The Philippines: A Cultural Sink-hole

Bad Eagle – by David Yeagley

By now the world is well aware of Typhoon Haiyan and its devastations on the Philippine Islands. It is beyond a nightmare.

Many nations are sending mega-tons of supplies to the ravaged people, nations like the United StatesIsrael, and this does not include the military aid sent by Britain, Australia, the U.S. and others, to control the uncontrolled “human” disasters on the islands (including those caused by Muslims there). Chaos rules now, indeed.  

One wonders how a nations of over 105 million people could remain so weak, disorganized, chaotic, divided, and completely dependent for so long? It seems a permanent condition.

Ask any servicemen (particularly in the U.S. Navy) about the culture. Ask anyone who has been to the Philippines, lived there, and knows anything about the society. It is quite tribal, for starters. It also tends to be without morals, and without the most basic concepts of family discipline. The children are not “raised,” but raise themselves. They are often abandoned, as “street children.” (But the style of child care in an actual “family” is often similar to abandonment. There is little or no discipline practiced. It’s simply not in the culture.) It’s all about gangs. Hordes of child gangsyouth gangschild trafficking sex gangs, and more recently jihadist gangs, all seek order and power. There is no real central command. Never has been. (Much of the gang activity has spread to the U.S., of course.) A godless dictator shows up now and then, like Ferdinand Marcos, or his wife, but even they have never succeeded in unifying the Philippine people, or establishing any reliable order.

Is it indeed a tragedy that any of this come to an end, by any means?

Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, former Philippine “leaders.”

Just what exactly does the charitable Western world want to sustain in the Philippines? And why? What are the secret deals we don’t know about? Are the Western politicians trying to say the Philippines is a “democracy”? An ally? A geographic advantage for military operations or defense against the Orient?

Obviously, the rest of Asia doesn’t care about the Philippines, or any other Asian country. We don’t read about mega-tons of aid being hurriedly shipped in by China, North Korea, or even Japan.

Furthermore, Tacloban is not the only city in the Philippines. Are the masses of victims without any recourse whatever? Can no Philippine city provide any residence, aid, or care? Why does the world have to save the Philippines? Is the island government completely impotent, or utterly useless?

Are the logistics impossible? the geographical environment forbidding? the circumstances insurmountable?

Assessing the Philippine society, one has to wander how much different the aftermath of Haiyan is from the normal life on innumerable hordes of homeless who live off city garbage dumps anyway.

This is an outrage. The Philippines is an outrage. Pouring in multimillion dollar aid packages has to be some sort of staged act, some kind of world theatrics. Who is trying to impress whom? and why? None of this has any effect on the nature and condition of Philippine society. We should start with building codes, perhaps. Mass destruction and loss of life usually happen to areas of highly concentrated population in profoundly substandard living conditions. Yet no one seems to learn any lessons, no matter how many times repeated in the world.

Compassion is indiscriminate, of course, and indeed. By definition, one does not judge the sufferer, but only tries to relieve his suffering. It is as though the liberal political world as adopted the Hippocratic Oath.

But, I say, blind compassion only causes more suffering. That is the dirty secret of liberalism.

We don’t say, however, that the Christ-less Christianity of liberalism is the motivation of sending aid to the Philippines at this time. We don’t know what the political, governmental motivation is. We know that people in America are in need. We know that we’re not taking care of our own. We know we have an alien, lying, black African Communist Muslim Democrat in our White House, doing his best to make America in a third world country. The American public has been played the fool, so ignorant of history and the world around it that the American people elected the interloper twice.

Our military should be employed in closing our borders, not off on the third world islands on humanitarian missions. The military is not assigned church work, but defense of the country!

At this point, there seems little hope of improvement (or prevention) in terms of Philippine society, or in the way of infrastructure, physically or morally. Nationhood is not really a refined focus. There are many so-called “nations” in the world which are so very tribal that “leaders” simply take advantage of Western “charity” and aggrandize themselves.

In the Philippines, the real devastation is moral, and that condition developed long before Haiyan.

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One thought on “The Philippines: A Cultural Sink-hole

  1. You want to bring the phillipino group together, attack their country millitarily and watch them band together, nothing joins people together like a defense of sovereignty.

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