California town shaken as police officers arrestedYahoo News

KING CITY, Calif. (AP) — Residents of a California farming town were grappling Wednesday with the feeling that their trust has been violated after learning the acting police chief and a handful of officers were charged with crimes including selling or giving away the impounded cars of poor Hispanic residents.

The misgivings had been building for some time. Investigators heard people — many unable to speak English — complain that police were taking their cars and money, and there was nothing they could do about it.   Continue reading “California town shaken as police officers arrested”

Bakers Green Acres -by Jill

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”   Continue reading “Bakers Green Acres: The results are in”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

In a state where it was once commonplace to carry a hunting rifle in the back window of one’s truck at all times, a man has been shot by York County, South Carolina deputies because Deputy Terrence Knox thought that the man was reaching for a rifle in the back of his truck.

The victim, 70-year-old Bobby Canipe, was, of course, not reaching for a rifle but for his cane which he kept in the bed of the truck.    Continue reading “Cop Shoots Elderly Man Reaching For Cane”

Journal Sentinel- by John Diedrich and Raquel Rutledge

ATF agents have lost track of dozens of government-issued guns, after stashing them under the front seats in their cars, in glove compartments or simply leaving them on top of their vehicles and driving away, according to internal reports from the past five years obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Agents left their guns behind in bathroom stalls, at a hospital, outside a movie theater and on a plane, according to the records, obtained Tuesday by the news organization under the federal Freedom of Information Act.   Continue reading “ATF agents lost track of dozens of their own guns, reports show”

Fox News

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announced Wednesday she has vetoed a controversial bill that would have allowed religious beliefs as a defense for denying service to gays and others.

Brewer, who spent several days considering whether to sign the bill, said it had “the potential to create more problems than it purports to solve.It could divide Arizona in ways we cannot even imagine and no one would ever want.”   Continue reading “Arizona governor vetoes controversial bill allowing religious beliefs as defense for denying service”

dubai-streets-660.jpgFox News

Want to reduce traffic? Don’t let poor people drive.

That’s one scheme being considered by the Director General of Dubai, Hussain Lootah, as the Emirate looks for ways to ease increasing congestion on its roads, according to The National.

“This city is growing very fast and everyone is buying their own car,” he told the Abu Dhabi-based newspaper. “If we keep going in this direction we’ll just have roads and bridges everywhere.”   Continue reading “Dubai considers minimum salary requirement for car ownership”

border_patrol_072910Fox News

Residents of the southern Arizona town of Arivaca are monitoring a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint to see how many arrests and drug seizures are made in a bid to remove longstanding interior checkpoints on the roads leading into the town.

Arivaca residents say they are regularly subjected to delays, searches, harassment and racial profiling at the checkpoints. Six residents monitored the checkpoint Wednesday on Arivaca Road, 25 miles north of the Mexico border.   Continue reading “Residents in Arizona town push to remove ‘militaristic’ border checkpoint”

modesto.jpgFox News

A California college student who was blocked last year from handing out copies of the Constitution gave his school a lesson in civics and the law, winning a $50,000 settlement and an agreement to revise its speech codes.

Robert Van Tuinen, 26, settled with Modesto Junior College just five months after his run-in with school officials on Sept. 17 – National Constitution Day. Van Tuinen said he’s more excited about getting the school to revise its speech codes, which previously confined the First Amendment to a small area students had to sign up to use.   Continue reading “California college student teaches school $50,000 lesson on Constitution”

Rehmat’s World

One day after a compromise reached between the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych and the opposition leaders, the anti-government protestors stormed the Presidential Palace and forced Yanukovych to flee. As part of the deal, the convicted former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, was released from hospital where she was imprisoned. The so-called “interim government” lead by the new Speaker of country’s parliament Oleksandr Turchinov, an ally of Tymoshenko, has announced to hold new election on May 25, 2014.   Continue reading “Jewish groups celebrate regime-change in Ukraine”

PictureFood Freedom USA – by Andrew Mastrocola

“If we win this war a lot of things will change.” from the movie ‘The Patriot’

We would not even have the chance to be fighting for farmers, consumers, and food freedom if the pacifist non-aggression policy had held front and center stage during the Revolutionary War for Independence from England.    Continue reading “Pacifists Detest Patriots in the War Being Waged for Your Food”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

As the political powers in America campaign to the American people that their second amendment right to bear arms should be limited and tightly controlled, the citizens of the Ukraine are awakened to the realities of a government which limits and tightly controls the right of the people to bear arms. The recent massacre at Independence Square in Kiev was a experience these citizens won’t soon forget.   Continue reading “Here’s An Example Of Why Ukrainians Are Demanding Their Own “Second Amendment” Today”

BankRunLiberty Gold and Silver News

Dear Depositor:

We don’t want to cause you unnecessary stress or worry, but it might be prudent to pay attention to a series of unusual news reports recently emanating from the banking world.  Viewed independently, each event might be rather insignificant.

However, when examined collectively, these events paint a very dire warning for the safety of bank deposits everywhere.  Naturally, most all of these have received little to no coverage by the mainstream media.  That is to be expected.   Continue reading “Top 10 Signs that Reveal Mounting Panic in the World Banking System”

US officials fear that cyber attacks on Syria’s air power, its electric grid or its leadership would prompt Syrian retaliation in the United States.Press TV

The United States is developing a battle plan against Syria that featured a sophisticated cyber attack on the Syrian military and President Bashar al-Assad’s command structure, a report reveals.

The National Security Council met Thursday to explore what one US official called “old and new options,” The New York Times reports, referring to a US plan in 2011, when the Pentagon and the National Security Agency first examined the use of cyber arms against Syria.   Continue reading “US planning for cyber attacks on Syria”