotesque murals and sculptures situated around the airport that contain images of depressing content like dead children, women carrying dead babies, the destruction of cities and forests, poisonous plants, dead animals and oppressive soldiers, all depicting scenes of negative portent with ominous tones. According to symbologists, many of these works of “art” and gargoyles are comprised of Masonic imagery and symbols of secret societies that supposedly trigger certain kinds of thoughts and emotions. Continue reading “Denver International Airport holds some deep dark secrets”

Obama ChristEnd of the American Dream – by Michael

If there is one country in the world that you would not want to live in, it would be North Korea.  Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day.

North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything.  Continue reading “22 Signs That Barack Obama Is Transforming America Into A Larger Version Of North Korea”

ahmadinejad32WND – by REZA KAHLILI

Sixteen North Koreans, including 14 technicians and two top military officers, are among those trapped after a Jan. 21 explosion destroyed much of Iran’s Fordow nuclear site, a source reveals.

The source who provided the initial information on the explosion at Fordow has now provided details of the explosion and the degree of the destruction at one of Iran’s most important nuclear sites. Continue reading “New Details Surface On Iran Nuclear Explosion”

International Man – by Jeff Thomas

During the Cold War, Germany moved much of its gold to New York in case the USSR invaded Germany. It was assumed at that time that the US would be a safer storage location, and of course, they could always ask to have it returned if they wished.

But German citizens have become increasingly worried about the security of the 1,536 tonnes of German gold reputedly held at the Federal Reserve in New York. This has resulted in the Bundesbank pursuing repatriation of the gold, beginning with a request to view it in the basement of the Federal Reserve Building, where it is claimed to reside. Continue reading “The Disappearing Gold”

marroccoYahoo News – by MARILYNN MARCHIONE | Associated Press

On Facebook, he describes himself as a “wounded warrior…very wounded.”

Brendan Marrocco was the first soldier to survive losing all four limbs in the Iraq War, and doctors revealed Monday that he’s received a double-arm transplant.

Those new arms “already move a little,” he tweeted a month after the operation. Continue reading “Soldier who lost 4 limbs has double-arm transplant”