Apparently the American tax payers are paying for Senator John Kerry to take a trip to Pakistan in an effort to smooth things over with the Pakistanis, as they seem to be a little put out over our recent violation of their sovereignty, in illegally crossing their border and murdering a few of their citizens that we are referring to as Osama Bin Laden and company.

Kerry will reportedly be trying to mend the fences and reestablish a good enough relationship between the Pakistani and American governments to allow the American tax payer to send the Pakistanis another $3 billion next year.
Continue reading “America’s Relationships in the Middle East”

A recent MSNBC special depicted American children having their identification stolen, some literally from birth.  One couple interviewed said nothing could be done about the problem, as they had been told by law enforcement that they did not have the time to find and punish the perpetrators.  MSNBC went on to find the man who had stolen the couple’s daughter’s identification within two days.  This man had run up a quarter to a half of million dollars in debt in the little girl’s name through making home loans.

So who are these people and how, or better yet why, are they getting away with this?  Well it all became clear when MSNBC went to interview a couple of them.  They spoke English so poorly that they could not be clearly understood.  So MSNBC brought in an interpreter to speak to them in their native tongue, Spanish.  Once one of the thieves got the gist of the inquiry, he went and got into his brand new pickup truck and drove away, saying in broken English that he was going to contact his lawyer.
Continue reading “Illegal Aliens Stealing Your Children’s Identity”

Becoming a 99er is certainly a culture shock.  Within the space of a couple of years, you go literally from riches to rags.  When you first realize that you just can’t to go right out and get another job, you become angry as you see your world falling apart and know you made no mistake to cause your downfall.  After a year with no money you find that you quit looking in shop windows and confine your time in the store to the grocery area as everything else is just out of the question.

As you’re selling off everything you own you are watching the rich Wall Street CEOs, who destroyed your life, prosper like they never have before.  Then you find out that your government, not only does not care about your plight, but has actually participated in orchestrating it.  At this point, some start thinking of suicide and others about murder.  But the truly intelligent started thinking about arresting the criminals, taking the money back, and seeing the thieves punished.  I think most 99ers have come to the healthy conclusion that all talk of unemployment extensions is just that, talk designed to stall.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – Another $50 Billion Found to Fund Unemployment Extensions”

Well the 2012 presidential contest seems to be picking up steam as more candidates enter the race, and it would seem there has to be an unspoken agreement within the one party system that no candidate will utter the word, “99ers.”  The new Republicrat presidential field is consisting of Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, and of course that guy that both sides of the false left-right paradigm agree cannot possibly by any stretch of the imagination, win.  And that would be Ron Paul.

The international corporate mafia is definitely afraid of Ron Paul.  Their petty attacks upon his character through their mainstream mouthpieces are blatantly ridiculous in their content.  These pathetic jerks actually think they have the journalistic clout to sell the idea that Ron Paul’s campaign is one of free heroin for every citizen.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – Who is Really on our Side?”

It is unbelievable listening to the propagandists on television trying to justify $50 billion in subsidies to the big oil companies.  The oil executives themselves assert that the billions of dollars in record profits they are making are well deserved, as they are just a result of their good business tactics.  Of course when the common peasant, poor or middle class, leaves the gas station in a state of shock, it is a different story.

I’m going to go out on a limb here.  Record prices at the pumps and record profits in the pockets of the oil barons.  Do you know what I think is going on?  I think that money they are piling up is coming right out of our pockets.  I also think that to suggest otherwise is nothing short of ludicrous.  Any way the oil executives say the only way we can get away from this record price gouging is to let them take more of our domestic oil, and sell it to us five cents cheaper. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Need Cheap Gas”

In a press release on her site, Barbara Lee struck out at Ways and Means Committee Chairman Camp saying,

“Chairman Camp’s bill to gut unemployment benefits for millions of jobless workers is just the latest Republican salvo in their war on our nation’s unemployed. It is cruel for Ways and Means Committee Republicans to further penalize unemployed workers across the country as we face an economy where there are more than 4 unemployed workers for every available job. Instead of moving on the bill that Rep. Scott and I introduced to extend aid for unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits, Republicans want to go backwards and cut existing unemployment benefits.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Letter to Barbara Lee”

It’s been four months and change since the 112th Congress first convened and they have done absolutely nothing to address the jobs issue that they were elected on.  Of course they use “Jobs” as a buzz word when making assertions that are unpopular with the people. 

If you listen to the neo-cons, who absolutely represent no one other than 20% of the top 10%, they say, “Cut taxes for the rich for jobs.  Cut Social Security for jobs. Cut Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and welfare for jobs.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters The First Four Months of the 112th Congress”

The stated reason that HR 589 or a Tier 5 unemployment extension could not be introduced on the House floor was that neither could be financed, just another lie in a long stream of lies.  The dirty little rat bastard Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee that is refusing to hear any legislation for unemployment extensions, has introduced his own bill, HR 1745 – Jobs, Opportunity, Benefits and Services (JOBS) Act of 2011. 

Apparently there is $31 billion sitting in a bank account which is unemployment money we have paid in.  Camp wants to take that money and turn it over to the states to use to give more tax cuts to the corporations that downsized our jobs.  This is a diversion and misappropriation of public funds.  Camp should be jailed for even suggesting it, as he is funneling tax payer money to the corporate sleaze buckets that put his treasonous arse into office. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters $31 Billion Found to Fund Unemployment Extensions”

The mainstream news is being inundated with traitors pushing for amnesty for the 40 million invaders from the south.  Representative Linda Sanchez (D) CA was on MSNBC trying to tell the American people that we need these invaders as they are the glue that holds our neighborhoods together.  She is a member of the Hispanic Caucus that procured a meeting with President Obama this week. 

How can people from another country, who have broken our law coming here, have more power than the American citizens?  Every member of this Hispanic Caucus is an insurgent and our government is selling out literally to the lowest bidder.  The Mexican third world is conquering and taking the United States like Grant took Richmond. 
Continue reading “Obama and His Illegal Alien Army”

Reps. Scott and Lee to Chairman Camp: Stop Penalizing Unemployed Workers, Work With Us to Extend Aid for the Long-term

“WASHINGTON, DC – Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Representative Bobby Scott (D-VA) released the following statement today in reaction to legislation offered by Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) that would gut unemployment benefits for millions of displaced workers. Representatives Lee and Scott have requested that Chairman Camp support their bill, HR 589, to extend aid for unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits. HR 589 currently has 80 co-sponsors in the House.
Continue reading “99ers, Barbara Lee's and Bobby Scott's Press Release Concerning HR 589”

Now that the long overdue acknowledgement of the death of Osama Bin Laden has finally occurred the citizens of the United States are asking the $2 trillion question.  Can we now bring our troops home?  Our country is in dire straits and cannot afford one more day of spending on foreign wars.  I have to believe that the people of the Middle East and North Africa will not be sad to see us go.  And our troops can certainly be kept active in securing our borders and expelling the illegal invasions coming from the south.

Of course the talking heads in the mainstream are pushing with all their might in trying to convince us that we must stay at war forever are we will never know peace.  This is an insane stance by any measure of reckoning.  Perpetual war for perpetual peace?  The American people are not buying this line and many, including myself, are fearing another false flag like 9/11 to be perpetrated by the CIA under the orders of the industrial war complex. 
Continue reading “Ron Paul will End the Wars and Return Morality to the USA”

Okay 99ers; let’s see where we stand today.  Our champion, Barbara Lee, in seeing that she is completely impotent in the realm of political shakers, has decided to join the Barry Soetoro status quo and begin working on dividing the people by race.  I see you Barbara Lee, and I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work.  The problem of unemployment is not one of race.  And you are not going to convince the unemployed Americans of darker skin to remove themselves from our united force with your promise of a socialist utopia. 

We are all; red, yellow, black, white, cowboy, hippy, rebel, yank; patriots and will pass on the dog food your socialism offers preferring the steak our Constitution insures.   You are a traitor, not only to your country but to your people.  And some day you will be punished for your crimes, maybe sooner than you think.
Continue reading “99ers and HR589 Supporters Separate the Traitors from the Patriots – Ron Paul for President”

Obama is coming on strong in his avocation of illegal immigration.  He has lost his base and believes the only way he can get a second term is for 40 million illegals to vote him in.  In watching the coverage of this subject the Hispanic Caucus was mentioned.  This caucus is unconstitutional as it is, in reality, the Mexican Caucus.  It does not advocate for Americans of Hispanic descent but rather for a Mexican insurgency in the United States. 

We cannot allow these traitors to go unchallenged as this illegal invasion represents a further confiscation of the property of the people by foreigners.  If 40 million Mexicans crossed our southern border armed and over the span of a couple of weeks, it could be called nothing short of an invasion.  There is no difference just because they came unarmed over ten years.  The reality is they are here and they are trying to take over our country.
Continue reading “Ron Paul and Illegal Immigration”

Well another week has passed and the only break in the Fukushima Power Plant news blackout in the mainstream was a short report showing a robot going into one of the contaminated reactors.  It is being reported in the alternate media that radiation levels have fallen to the point that humans will be going into the Number 1 Reactor.  As this reported reduction in radiation levels is not being explained as to how it could occur considering the exposed rods, quite frankly I do not believe it.

If you look at the refusal to report on the relevant facts associated with Fukushima, how can you believe any tidbit that asserts the positive?  We are talking about a nuclear power plant in meltdown.  In the real world we should be seeing at least daily reports in reference to the permeation of radiation in the United States.  It is absolute that to one degree or another we are being radiated more every day, from the air, to the sea, to the land, and to the bodies of every creature. 
Continue reading “Fukushima News Blackout Continues”

The propaganda coming out of the mainstream is unceasing in hyping the purported killing of Osama Bin Laden as the attempt to establish a new standard for the invasion of foreign sovereigns continues.  I think the biggest problem the propagandists are having is that the design of their propaganda for the past twenty years has been to dumb the American people down and reduce their memory span to about a week. 

If you look at it, it has taken a week of solid propaganda to keep the issue of the death of Bin Laden alive for that span of time.  If the propaganda abruptly stopped, I believe it would leave the minds of about 50% of the population within a single week. 
Continue reading “Libya, Pakistan, Death, and the Flag”

“If you are going to say, we’re not going to cut entitlements, you are saying we are going to go bankrupt.”  Or so says the filthy rich Ben Stein.  Certainly this man does not have an agenda.   Stein went on to say, “It is going to be hard cheese on a lot of us, such as old people” referring to himself as a part of that group.  Stein has never suffered a day in his life.  He is an elitist and a good friend of the ultra rich and powerful degenerate, Henry Kissinger. 

On an earlier appearance Stein said he did not understand how anyone could blame the oil companies for the high price of oil.  Well I’ll tell you how, you neo-con piece of dirt, when we are robbed at the pumps that money is going right into the pockets of the grossly filthy rich oil barons.  There are now four ultra elite oil companies which shows an ongoing consolidation of money and power in the industry, as that number was eight back in the eighties. 
Continue reading “99ers, HR 589 Supporters, Poor, and Middle Class – Jobs for Food”

The mainstream propagandists are attempting to completely detach the American citizens from reality.  More and more people I talk with are saying the same thing, “What planet are they on?”  There is at present massive flooding along the Mississippi and we all know of the damage done to our country by the tornadoes.  Twenty-five percent unemployment, rising prices on all necessities, massive debt, and a dying dollar; wouldn’t you think that as real reporters they would be living on the steps of Capitol Hill?  Our country is in a crisis, and I believe it is worse than the Great Depression.

During the Great Depression our resources had hardly been tapped and we were still in the process of building our industrial base.  In short, there was a way out and in all due honesty there is a way out of this present mess we are in.  It is simple and we have discussed it numerous times.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – 110% Americans”

The propaganda machine was forced to shift out of 9/11-happened-yesterday mode as the “official” unemployment rates rose to 9% in light of 474,000 new jobless claims last week.  And believe it or not they are trying to say that the unemployment situation is actually looking up.  Because, they say, 244,000 jobs were added last month by the private sector. 

This 244,000 number is put out by the big business corporate lying scum that are thriving right now.  Of course the number is a lie as even the phony numbers put out by our so called government show no new jobs.  And remember this 244,000 is supposed to be for an entire month, while the 474,000 represents a single week.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters "Great News" on Unemployment”