The Hill – by Mark Hensch

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday that he is no longer meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his home turf later this month.

“I have decided to postpone my trip to Israel and to schedule my meeting with @Netanyahu at a later date after I become president of the U.S.,” he tweeted.   Continue reading “Trump cancels trip to Israel”

Tech Crunch – by Josh Constine

Mark Zuckerberg urged the world not to “succumb to cynicism” despite bigots like Donald Trump calling for Muslims to be banned from entering the United States. Today, Facebook’s CEO posted on his site that “I want to add my voice in support of Muslims in our community and around the world…As the leader of Facebook I want you to know that you are always welcome here and that we will fight to protect your rights”.   Continue reading “Zuckerberg Says Muslims Will Always Be Welcome On Facebook”

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WALB 10 News

LOWNDES CO., GA (WALB) – Two Afghan national flight team members, maintainers, or aircraft mechanics, who have been training to fly with the 81st Fighter Squadron at Moody Air Force Base, are missing.

Multiple law enforcement agencies received an alert from Moody Officials. They referred all initial calls to the Air Force Press Desk at the Pentagon. Phone calls to that office have not yet been returned.   Continue reading “Afghan flight training members missing from Moody AFB”

The Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will meet on December 28, 2015.

The meeting was scheduled two weeks ago and came before Trump made recent controversial remarks about the Muslim community.    Continue reading “Netanyahu, Trump set to meet at the end of December”

Daily Mail

Under cover of darkness, an Israeli armoured car advances down the potholed road that leads to Syria.

As it crests a small hill, the driver picks up the radio handset and tells his commanding officer that the border is in sight.

He kills the engine. Ten heavily-armed commandos jump out and take cover, watching for signs of ambush. Then five of them move up to the 12ft chainlink fence that marks the limit of Israeli-held territory.   Continue reading “Israeli commandos rescue wounded men from Syrian warzone”

ABC News

The new U.S. terror alert system that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said today he will announce in the coming days is actually more of a modification, a department official clarified later.

It is “not a new system,” but rather a revision of the one that is already in place, the official said.   Continue reading “Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to Announce Revised Terror Alert System”

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Washington, D.C.- Monday, a World Trade Organization (WTO) tribunal authorized over $1 billion in sanctions against the U.S., in retaliation for the congressionally passed Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) law being “incompliant with WTO standards.”   Continue reading “Global WTO Tribunal Overrules Congress on Food Labeling, $1 Billion Sanctions”

Yahoo News – Constitution Daily

The case of Friedman v. City of Highland Park has been listed in recent months for consideration by the nine Supreme Court Justices in private conference. It takes a minimum for four Justices to agree to hear an appeal before the full Court during its current term.

Without announcing the vote count in private conference today, the Supreme Court declined to accept the appeal from Dr. Arie Friedman and the Illinois State Rifle Association. They believed the suburban Illinois city violated their Second Amendment rights when it passed the ownership ban on various semi-automatic weapons, as well as a ban on ammunition clips that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.   Continue reading “Supreme Court denies assault weapons ban challenge”

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Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said something interesting during an appearance on the Morning Joe Show on Thursday.

At 5:10 into the interview Fiorina dropped a bombshell:   Continue reading “Fiorina: San Bernardino Shooter’s Gun Bought for Police”


WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 (UPI) — A U.S. House leader said a bill passed in favor of oil exports rejects a global landscape favoring North America, but support wasn’t enough to override a veto.

By a vote of 249-174, the House of Representatives passed the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act, which, among other things, would reverse the moratorium placed on domestic crude oil exports in the 1970s.   Continue reading “House votes in favor of lifting ban on crude oil exports, but it’s short of being veto-proof”


Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said Thursday that the suspects in the mass shooting in San Bernardino Wednesday were in possession of thousands of rounds of ammunition. The question that remains unanswered is why they killed 14 people and injured 21 others.

Two officers were among the injured. Both are recovering. There were a total of 300 officers that responded to the shooting rampage.     Continue reading “Chief Says Suspects in San Bernardino Shootings Heavily Armed”

The Hill – by Ben Kamisar

Republican presidential candidates will ring in the Hanukkah season by wooing major Jewish leaders and donors during a Thursday campaign forum in Washington.

Fourteen Republican candidates will take to the stage at the aptly named Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center during the daylong event hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC).   Continue reading “GOP presidential candidates court Jewish mega-donors”

ABC News

The two suspects in the California shooting that left 14 people dead and 17 others wounded Wednesday have been identified by police, but investigators are still grappling to determine a motive.

Officials have not ruled out terrorism, but emphasize that no motive has yet been discovered.   Continue reading “Motive Still a Mystery in San Bernardino Shooting as Police Investigate Shooters”

CNN Updated 7:48 PM ET

Hundreds of police officers swarmed a six-block area of San Bernardino in pursuit of as many as three suspects who authorities say gunned down 14 people at a center for people with developmental disabilities.

Witnesses said the gunmen fled the scene of a shooting in a black SUV. Hours after the shooting, police traded gunfire with people in a vehicle.   Continue reading “San Bernardino shooting: At least 14 people killed; one suspect down”

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Legendary LED

When disaster strikes, you don’t want to be caught without a plan. Whether it be a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, EMP, or even zombies, you want to make sure that you and your family have a way to quickly get to safety. That means having a reliable, bug out-ready means of transportation. While some people probably picture a huge, expensive, military-grade vehicle when they think of a bug out vehicle, a bug out vehicle is really just any vehicle capable of getting you to safety under terrible conditions. Not every bug out vehicle is right for every situation, though. We’ll explore some of the advantages and disadvantages of different vehicles and features here, so you can be prepared for any situation.   Continue reading “Bug Out Vehicle For TEOTWAWKI”