Israeli emergency personnel carry the body of a victim from the scene of an attack at a Jerusalem synagogue November 18, 2014. (Reuters / Finbarr O'Reilly) RT

The mayor of Jerusalem has called on Israeli authorities to revoke the citizenship of family members of terrorists. This proposal was made in response to growing tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.

“We must be extremely focused [in our efforts] against evil people, to locate them and deal with them firmly,” Mayor Nir Barkat told Army Radio, Haaretz reported.

Barkat said he had discussed the issue with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Cabinet.    Continue reading “Jerusalem mayor: Revoke citizenship for terrorists’ families”

Fox News

President Obama signed two executive actions on Friday that would delay deportation for millions of illegal immigrants. The president, who signed the controversial policies aboard Air Force One, then spoke about his action at Del Sol High School in Las Vegas.

Del Sol is the same school where he laid out his blueprint for immigration overhaul nearly two years ago.

Several hundred protestors lined the streets holding “No Amnesty” and “Impeach Obama” signs.   Continue reading “Obama signs executive action delaying deportations for millions of illegal immigrants”

Poor Richard’s News

What would you call an adult stranger who teaches your 11 year old where to look for pornography, how to sext with their friends, and how to use meth to prolong your sexual experiences?  How about “public educator.”

Here’s KOIN News’s report on the conference:   Continue reading “Oregon public school sex-ed conference promotes sex toys, sexting, and using meth to 11 year olds”

192vqkgedopn7jpgIJ Review – by Joseph Perticone

Churches in a Maryland county are being offered tax breaks for incorporating environmentalism into their sermons.

In Prince George’s County, 30 pastors have started preaching ‘green’ ministries to avoid extra taxes, the Washington Post reports.  The taxes depend on the acreage for all property owners, including churches, as part of Maryland’s “storm water remediation fee.”   Continue reading “Maryland County Pushes Churches to Preach Environmentalism In Exchange for Tax Credits”

Parker Moore, Linfield College student. Youtube screen grab.The Daily Caller – by Chuck Ross

A man who fatally stabbed a 20-year-old college football player in the chest at an Oregon convenience store over the weekend was likely an illegal immigrant, authorities say.

Juventino Bermudez-Arenas stabbed Parker Moore several times at a 7-11 in McMinnville on Saturday. Bermudez-Arenas returned to the scene after fleeing, and was shot and killed by police who say the 33-year-old refused to drop the knife he used to stab Moore.   Continue reading “Illegal Immigrant Stabbed College Football Player To Death In Oregon”

A detail from the front of the United States Federal Reserve Board building is shown in Washington October 28, 2014.  REUTERS/Gary CameronBloomberg – by Christopher Condon and Jeff Kearns

On the eve of a Senate hearing today into whether the Federal Reserve has been “captured” by the institutions it is supposed to regulate, the Fed announced a broad review of its supervision of the largest banks, and a top official acknowledged there’s a danger that examiners could be too easy on them.

“We understand the risks of doing our job poorly and of becoming too close” to banks, New York Fed President William C. Dudley said in testimony prepared for delivery before a Senate panel. “We cannot catch or correct every error by a financial institution, and we sometimes make mistakes.”   Continue reading “Fed Reviews Bank Supervision as Senate Committee Begins Hearings”

Washington Post – by Carol Leonnig

A Michigan woman was arrested by Secret Service officers after she was seen walking along the White House’s north fence with a handgun at about 8 p.m. Thursday, authorities said.

Secret Service plainclothes officers noticed a woman with a holster near Pennsylvania Avenue around the perimeter of the fence and notified uniform division officers, who then arrested her for having an unregistered 9 mm handgun in her holster, said Ed Donovan, the spokesman for the Secret Service.   Continue reading “Woman with gun outside White House is arrested by Secret Service officers”

U.S. President Barack Obama announces executive actions on U.S. immigration policy during a nationally televised address from the White House in Washington, November 20, 2014. REUTERS-Jim BourgReuters – by STEVE HOLLAND AND ROBERTA RAMPTON

President Barack Obama imposed the most sweeping immigration reform in a generation on Thursday, easing the threat of deportation for about 4.7 million undocumented immigrants and setting up a clash with Republicans.

In a White House speech, Obama rejected Republican critics who say his decision to bypass Congress and take executive action is tantamount to amnesty for illegal immigrants and urged them to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation that the Republican-controled House of Representatives has blocked.   Continue reading “Obama announces action on sweeping U.S. immigration reform”


Three students were shot and wounded when a gunman opened fire inside a Florida university library early on Thursday, and campus police shot the suspect dead, officials said.

Officers confronted the attacker outside Florida State University’s Strozier Library soon after midnight, ordered him to drop his weapon, then shot him when he fired on them, police said.

“This person for whatever reason produced a handgun and then began shooting students in the library,” Florida State University Police Chief David Perry told reporters at a morning news conference.   Continue reading “Three students shot in Florida university library, gunman killed”

GOLDMAN SACHSSent to us by a reader.

Huffington Post – by Marcy Gordon

WASHINGTON (AP) — Three big Wall Street banks that have owned commodities such as aluminum exposed themselves to risk and in some cases manipulated prices in a way that raised costs for consumers, a Senate investigation has found.

The heavy involvement of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Morgan Stanley in the business of storing and moving commodities like oil, aluminum, uranium and copper also gives them unfair trading advantages in financial markets, according to a report issued Wednesday by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.   Continue reading “Wall Street Banks Manipulated Commodity Prices At Consumers’ Expense, Senate Report Finds”

Smartphone encryption could lead to death of a child, government fights backSent to us by a reader who said: Do they really think we are that stupid?

Android Central – by Chuong H Nguyen

The U.S. government is fighting back against new encryption technologies on smartphones made by Apple and those using Google’s latest version of Android. With a strongly worded argument, an official at the U.S. Department of Justice plainly stated that without access to a suspect’s phone, a child could die in cases such as kidnapping.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the tech giants and the DOJ are at a standoff on smartphone encryption:   Continue reading “Smartphone encryption could lead to death of a child, government claims”

CNBC – by John Harwood

President Barack Obama plans to announce an executive order in Las Vegas on Friday to address immigration reform, CNBC has confirmed.

Another source familiar with the situation told CNBC that Obama could yet give a broader outline on an immigration order on Thursday and add detail on Friday.   Continue reading “Obama to announce immigration order in Las Vegas on Friday”

Press TV

Tensions have been escalating in the occupied Palestinian lands as Israeli forces attack several cities and towns across the West Bank.

Israeli forces with armored vehicles attacked Palestinian cities of Ramallah, al-Bireh and Wadi al-Joz in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, leading to rising tensions between Israelis and Palestinians.   Continue reading “Israel attacks Palestinian cities following synagogue assault”


The US Senate failed to fast-track the Keystone XL pipeline project, falling one vote short of breaking a filibuster against the bill, which would have allowed the transport of crude oil from Canada’s tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico.

The bill failed despite garnering 59 “Yes” votes to 41 “No” votes. All Republican senators voted “Yes,” and they were joined by 14 Democrats. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), who co-sponsored the bill, needed one more vote to pass it but could not persuade another Democrat to go along.   Continue reading “Keystone XL pipeline bill fails to pass US Senate by 1 vote”

AFP 535420571 A GOV USA MDUSA Today – by Susan Page

WASHINGTON — President Obama’s plan to sign an executive order on immigration, expected as early as this week, will meet more resistance than support, a new USA TODAY Poll finds. Close to half of those surveyed, 46%, say he should wait for the new Republican-controlled Congress to act, and another one in 10 are unconvinced either way.

Just 42% of Americans say he should take action now, findings that reflect a familiar partisan divide between Democrats and Republicans. The president is considering an order that would prevent as many as 5 million people from being deported.   Continue reading “Poll: Resistance to Obama order on immigration”