Positive Money and the Chicago PlanReal Currencies – by Anthony Migchels

Positive Money is undoubtedly one of the leading monetary reform organizations in the world. Their analysis of our monetary problems and proposed solutions is basically the Chicago plan. But the Chicago Plan does not address Usury.

Positive Money, headed by Ben Dyson, is based in the UK and is a spin off of the New Economy Foundation. It’s a not-for-profit corporation and is financed by a number of social justice foundations and grassroots supporters. Total income last year was 135,000 pounds.   Continue reading “Positive Money and the Chicago Plan”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Since Obama was re-elected there seems to be a string of disasters unlike anything ever seen in this nations history. From the engineered gulf oil spill to the chemical spill in West Virginia and everything in between. Order out of Chaos continues.

New Mexico officials investigating a leak from the federal government’s only underground nuclear waste dump tried to reassure skeptical southeastern New Mexico residents Monday night that their health is safe.   Continue reading “Warning: New Mexico Nuclear Power Plant Leaking Radiation”

Washington’s Blog

Congress Wasn’t Even Informed About It

Constitutional law expert Bruce Fein and well-known author and NSA expert James Bamford point out that the NSA is the only Federal agency which was created without Congressional authorization or debate.

Indeed, the NSA was created by President Truman in 1952 through a secret memo, and Congress was kept in the dark:   Continue reading “NSA Is the ONLY Federal Agency Created By Secret Presidential Memo, Rather than Congressional Legislation”

Israeli F-15I fighter jet (file image)BCC News

Israeli jets have carried out air strikes in eastern Lebanon near the border with Syria, Lebanon’s state news agency says.

Israel’s military has not commented although an Israeli security source quoted by Reuters said there had been “air force activity in the north”.

Lebanon’s national news agency said the air raids took place near the village of Nabi Sheet in the Bekaa Valley.   Continue reading “Israeli warplanes ‘strike eastern Lebanon’”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Remember the day “A deadly US drone strike on a December 2013 wedding procession in Yemen”,  well a new 28 page report  is out, this report raises serious concerns about US forces’ and President Barack Obama’s targeted killing policy, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.   Continue reading “New 28 Page Drone Report: “Wedding That Became a Funeral”, Obama Violates His Own Policy”

Science Daily

Researchers have identified a polio-like syndrome in a cluster of children from California over a one-year period, according to a case report released today that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 66th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, April 26 to May 3, 2014.   Continue reading “Mysterious polio-like illness found in five California children”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Americans have been conditioned to accept the loss of life in distant lands, news of drone strikes killing wedding parties and innocent civilians, are spread all over the media. This is a form of conditioning.

In the video below from StormCloudsGathering, you will see just how we as Americans are conditioned to accept the killing of innocent men, women and children, while we sit in our warm homes watching Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus on TV.    Continue reading “Obama’s NDAA 2014: ‘Conflict Records Research Center’ Bolstering National Security Surveillance State”

Information Liberation- by Chris

New Jersey police allegedly hid dashcam video from prosecutors showing they beat an innocent man on the side of the road and made up a host of false charges to try to get him imprisoned. After the video was retrieved through an open records request, all charges were dropped and the police were instead charged with falsifying evidence and assault.

The shocking video shows out of control cops cross the median line of a road driving against traffic to crash into 30-year-old Marcus Jeter’s vehicle after he had already pulled over on the side of the road, then police swarm his car with guns drawn, break his windows, punch him in the face while he’s holding his hands up in surrender, then pull him out of his car and viciously beat him while screaming “stop resisting” and demanding he “stop going for their guns.”   Continue reading “NJ Cops Indicted After Video They Hid Reveals They Beat Innocent Man & Filed False Charges”


NEW YORK (MYFOXNY) – New York state Sen. Ruben Diaz Jr. introduced a bill that would require parents of elementary school children to attend a minimum of four parent support classes. If parents don’t go, 6th graders won’t move onto 7th grade.

Leslie Venokur, the co-founder of Big City Moms, called the idea “crazy” and “insane.” She said that what is most concerning that the education commissioner and Board of Regents would develop the parenting guidelines. She said the Regents should “stick to what they’re good at which is teaching kids and staying away from the parents.”   Continue reading “NY lawmaker: Parents should take parenting classes”

israel-grungeDaily Slave

There was a fairly humorous article published by Haaretz recently.  Apparently there is a Ukrainian rabbi named Moshe Reuven Azman telling Jews in Kiev to flee the city fearing that violence might be directed against Ukraine’s Jews.  The reason why this is so funny is because the Ukrainian uprising that has taken place was largely ran and supported by Jews.

Here’s a quick blurb from the Haaretz article.   Continue reading “Rabbi Claims Ukrain’s Jews Might be Victimized even though Jews Helped Orchestrate Ukrainian Uprising”

flintschoolbus.JPGTech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

Zero tolerance weapons policies at schools continue to be ridiculous. Between Pop Tarts bitten into gun-like shapes and drawings of guns being treated as severely as the real thing, schools enforcing these policies (forced on them by the government’s decision to tie funding to weapons policies) have slid into cartoonish parody of discipline.

In news that should come as a surprise to almost no one, two eleven-year old boys at a Flint, MI school were arrested and charged after bringing a toy gun to school. (via The Blaze)   Continue reading “Zero Tolerance Nets Two 11-Year Old Boys Juvenile Criminal Charges For Bringing A Toy Gun To School”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The US Bureau of Reclamation released its first outlook of the year and finds insufficient stock is available in California to release irrigation water for farmers. This is the first time in the 54 year history of the State Water Project. “If it’s not there, it’s just not there,” notes a Water Authority director adding that it’s going to be tough to find enough water, but farmers are hit hardest as “they’re all on pins and needles trying to figure out how they’re going to get through this.” Fields will go unplanted (supply lower mean food prices higher), or farmers will pay top dollar for water that’s on the market (and those costs can only be passed on via higher food prices).   Continue reading “Feds Withhold Water To California Farmers For First Time In 54 Years”

Snow+Shovel+GenericBizPac Review

The bitterly cold winter the country is experiencing now took government climatologists completely by surprise, but was predicted with dead-center accuracy by the Old Farmer’s Almanac, a 200 year-plus publication.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center worked feverishly, plugging all available data into supercomputers to predict temperatures would be “above normal from November through January across much of the lower 48 states,” according to Bloomberg Businessweek.   Continue reading “Farmer’s Almanac nails winter freeze; government climate scientists way off”

Fort BraggWRAL 5 News

FORT BRAGG, N.C. — One paratrooper was killed and seven others were injured Friday morning in a training accident at Fort Bragg, officials said.

“While conducting artillery live-fire training, the 18th Fires Brigade experienced an incident with a M777 light, towed howitzer,” officials said in a statement late Friday.   Continue reading “Paratrooper killed in howitzer accident during Bragg training”

Reuters / Gary Hershorn RT News

Any American flag purchased by the US Defense Department from now on will be legally required to have been made in the United States.

The new law, which goes into effect on Friday, is an apparent attempt to curtail flag purchases from China, which spiked following the demand generated by the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York.   Continue reading “American military banned from purchasing flags made in China”

Weekly World News – by Frank Lake

CAMBRIDGE, MA – A groundbreaking study has determined that 83% of the members of Congress are certified morons!

The Kennedy School of Government did a longitudinal study over the last 30 years that looked at the average IQ of members of Congress – the Senate & House of Representatives.   Continue reading “Study: Congress Filled with Morons”

Fox CT – by Beau Berman

A Fox Connecticut investigation is back in the national spotlight this week.

It surrounds Connecticut father Lou Pelletier, who may be violating a court issued gag order in an effort to save his daughter, Justina Pelletier’s life.   Continue reading “Justina Pelletier’s Dad Speaks Out Despite Gag Order”