The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut is now being morphed into a straight up battle over gun confiscation between the socialists and the NRA…..the gun grabbers wish. We American nationals count on the NRA about as far as the littlest one among us can throw Mount Rushmore. The NRA is packed with traitors and represents nothing more than controlled opposition, with the elitists therein more than willing to sell out our 2nd Amendment for an elevated status of privilege.
This from the New York Times:
Continue reading “Sandy Hook Communist False Flag Falling Apart at the Seams” – by The Star-Ledger Continuous News Desk
A major sporting goods retailer has pulled all guns from its store nearest to Newtown, Conn., according to a report on
Twenty children and six staff members were fatally shot Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown by a 20-year-old man who then took his own life.
Continue reading “Dick’s Sporting Goods removes guns from shelves following Connecticut school shooting”
The National Patriot – by Craig Anderson
Okay socialists…The topic is gun control.
You want to have that conversation???
Okay we’ll HAVE that conversation.
I’ll start.
Continue reading “More Gun Control? Shut The Hell Up!!!”
Daily Camera – by Ryan Parker, The Denver Post
This weekend set a new record for all single-day background check submittals in Colorado for potential gun purchases, according to Colorado Bureau of Investigation officials.
The first day after news of one of the worst mass shootings in America, when a gunman killed 20 children and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., requests to buy guns in Colorado surged to more than 4,200.
Continue reading “Colorado gun background checks break records after Sandy Hook massacre”
The Daily Sheeple – by Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper
First of all, where is the headquarters of this “Doomsday Preppers Movement” I’ve been reading about? And where can I sign up? I didn’t realize there was an organized movement, one deserving of capital letters. Who is the leader of this “movement”? I’d like to meet him (or her) immediately!
The propaganda machine is not only going after guns in the wake of the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School – this has become a two-for-the-price-of-one crisis, allowing the government and media to yet again, demonize preppers. Continue reading “The Psy-Ops War on Preppers: This Has Become a Two-For-the-Price-of-One Crisis”
The communists this week will ramp up their efforts to begin gun confiscations in the US. The propaganda put forth is beginning to become obscene as each child allegedly shot in the Connecticut elementary school is being brought into every living room via the brainwashing box for the purpose of making the deaths a personal tragedy for every American.
No one can say for sure what happened at that grade school as the cover up of the cover ups continues with each passing hour. If 20 children were indeed killed, we should be outraged. But these propagandists want to take that outrage and use it to destroy us. They would put forth the contention that 20 innocent children have been killed; therefore we should take the guns of everybody who had nothing to do with the killings reasoning that there will be no further killings. Does this mean that these black op spooks will stop killing our children if we surrender our arms and are threatening to continue to do so if we do not?
Continue reading “When is Child Murder Wrong?”
In the old Soviet Union one method the communists used to put down political dissent was official oppression under the guise of mental health. If you were the kind of person who could find fault with the communist regime, you were considered mentally deranged. The state would take you into custody and send you to a facility for reeducation, which consisted of a cocktail of mind altering drugs, electroshock treatment, and the occasional torture session. When you left the facility specifically designed to correct your mental deficiency, you once again believed in the communist ideals and could not speak out against the government as you could not get the words past your numb tongue and the drool running out of your mouth.
The communist insurgency within the United States, following the school shooting in Connecticut, are on the bandwagon calling for massive new powers within their government psychiatric cabal.
Continue reading “Anyone Who Doesn’t Love the Dictator Obama is Crazy”
Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten
There are several documented cases where armed citizens have stopped mass attacks by gunmen. Let me list a few: The Pearl, Mississippi school shooting was stopped by the vice principal Joel Myrick with a Colt .45, The Appalachian School shooting was stopped by two students with handguns. Both of the above incidents were stopped by the armed citizens threatening the shooter without firing.
Continue reading “Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens”
A day after 26 people were shot to death in a Connecticut school, two New York churches have invited gun owners to hand in their weapons — no questions asked.
Two Brooklyn pastors opened their churches Saturday to the city’s Gun Buyback program. Anyone can trade in their weapon for a $200 bank card. The transactions are anonymous.
Continue reading “After Conn. school massacre, Brooklyn churches host gun buybacks”
On Friday, December 14, 2012, Bill of Rights Day as proclaimed by Barack Obama, the false flag school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut was perpetrated to launch another US communist gun confiscation program. So what actually happened at that elementary school? Well, just like the Clackamas, Oregon mall false flag, the Aurora, Colorado theater false flag, the Tucson, Arizona false flag, and the 911 false flag we will never know as these are all internal black ops, which are designed to leave the population in a permanent state of confusion.
In this day of high tech surveillance with government controlled cameras looking at us and documenting our actions everywhere we go, there always seems to be a breakdown when it comes to government sponsored terrorism.
Continue reading “Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting is a False Flag Black Op Push for Gun Confiscation”
The Intel Hub – by Alex Thomas
Just minutes after the news broke that a shooter in his 20′s had opened fire at an elementary school in Connecticut, noted gun control advocate and CNN primetime host Piers Morgan began tweeting calls for stricter gun control.
As most of the country set glued to their TV or computer screen watching the horror unfold on TV, Morgan began posting a series of tweets that, among other things, implied the need for an across the board handgun ban. Continue reading “CNN’s Piers Morgan Calls for Immediate Handgun Ban as Gun Control Shills Seek to Exploit Mass Shooting Tradegy”
We found this earlier and it was SCRUBBED! (who can do that?)
Eyewitness News reporters on the Observed a man in camouflage gear being taken away from the staging area. He screamed to people in the area that he was not involved in the shooting.
Continue reading “CT shooting– Man in camouflage pants grabbed by police – Was suspected of being second shooter?”
Before It’s News – by Barracuda
In Most Mass shootings like today’s massacre at the elementary school in Connecticut, we find out later on that the killer was on some type of medication,usually SSRIs meds. Adams brother, Ryan Lanza was questioned by police and he said his brother has a personality disorder, so odds are he may be on meds?
According to NaturalNews In mass shootings involving guns and mind-altering medications, politicians immediately seek to blame guns but never the medication. Nearly every mass shooting that has taken place in America over the last two decades has a link to psychiatric medication, and it appears today’s tragic event is headed in the same direction.
Continue reading “Gun Control? We Need Medication Control! Newton Elementary School Shooter Adam Lanza Likely On Meds”
Yahoo News – by claudinezap | The Lookout
The horrific shooting at the Newtown, Conn., elementary school that left multiple people dead, including, it’s believed, 20 children, has re-ignited the gun control debate.
Public figures immediately jumped in to offer condolences, while others called for new restrictions. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he was “shocked and saddened” by the tragic shooting. He said society should “unify” to “crack down on the guns.” And New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said “immediate action” was needed.
Continue reading “Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at school”
The national media is ablaze today with coverage of the tragic elementary school shooting in Newtown, CT, where 27 people have reportedly been killed, including 18 children.
As always, when violent shootings take place, honest journalists are forced to ask the question: “Does this fit the pattern of other staged shootings?”
Continue reading “Newtown school shooting story already being changed by the media to eliminate eyewitness reports of a second shooter”
Veterans Today – by Kevin Barrett
When something unbelievably evil happens in one of our schools, like the recent murder of 27 children and teachers at the Newtown School in Connecticut, the media always tells us the same thing: blame the lone nut(s).
But history suggests that many if not most schoolyard massacres, like other large-scale acts of domestic terrorism, have a much more sinister agenda.
Continue reading “Who really killed the Connecticut children?”