NJ.com – by Terrence T. McDonald/The Jersey Journal

3:20 p.m. UPDATE: The Ryan Lanza Facebook page has apparently been deleted.


The Facebook page of the Hoboken man who has been identified in the national press as the shooter in the Newtown, Conn. school shootings has recent messages saying “It wasn’t me.”
Continue reading “Facebook page of Hoboken man identified as Connecticut shooter: ‘It wasn’t me’”

The Intel Hub By Shepard Ambellas

Update: ABC Mainstream reports one shooter dead in school

1:44 p.m.: “The scene is secure. The public is not in danger,” says Connecticut State Police spokesman Paul Vance.
Continue reading “Newtown Caller Says School Shooters Described to be Disguised as an ‘Organized Group of Nuns’”

New York CBS Local

In the wake of the tragic school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that left more than two dozen people dead, including 18 children, CBS 2 has learned the school district had just installed a new safety policy designed to prevent situations such as what happened on Friday.

At approximately 9:41 a.m. a gunman opened fire inside Sandy Hook Elementary School. Early reports indicated one child and the gunman, who has not been identified yet, were killed, but later the horror of what actually took place started to come to the surface. It was later learned a second person connected to the massacre was taken into custody, but the specifics of who he is and how he was possibly connected to the tragedy were not immediately known.
Continue reading “Newtown, Conn. School District Had Recently Installed New Safety Protocols”

Marine Vet, Jon Hammer, of south Florida was arrested back in August by the corrupt Mexican government.  Hammer was headed to Costa Rica to go surfing.  He had recently received an antique shotgun which belonged to his great-grandfather and he apparently intended on doing some hunting as a part of his vacation.

The shotgun was declared and cleared by US Customs before he crossed the border but of course the Mexican Customs just on the other side seized Hammer’s gun and arrested him, saying his antique shotgun was a military weapon.  It has since been acknowledged that the shotgun was not on the so called forbidden list in Mexico, yet Hammer remains detained, telling his parents via phone conversations that he is chained to a bed.
Continue reading “US Marine Corps is being Punked by Mexico”

Cop Block

Philip Emanuele, a former Eatontown detective accepted a plea agreement in connection with his rape of an informant. His victim, a 24-year-old woman, explained to the court in graphic detail of how Emanuele used the threat of prison for a theft charge she had pending to coerce her into performing oral sex on him. When she refused, he raped her. She even turned in semen-stained jeans as evidence. Emanuele acknowledged what he had done in open court, and was sentenced to 5 years of probation for criminal coercion, and 3 years of probation for tampering with evidence. (More here).
Continue reading “Police Detective Rapes Woman, Gets a Few Years of Probation”

As we have been offering the remaining space in our community, we have been contacted by many people who wish they could join us, but just can’t leave their current family obligations.  Sometimes there is a spouse who is physically ill, sometimes their loved ones just don’t “get it”.  Besides expressing their deep longing to live the way we do – personally free and self-sufficient – they give us their apologies for not being able to join us.  No apology needed.

To make the decision to stay in the midst of the coming chaos because those to whom you have a deep and loving commitment cannot wrest themselves from their current lifestyle is also a valid and courageous choice – as long as it is made with good information and open eyes.  When chaos arrives (and it’s coming on a fast track) those who remain dependent on the systems (corporate, medical, governmental entitlements such as food stamps, disability payments, etc.) will likely be left in the lurch and fending for themselves anyway, but whatever they have to go through, they can hold their heads up as they fight through the throngs of panicked people who don’t understand what happened, and know that theirs was a conscious decision, not a blind following. To those who are staying behind for the sake of others, and not using that as an excuse to stay in what now seems a comfy situation themselves, we applaud your courage and your valor.
Continue reading “No Apology Needed”

In the relentless attempt to get the United States in yet another foreign war, the propagandists reported Wednesday that Syrian President Assad’s military fired scud missiles at insurgent rebels.  And, as if using the word “scud” was not bad enough, it was revealed that the evil monster Assad actually, in violation of international law, used incendiary bombs.  You know, that nasty phosphorous that gets on a person and burns right through their body parts and into the ground.  Anyone who would use such a devise on a civilian populous should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Oh wait, wait, wait.  I did, I mean I didn’t mean that.  If the US actually enforced such a standard, they would have to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu and prosecute him and his subordinates who followed his orders.  Because for many years Benny has been dropping phosphorous cluster bombs on the innocent Palestinian men, women, and children who live on the Gaza Strip, where they are actually penned up to make it easier for the Israelis to bomb them and there is nowhere to run.
Continue reading “Cluster Bombs and Scud Missiles – Is Assad Guilty of War Crimes?”

Citizens for Legitimate Government

‘More than one shooter’ on scene at Oregon mall – Reports —‘He looked like he was on a mission’ – Witness describing Oregon mall shooter –Oregon Mall Gunman Identified as Jacob Tyler Roberts —‘Erie similarities’ to Colorado theater shooting [Yeah, that’s because they were likely given the same drug – scopolamine.] Continue reading “‘More than one shooter’ on scene at Oregon mall – Reports”

Gas prices are expected to fall through December as there is a glut of crude and petroleum products on the market.  This is the canary in the coal mine and he just fell off the perch, deader than a wedge.  The reason gas is going down is because the buying power of the dollar is going down and people are only buying what they have to to survive.

You will not see this effect on food or electricity as these products are always bought, just to meet the need.  In fact these prices will continue to rise as this is the only way the parasites have to suck more wealth out of we the people through their extortion racket.

Some will say, “But home prices are going up”, and this is the other canary in the coal mine as foreigners are cashing in their fiat dollars in buying up US real estate.
Continue reading “A Canary in a Coal Mine in a Galaxy Far Far Away”

Cop Block

The following was submitted by ‘Exposing The Truth’.

Riverside County California, City of Temecula:

A Team of Wal-Mart Loss Prevention Agents, up to 5 or more, stormed into a resident’s home and conducted a search warrant. Parents allege that item(s) were stolen from their home during the search. A complaint was filed and more were in the process of being filed until the family and child began to receive numerous threats which were racial towards the child, sexual, homosexual and threats with the intent to do bodily harm! The threats were so bad the parents say, it was one of many reasons in which they had to move.
Continue reading “House Raided By Wal-Mart Loss Prevention! Plants Vanish”

It is truly amazing to watch the Zionist industrial war complex moving the pieces into place as they prepare to go forward with their Middle East invasion.  US warships are off the Syrian coast.  Missile batteries have been put in place in Turkey and Jordon.  And the ultimate excuse of stopping the use of chemical weapons is pulsating through the mainstream like a shot of heroin in a junkie’s veins.

It was relatively quiet yesterday in the mainstream broadcasts, indicating final calculations are being made for the media blitz that is to accompany the invasion, of which the main component will be the cause, the excuse, the explanation as to why we had no other choice.  There will no doubt be many foul-ups in the false flag that is to be portrayed as a precursor.  This is why the excuse will have to be pushed so hard in order to cover up mistakes.
Continue reading “The US and King Netanyahu’s War”

The propaganda machine continues to run in an ever shrinking loop, which is contributing to a mass awakening as memory span is becoming less essential to that end.  Last week was spent perpetuating the lie of a jobs recovery and this week will be spent in demonizing those who have lost everything as a result of the socialist insurgency and the international frauds.  To get the ball rolling Fox Business put forth a whole panel of elitists to attack the unemployed and the basic work ethic here in our country.

It is a fact that our middle class continues to shrink as more and more working poor are being thrust into the deepest depth of poverty.  There is and has for a long time been an open and out front continuing effort to drive the standard of living for 90% of us down, while the other 10% bury themselves in wealth and luxury.
Continue reading “Mainstream Media Loop Back to Blaming the Victims”

Before It’s News – by Danser

Spreading globally, Morgellons is the new “Pandemic”

If you have ever watched horror movies, you’ve probably seen one where a person becomes infested by bugs or worms. Their skin begins to move and ripple as dark shapes squirm under its surface. Suddenly their skin bursts open allowing a colony of bugs to escape! While this is an exaggeration of Morgellons Disease, it’s not that far off.
Continue reading “Proof that Morgellons is MAN MADE! Government stonewalls investigation”

Well it is finally time for the lame duck Congress to get busy and of course their number one concern will be legislation for jobs.  Not hardly.  Apparently the issue most pressing and in need of resolve is the legalization of millions more illegal aliens.

Via the invasion across our southern border, the insurgency has accumulated and infiltrated to the extent that the crime it represents is compounded to the point that this treasonous insurgent government is putting forth the assertion that the new illegals must be made legal or the old illegals will punish all those who will not cooperate by voting them out of office.  This is yet another display of the absolute absence of any constitutional law in the US.
Continue reading “Are the Insurgents in the US Government Growing Bold or Desperate?”

World News Daily – by REZA KAHLILI

Hours after NATO agreed on Tuesday to send Patriot missiles to Turkey because of the crisis in Syria, Russia delivered its first shipment of Iskander missiles to Syria.

The superior Iskander can travel at hypersonic speed of over 1.3 miles per second (Mach 6-7) and has a range of over 280 miles with pinpoint accuracy of destroying targets with its 1,500-pound warhead, a nightmare for any missile defense system.
Continue reading “Russia Arms Syria With Ballistic Missiles”

73% of all jobs created in the last five months, it turns out, are government jobs, which is to say more taxpayer funded parasites.  The neo-cons continue to demand that entitlements be cut.  Do the people really understand how this scam works?  Under the presidency of Bill Clinton, we were brought under the block grant system, which in effect has turned all of our governmental functions over to private corporations.  These individuals and collectives have taken over all public funds.

Prior to the grant system, money allocations came from Congress.  These monies were sent to states, counties, and city municipalities.  Each allocation came with a set of federal regulations, detailing how the monies were to be spent.  Of course, the monies were dispensed by government officials at every level and the federal regulations commanded that every citizen’s constitutional rights be guaranteed in the distribution.
Continue reading “621,000 New Government Parasites Created in the Last Five Months”

146,000 jobs were added to the US economy in November.  The unemployment rate drops to 7.7%.  It is a fiscal boom.  BUUULLLSHIITT!  This is unreality.  All the economists were expecting the unemployment rate to rise above 8% and to see a massive effect thereon by Superstorm Sandy.  Apparently, it does not matter anymore if the lie is blatant on its face, so long as the $85 billion per month of QE 3 and QE 4 continues to be borrowed in the name of the American people and handed over to the banksters.

Fox News’ Phil Flynn, reporting from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange said and I quote, “I’ve got to go with what they give me, whether I believe it or not.”
Continue reading “The Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.7% – Is There any Lie too Outrageous to Assert?”