My Fox DC – by Emily Miller

WASHINGTON – At the beginning of the year, Washington started a mandatory re-registration law for all legal gun owners. The city is the only jurisdiction in the country where registered gun owners have to submit to the police every three years and pay fees, or become a felon.

The police department is sending notices to everyone who has registered a shotgun or rifle since 1976 — or a handgun since it became legal in 2009 — to come to police headquarters to get fingerprinted, photographed and pay fees. So far, very few people have obeyed.   Continue reading “FOX 5 Investigates: DC gun re-registration”

My Fox DC – by Sherri Ly

WASHINGTON – D.C. Public Schools are facing an influx of new immigrant students this year. The surge seen in schools nationwide appears to coincide with the rise in children crossing the United States border.

Most of these kids don’t speak English putting additional demands on local schools. So D.C. has created a school within a school for this growing immigrant population.

Inside the Cardozo Education Campus is the newly-created International Academy. It has 155 students — kids who speak little if any English. Most are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala who have arrived over the past three to ten months.   Continue reading “DC creates school for influx of new immigrant students”

A Hawthi Shiite rebel holds part of a projectile launched by Yemeni forces during clashes between Yemeni forces and Hawthis militants in Sanaa, Yemen, Friday, Sept. 19, 2014. Shiite rebels and Sunni militiamen battled in the streets of the Yemeni capital for a second day Friday in fighting that has killed at least 120 people, driven thousands from their homes and virtually shut down the country's main airport. The battles are raising fears of greater sectarian conflict, unseen for decades in Yemen. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)KOIN 6

NEW YORK (AP) – The State Department is ordering some of its diplomats at the US embassy in Yemen to leave the country.

The department says security is deteriorating amid unrest and sectarian clashes that have left Shiite rebels in control of the capital.

The department says the embassy in Sanaa will stay open with a majority of staff remaining and that the move is temporary.   Continue reading “US pulling some diplomats from embassy in Yemen”

DPT officer hitKTVU 2 – by John Sasaki

SAN FRANCISCO — The woman accused of driving through San Francisco with a city worker on the hood of her car for a mile made her first court appearance Wednesday. 33-year-old Bo Mounsombath is facing three felony charges.

“This defendant is charged with assault, battery and she’s also charged with hit and run,” said District Attorney’s spokesman Alex Bastian.

The incident started last week with a simple parking ticket. Continue reading “Woman accused of driving with DPT officer on hood of car pleads not-guilty to assault & battery”

Thanks to VRF.


WASHINGTON (AP) — Eric Holder, who served as the public face of the Obama administration’s legal fight against terrorism and pushed to make the criminal justice system more even-handed, is resigning after six years on the job. He is the nation’s first black attorney general.

The White House said Thursday that President Barack Obama planned to announce Holder’s departure later Thursday. The White House said Holder plans to remain at the Justice Department until his successor is in place.   Continue reading “Official says Holder resigning as attorney general”

ABC News – by Marcy Gordon, AP

The U.S. Treasury Department continued to approve “excessive” pay raises for top executives at General Motors and its former consumer finance arm, both of which received taxpayer-funded bailouts during the financial crisis, a new government report says.

The government watchdog that oversees the $475 billion bailout said Treasury approved cash salaries exceeding $500,000 last year for 16 of the 47 top executives at General Motors Corp. and Ally Financial Inc. Treasury allowed total pay packages, including company stock, of at least $1 million for every top executive at the two companies, according to the report released Wednesday by the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program.   Continue reading “Report: Treasury OKs Big Pay Raises for GM, Ally”

Daily Beast

A grand jury in Ohio voted Wednesday not to indict a white police officer who shot and killed a black man inside an Walmart this year. John Crawford III was shot by Officer Sean Williams while carrying a pellet gun he had picked up in the sporting goods section of the store.

Police had arrived at the store in response to a 911 call saying there was a man in the store pointing a rifle at people.   Continue reading “Killer Cop in Walmart Not Charged”

USA Today – by Casey Nolen

FERGUSON, Mo. — At least two protesters were arrested and some businesses were damaged Tuesday night after a memorial to Michael Brown was destroyed in a fire. The confrontation reignited tensions in the St. Louis suburb that was rocked by violence this summer after Brown, an unarmed teenager, was shot by a Ferguson police officer.

Police responded Tuesday evening to a reported break-in of a beauty supply store on West Florissant Avenue, according to multiple reports. Then several gunshots were heard and approximately 200 people gathered at the site where demonstrations were held following the Aug. 9 shooting of Michael Brown, 19, by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.   Continue reading “Tensions flare in Ferguson after Brown memorial burns”

Hot Air – by AllahPundit

Seems far-fetched. We’re going to recruit and vet thousands of possibly unreliable foreigners, arm them to the teeth, shower them with cash, give them some perfunctory training, then send them into battle against the world’s nastiest jihadi degenerates, from ISIS to Al Qaeda to Hezbollah? Why, that’s … exactly what Obama’s planning to do with Syria’s “moderates.”Right? One of O’Reilly’s guests last night called his mercenary plan “morally corrosive” because it would outsource the national security of the United States to foreign actors, which … we’re right now in the process of doing. Who would you rather take your natsec chances with? A multinational mercenary force of experienced Blackwater-types who share no interests with ISIS, or a group of Sunnis from Syria who are more interested in attacking Assad and might be A-OK with the thought of Wahhabis ruling Damascus when push comes to shove?   Continue reading “Bill O’Reilly: Why not raise a 25,000-man global mercenary army to fight ISIS?”

Patchpic.jpgSent to us by a reader.

All News Pipeline – by Live Free or Die

What we have uncovered about alleged Pennsylvania cop-killer Eric Frein in the last few days should be enough to make anyone question what’s really going on in the Poconos Mountains in Pennsylvania. It first needs to be said that we don’t condone ANY violence against the police, nor anyone else, but after checking out Eric Frein’s IMDB actor’s page (the 3rd video below called ‘Lustig’ features Frein acting as a Nazi soldier!) and visiting his MySpace page (which has since been deleted but saved in screenshots and video below!), we see that there may be MUCH more going on with this horrible incident than meets the eye.   Continue reading “PA Cop Killer An Actor! Russian Spetsnaz Link Found!? Eric Frein False-Flag Operation Exposed? Killer’s MySpace Page Scrubbed But Saved Here! Check Out The Connections!”

Press TV

Syria has once again slammed the Israeli regime’s support for the Takfiri ISIL militants operating inside the Arab country.

A Syrian military official, whose name was not mentioned in the reports, made the comments on Tuesday after Tel Aviv said earlier in the day that it had shot down a Syrian warplane as it attempted to fly over the ceasefire line into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.   Continue reading “Syria slams Israel support for ISIL”

A Syrian fighter jet is seen in flames after it was hit by the Israeli military over the Golan Heights on TuesdayReuters – by MAAYAN LUBELL

Israel shot down a Syrian warplane on Tuesday, saying the aircraft crossed the battle lines of Syria’s civil war and flew over the Israeli-held Golan Heights, perhaps by accident.

The incident coincided with but did not appear to be directly related to air strikes the United States and Gulf Arab allies mounted on Islamic State strongholds in Syria.   Continue reading “Israel downs Syrian warplane it says violated its Golan airspace”

ABC 13 – by Miya Shay

“He was like a real calm person, no problems, he would come everyday to play soccer,” said Guzman, who lived in the same apartment complex as Meraz.

The 14-year-old can be seen smiling in his Facebook posts. He was an eighth grade student at Stovall. But on September 15, a person walking his dog discovered a body in a heavily wooded area in west Houston. Two days later, classmates and friends would learn it was Meraz.   Continue reading “Mystery Surrounds Killing of Boy in Middle School”

Yahoo News – by Julia Edwards and Roberta Rampton

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A decorated Iraq war veteran who scaled a fence on Friday night and got into the White House had over 800 rounds of ammunition in his car and was arrested in July with a sniper rifle and a map marking the executive mansion, a federal prosecutor said on Monday.

Omar Gonzalez, 42, was also stopped, but not arrested in August walking by the White House with a hatchet in his waistband, federal prosecutor David Mudd told a federal judge.   Continue reading “White House intruder had 800 rounds of ammunition in car: prosecutor”

Fox News

DEVELOPING: Three Afghan National Army soldiers who vanished from a Cape Cod military base where they had been taking part in a training exercise have been found at the Canadian border near Niagara Falls, a senior Pentagon official told Fox News.

The men were reported missing by the Massachusetts National Guard Saturday night at Joint Base Cape Cod. A statement identified the soldiers as Maj. Jan Mohammad Arash, 48, Capt. Mohammad Nasir Askarzada, 18, and Capt. Noorullah Aminyar, 20.   Continue reading “Missing Afghan soldiers found at Canadian border near Niagara Falls” – by Lara Salahi

Federal military officials along with state and local police are searching for three Afghanistan National Army soldiers who went missing Saturday night from a regional cooperation training exercise at Camp Edwards in Sandwich.

According to Massachusetts National Guard spokesman Lt. Col. James Sahady, the three men were senior military officers from Afghanistan and were cleared by the US State Department to participate in the exercise. The three men have been identified as Maj. Jan Mohammad Arash, Capt. Mohammad Nasir Askarzada and Capt. Noorullah Aminyar.

Continue reading “Three Afghan Soldiers Missing From Joint Base Cape Cod”