At least 20 victims were reported down after a report of an active shooter in San Bernardino late Wednesday morning, according to a San Bernardino Police Department official.

San Bernardino Fire Department initially tweeted that they were responding to a report of a “20-victim shooting.”   Continue reading “At Least 20 Victims Reported Down Amid Active Shooting Incident in San Bernardino: Police”

Thanks to Joe from the Carolinas.

The Washington Post – by Liz Sly

On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep. Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing U.S. helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.   Continue reading “Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting the war”

Yahoo News

Jerusalem (AFP) – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted for the first time Tuesday that Israeli forces have been operating in Syria, where the Iran-backed regime is battling rebels including the jihadist Islamic State.

“We occasionally carry out operations in Syria to prevent that country from becoming a front against us,” Netanyahu told reporters during a visit to northern Israel.   Continue reading “Israel PM admits forces operating in war-hit Syria”

NBC New York

Congress may move quickly to overhaul a program that allows travel to the U.S. with no visa, something that has come under criticism following the Paris terror attacks.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy told reporters Monday that he was looking at action before the end of the year. Without legislation “I think the country will be less safe,” the California Republican said.   Continue reading “House May Move Quickly to Overhaul Visa Waiver Program”


A family of seven Syrian refugees was quietly ushered into their new home in Paterson in a climate so tense that the agency working to help the family shunned media attention as Governor Christie continued to rail against bringing them here in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

The political firestorm over Syrian refugees — which erupted when links between the Paris attackers and the Islamic State group in Syria came to light — has heightened anxieties among advocates, who worry the families they’re working to help will be denied services like Medicaid or food assistance.   Continue reading “Syrian refugee family quietly settles in Paterson, New Jersey”

Wall Street Journal – by William Horobin

PARIS—Heads of state from some 150 countries began arriving in Paris Sunday for an international climate conference, triggering a lockdown of a city already on high alert after the Nov. 13 terror attacks.

The police closed major routes Sunday afternoon between airports, downtown Paris and the Le Bourget conference center where the conference known as COP21 will take place. Authorities told Parisians to not take to their cars and avoid using public transport through to the end of Monday, when the main routes will be closed for the whole day.   Continue reading “Paris Locked Down as Leaders Arrive for Climate Conference”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

In October of 2014, Virginia resident Wilber Zarate came home to find that his daughter’s pet Chihuahua was missing. After taking a look at the footage recorded by his security camera, he discovered that an employee for PETA had walked right up to his front porch, and taken the dog away (he would later learn that PETA was in the area to round up stray dogs). By the time he showed up to PETA’s shelter in Norfolk, the animal had already been euthanized.   Continue reading “PETA Sued for Stealing and Euthanizing Family Pet”

Reuters – by Dustin Volz

The U.S. National Security Agency will end its daily vacuuming of millions of Americans’ phone records by Sunday and replace the practice with more tightly targeted surveillance methods, the Obama administration said on Friday.

As required by law, the NSA will end its wide-ranging surveillance program by 11:59 p.m. EST Saturday (4:59 a.m. GMT Sunday) and expects to have the new, scaled-back system in place by then, the White House said.   Continue reading “NSA to shut down bulk phone surveillance program by Sunday”

USA Today

COLORADO SPRINGS — A man wearing hunting gear and armed with an assault-style weapon was barricaded inside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs Friday after a shooting spree that left four officers and at least five civilians injured, police and hospital officials said.

In a dramatic operation, with the gunman still on the loose, officers crept into the building and rescued six or seven civilians cowering in a bathroom.   Continue reading “Gunman shoots 4 cops in Planned Parenthood clinic in Colo.”

After a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with family and friends our hearts are full of gratitude and joy. We hope yesterday found you with family, friends, fun and food. We love this time of year.

We wish we had better news for you on such a fun time of the year.

However, Sheriff David Ward (the Hammonds sheriff) has unfortunately fallen to the influences of federal agents and has taken an adverse position against the Hammonds.    Continue reading “Sheriff Ward is Feeding Your Information to the FBI (Hammonds)”

Sent to us by a reader.

Paul Craig Roberts – by George Abert, Formerly Of Air Force Intelligence

Turkey is so militarily inferior to Russia that it is unlikely Turkey would commit an act of war against Russia without encouragement from Washington. We might think that Turkey would feel shielded by NATO, but it is doubtful that many European members of NATO would risk nuclear annihiliation by going to war with Russia in order to save Turkey from the consequences of such a reckless and irresponsible act as shooting down a Russian military aircraft and lying about it. Turkey has issued no apology and no believable explanation. Unless Erdogan has lost his mind, Washington is behind the shootdown, and the reason is Washington’s desperation to decode the new Russian technology that gives Russian forces total control over a battlefield, whether on land, sea, or air.   Continue reading “Why did Turkey shoot down a Russian Air Force jet?”

Sent to us by Joe from the Carolinas:  Not hearing about this in the american press are we?  This article really exposes the propaganda scam, and its directly from the Israeli press.  Considering how things have been shaped and sculpted by the rats behind the scenes, now we’ve got confirmation that this thing has been a complete charade.  And we see “Who Benefits”.

The Jewish Press – by Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu

The intensified war against the Islamic State (ISIS) has propelled Israel into the West’s best friend.

Russian president Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Israel and Moscow are exchanging intelligence information and that “relations between our countries are at high level.”   Continue reading “Islamic Terror in Europe Turning Israel into West’s Best Friend”


The Russian Air Force base in Latakia will be reinforced with S-400 SAM system, which will soon be deployed there, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Wednesday.

“S-400 will be deployed on Khmeimim airbase in Syria,” Shoigu said at a Defense Ministry meeting.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Russian Su-24 was shot down by a Turkish F-16 fighter jet near the Turkish-Syrian border. One pilot died in the incident. The second one was rescued and brought to the Russian airbase in Latakia.   Continue reading “Russia to deploy S-400 defense missile system to Khmeimim airbase in Syria – defense minister”

ABC News

Russia’s military has recovered the second pilot from its bomber shot down by Turkey on Tuesday, Russia’s defense ministry has announced.

Moscow’s defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, briefed president Vladimir Putin on the rescue on television, informing him that the pilot had been found after a twelve-hour search and that he was now back in a Russian airbase in Syria.   Continue reading “Pilot From Downed Russian Jet Rescued, ‘Alive and Well’”

NBC News

Filmmaker Steven Spielberg, composer Stephen Sondheim, violinist and conductor Itzhak Perlman and baseball great Willie Mays are among a number of notables who will be presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama on Tuesday.

Singer and actress Barbra Streisand, NASA mathematician Katherine G. Johnson, Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski will also receive the award.   Continue reading “Obama Honoring Spielberg, Streisand and More With Medal of Freedom”