PHOTO: Mayor James Knowles presides over the city council meeting on Sept. 9, 2014 in Ferguson, Mo.ABC News – by Meghan Keneally

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon will deploy more than 2,000 National Guardsmen tonight to prevent a recurrence of the rioting that rocked the town of Ferguson after a grand jury cleared Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of teenager Michael Brown.

“The violence we saw last night cannot be repeated,” Nixon said sternly.

“The National Guard presence is to be ramped up significantly,” he said. He will deploy 2,200 tonight, Nixon said.   Continue reading “Ferguson Area to Get More Than 2,000 National Guard Tonight”

The Daily Caller – by Michael Bastacsh

While Americans are focused on what delicious foods they’re going to eat for Thanksgiving, the White House is focused on releasing its massive regulatory agenda — marking the fifth time the Obama administration has released its regulatory road map on the eve of a major holiday.

The federal Unified Agenda is the Obama administration’s regulatory road map, and it lays out thousands of regulations being finalized in the coming months. Under President Barack Obama, there has been a tradition of releasing the agenda late on Friday — and right before a major holiday.   Continue reading “White House Quietly Releases Plans For 3,415 Regulations Ahead Of Thanksgiving Holiday”

Protect ServeThe Op-Nat Eye

While U.S. media profit off the so-called suspense regarding the kangaroo grand jury “decision” for Ferguson, Missouri killer cop Darren Wilson, cops across the country are raping children, killing their wives, and selling child pornography with ZERO media scrutiny.

NFL players Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice have been crucified ad nauseum by state-run media, allegedly because domestic violence and child abuse are big issues that need to be addressed in this country. Its now clear said media outlets only wish to improve ratings by tearing down professional athletes, and not address any real issues.   Continue reading “America’s Dirty Little Secret: 40 Cops Convicted, Charged With Child Rape, Sex Crimes In Past 30 Days”

AFP 535667110 A JUS USA MOUSA Today – by Yamiche Alcindor, Greg Toppo, Gary Strauss and John Bacon

FERGUSON, Mo. — The streets were quiet but fires continued to burn Tuesday following a night of violence triggered by a grand jury’s decision not to indict white police officer Darren Wilson for the August shooting death of unarmed, black teen Michael Brown.

Demonstrators taunted police, shattered windows and set fire to two St. Louis County police cars at the protest’s furious peek. Scattered, intermittent gunfire was also reported.   Continue reading “Ferguson burning after grand jury announcement”

NBC News

A grand jury on Monday chose not to file criminal charges against Darren Wilson, the white police officer who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown on a street in Ferguson, Missouri, in August.

The grand jury, which considered evidence for three months, had the option of returning a charge as severe as first-degree murder against Wilson, 28. They also had the option of a lesser charge, or no charge at all.   Continue reading “Ferguson Cop Not Indicted in Shooting of Michael Brown”

Police officers secure an area around the Buzz WestfallUSA Today

A St. Louis County grand jury ended deliberations Monday in the case of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, whose fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen in August touched off weeks of sometimes violent protests, an attorney for the teen’s family told USA TODAY.

Attorney Anthony Gray said the prosecutor’s office called the family Monday afternoon to tell them that the grand jury had reached a decision. County officials will hold a press conference after 6 p.m. ET today.   Continue reading “Reports: Ferguson grand jury has made decision”

The Wilmington Race Riot of 1898 Memorial. (Source: WECT)WSFA 12 News – by Justin Smith

WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) – The N.C. Democratic Party is calling on state lawmakers to pay descendants of people victimized by the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot.

The party’s State Executive Committee passed the resolution Saturday.

“This was a dark time in North Carolina’s and our Party’s history, and one that the NCDP felt needed to be acknowledged,” said Chairman Randy Voller. “Though we understand that no amount of compensation can ever rectify this atrocity, we believe that opening the dialogue will assist in the healing of the African-American community that was so harshly affected.”   Continue reading “N.C. Democratic Party calls for 1898 Wilmington Race Riot reparations”

California ImmigrationYahoo News

MEXICO CITY/TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) – Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto and Central American leaders hailed U.S. President Barack Obama’s sweeping immigration reforms on Friday, with the Mexican leader calling them the “most important measures taken in several decades.”

Obama’s plan, unveiled on Thursday, eases the threat of deportation for some 4.7 million immigrants who are in the United States without legal documents.   Continue reading “Mexico, Central America hail Obama’s immigration reform”


Energy Minister Yuri Prodan said on Monday Russia had suspended coal supplies to Ukraine, an energy ministry spokesman said.

“According to information received from DTEK and (state-run) Tsentrenergo, coal supplies from Russia have been suspended,” the spokesman quoted the minister as saying.   Continue reading “Russia suspends coal supplies to Ukraine – Ukraine energy minister”

violence-among-policeThe Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Data from a five-year period is painting a disturbing picture of a deadly trend among Utah police officers.

Up until this year, killings by police officers ranked second only to homicide of intimate partners. However, this year, including a Saturday shooting in South Jordan, deadly force by police surpassed even violence between spouses and dating partners.   Continue reading “Killings By Police in Utah Outpacing Gang, Drug, Child-Abuse, and Spousal Homicides”

The Daily Caller – by Neil Munro

President Barack Obama’s amnesty for four million illegal immigrants will cost Americans about $2 trillion, or roughly $40 billion a year for the next five decades.

The cost of Obama’s generosity is equivalent to 30 cents extra for every gallon of gas bought by Americans.

Or a $10 monthly fee added to every cellphone.

Or a $22,000 tax on every American graduate’s four-year college degree.   Continue reading “Obama’s Amnesty Will Cost Americans about $2 trillion”

Prescott News – by Lynne LaMaster

Obama administration promotes “prosecutorial discretion” in handling illegal aliens in letter released by Sheriff Paul Babeu.

Pinal County, Ariz. – Sheriff Paul Babeu released DHS’s newest internal memorandum containing directives on apprehending, detaining and removing illegal aliens, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson.

In addition to rescinding and superseding five previous memoranda, the Nov. 20th, 2014 memorandum provides directives to all federal enforcement in Customs and Border Patrol to use prioritization and prosecutorial discretion for all of the estimated 11-20 million illegals; not just the five million President Obama stated. Continue reading “De-Facto Amnesty for ALL Aliens?”

San Jose Mercury News – by Julia Love

SAN JOSE — Mineta San Jose International Airport suffered a security breach Sunday morning when an unauthorized man snuck onto the tarmac and then commandeered a maintenance vehicle in the parking lot, police said.

Miguel Zaragoza, 39, was booked into county jail Sunday and charged with trespassing and possession of a stolen vehicle, Sgt. Heather Randol of the San Jose Police Department said. Atlantic Aviation employees spotted Zaragoza about 10:15 a.m. near their ramp and escorted him to the lobby to wait for police.   Continue reading “Security breach at Mineta San Jose International Airport”

Florida ShootingABC News – by Gary Fineout

A man who set his house on fire and ambushed responding police officers held “anti-government, anti-establishment” views and had previously threatened law enforcement, authorities said Sunday.

The gunman was identified as 53-year-old Curtis Wade Holley. Authorities said he fatally shot Leon County Sheriff’s Deputy Christopher Smith, 47, on Saturday and wounded another deputy before he was killed in a gun battle outside his home.   Continue reading “Man Who Ambushed Cops Had Anti-Government Beliefs”


In 1967, at the height of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, the Israeli Air Force launched an unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty, a US Navy spy ship that was monitoring the conflict from the safety of international waters in the Mediterranean.

Israeli jet fighters hit the vessel with rockets, cannon fire and napalm, before three Israeli torpedo boats moved in to launch a second more devastating attack. Though she did not sink, the Liberty was badly damaged. Thirty-four US servicemen and civilian analysts were killed, another 171 were wounded.   Continue reading “The Day Israel Attacked America”