Trump video promises Day One ‘executive actions’ on trade, energy, regulations, cyber attacks, visa abuse and lobbying bans – but nothing about immigration ‘amnesty’

Daily Mail

President-elect Donald Trump has given Americans their first taste of what he has planned for his first days in the White House.

In a brief YouTube video released Monday at dinnertime, Trump outlined six policy promises – all items he campaigned on – that he could accomplish with the stroke of a pen. Missing, however, was any mention of rolling back President Barack Obama’s orders that protect millions of illegal immigrants from deportation.   

His ideas include withdrawing from the much-pilloried Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, relaxing federal ‘restrictions’ on coal and shale energy production, and kick-starting a comprehensive plan to protect the U.S. from cyber attacks.

He also vowed to end visa abuses by visitors to the country and shrink the sheer volume of regulations the government issues. And Trump renewed a pledge to prohibit officials in his administration from using a longstanding revolving door to lobby the government after they leave the public sector.

Trump described his reforms as his team’s ‘policy plans for the first 100 days.’

He also said they came from ‘a list of executive actions we can take on Day One to restore our laws and bring back our jobs. It’s about time.’

The first action he mentioned involved pulling the U.S. out of a controversial trade deal that he pilloried nonstop – reminding voters that his foe Hillary Clinton once called it ‘the gold standard’ for the kind of multilateral trade cooperation that he argued would cost the U.S. untold numbers of jobs.

‘I am going to issue our notice of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potential disaster for our country,’ he said on the video.

‘Instead, we will negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and industry back onto American shores.’

Trump also framed his energy agenda in terms of jobs, in keeping with his campaign themes.

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