Iranian Christian Pastor, Youcef Nadarkhani, was convicted by the Iranian government on apostasy charges.  Apostasy is the formal disaffiliation from or abandonment or renunciation of a religion by a person.  Nadarkhani was given the choice of renouncing Christianity or being put to death.  Reports say he has chosen the latter and if he wishes to be a martyr, well he is certainly in the right part of the world where martyrdom is an accepted philosophy.

The mainstream propaganda machine is using this incident to push for war.  Are the good Christians of this country going to allow this Iranian Christian to be executed, or are we going to attack Iran and secure that country’s oil for our very good friends, Israel?
Continue reading “How About a Christian Jihad?”

If a commoner in the United States is arrested and charged with a crime and he or she cannot afford legal council, the courts must appoint legal representation.  Of course, these attorneys, twisters of truth, work for the court and the defendant’s innocence or guilt does not fall into the equation.  The State Prosecutor and the poor person’s so called attorney decide the fate of the defendant, literally out the gate.

This corrupt and unconstitutional system has been so entrenched that at present these treasonous actors have put together charts wherein the attorney, using different criteria such as severity of the crime and prior convictions, shows the defendant his or her punishment as charted and without exception.
Continue reading “Equal Justice for the CEOs of Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae”

In 2008 Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro ran for president saying that the Republicans had to be taken out of office because they had destroyed our economy and caused us to lose millions of jobs.  Three years later the only difference is that things are worse.  Now the Republicans are saying that our only goal is to get Barack Obama out of office because he is destroying our economy and costing us millions of jobs.

Both sides of the false left-right paradigm at this point in the ball game have quit caring whether it is a Democrat or a Republican who takes the White House in 2012, as it has become their consolidated goal to preserve the status quo at any cost.  Have no doubt, if it came down to Barack Obama vs. Ron Paul, every neo-con Nazi would join with their soviet brothers and sisters in voting for Barack Obama.
Continue reading “Do You Think You can Stop the Ron Paul Revolution? Dream On”

During the CNN Arizona GOP Debate last night, Ron Paul soared like an eagle above a sty wherein the neo-con war pigs, Gingrich, Santorum, and Romney, squealed and rolled around in the feces inundated mud, they call their records.  All but Dr. Paul stated several times that actions they had taken as public officials were mistakes and that they are now running for president of our United States on a platform of correcting their past errors.

I think the conversation made it apparent that Santorum, Gingrich, and Romney bend with the wind, or better yet with the weight of money.  And I believe that should any one of them be elected president a war with Iran, that the Russians and Chinese have threatened to intervene in, will be an absolute.  I assure you, this is the only thing these pathological liars said that was not campaign rhetoric.
Continue reading “CNN Arizona Debate – Ron Paul Stands Alone”

Obama has saved our nation.  We are now smack dab in the middle of an economic boom.  And if none of us have seen this coming for the last three years, I guess we were just not paying attention.  In the realm of literature there is fiction and non-fiction.  Apparently the mainstream propagandists either cannot discern the difference, or truly believe they can change reality by changing the words they use to report.

Now don’t get me wrong, these last three years have been wonderful for the corporate elite, who have made record profits through the theft of another $4 trillion worth of our natural resources.  What is the old saying?  Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining?
Continue reading “Unreality in 2012”

Fuel prices are expected to soar to around $5 per gallon this spring, this as new reports show the US’s number one export is, you guessed it, fuel.  Every neo-con is parroting the slogan, “Drill baby drill”.  Why? So we can “Export baby export”?  We are told that our dependency on foreign oil is the reason we have to send our young people to foreign countries to be maimed and killed.  It would seem the circle of lies is starting to catch up with the propaganda machine.

Maybe the elite’s reasoning is that if they can raise the price of gas they can tell us, “If we invade Iran we can get their oil”.  Yeah, maybe that would work.  It worked when they wanted to go into Iraq.  Of course once the resources of Iraq were secured, a pipeline was built to Israel and now the Israelis are getting that oil our people died for for $2 per barrel.  And of course we are purchasing the oil from Israel at the top market price.
Continue reading “How about another War for Oil?”

Incredible Raw footage (with sound) just captured at approximately 15:30 EST in Washington D.C., courtesy of Luke Rudkowski and
Continue reading “Updated: Veterans For Ron Paul – March on D.C. and the White House on President's Day 2012”

The American people have been inundated with the coverage of the death of Whitney Houston.  One would think that one of our dignitaries had passed away.  It is interesting to note that as a part of the initial reporting, the fact that drugs and alcohol were probably the cause of Ms. Houston’s death were front and center.

Dr. Ron Paul wants to end the war on drugs, reiterating an old reality which is that prohibition does not work.  If we take a close look at the drug industry in this country, that is the pharmaceutical so called legal industry, it is easy to ascertain the benefits to the status quo of an ongoing never ending drug war.
Continue reading “Pharmaceutical Companies and the Drug War”