Washington Post – by Ellen Nakashima

An analysis of 225 terrorism cases inside the United States since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has concluded that the bulk collection of phone records by the National Security Agency “has had no discernible impact on preventing acts of terrorism.”

In the majority of cases, traditional law enforcement and investigative methods provided the tip or evidence to initiate the case, according to the study by the New America Foundation, a Washington-based nonprofit group.   Continue reading “NSA phone record collection does little to prevent terrorist attacks, group says”

USA Today – by David Jackson

WASHINGTON — President Obama said Sunday that the clock starts ticking Jan. 20 on a six-month nuclear deal with Iran, calling it the best bet to deny Tehran the means to make nuclear weapons.

Obama also vowed to veto any congressional legislation that slaps new sanctions on Iran, saying it would damage prospects for a long-term nuclear agreement.

“I have no illusions about how hard it will be to achieve this objective, but for the sake of our national security and the peace and security of the world, now is the time to give diplomacy a chance to succeed,” Obama said in a written statement.   Continue reading “Obama: Iran nuclear deal starts Jan. 20”

секрет.TK - NSA and Prism Proof Search EngineI have recently learned that my site www.xn--e1aaoyck.tk (browsers translate to www.секрет.tk), which is an attempt to make an NSA proof search engine, has been blocked by many companies such as Facebook, Stumbleupon, and Best Buy for being unsafe or inappropriate. This is despite the fact that there is NO malicious content on the site and NO adult content… Unless you call freedom of speech inappropriate.

It first came to my attention when attempting to show a friend the site on a computer at Best Buy, whose content blocking software blocked the site, despite not blocking many other site (in fact it didn’t block ANY of the other sites I tried. I thought nothing of this, and just figured they block some unknown sites. Then a couple weeks later, I attempted to post a link to the site on a face book page that I am the admin of, and face book gave a block noticed saying I couldn’t post the link. Here is a screenshot:   Continue reading “NSA/Hacking Resistant Search Engine Blocked by Facebook, Stumble Upon, and Best Buy”

Fox News

As hundreds of thousands of people in West Virginia enter a fourth day without clean tap water following a chemical spill, frustrations are beginning to mount.

Most visitors have cleared out of Charleston while locals are either staying home or driving out of the area to find somewhere they can get a hot meal or a shower. Meanwhile, business owners with empty dining rooms and quiet aisles of merchandise around West Virginia’s capital were left to wonder how much of an economic hit they’ll take from the chemical spill.   Continue reading “Frustration grows as shelves empty and businesses shut following West Virginia chemical spill”

The Hill – by Jonathan Easley

The Department of Health and Human Services will run ObamaCare ads during the Winter Olympics, targeting the young and healthy in parts of the country where there are large numbers of uninsured people.

“We are ramping up education and outreach efforts to drive enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace as part of a sustained, aggressive campaign for the duration of open enrollment,” HHS spokeswoman Joanne Peters told The Hill in an email.   Continue reading “HHS plans ObamaCare ad blitz during Olympics”

Stanley Fischer, Bank of Israel governor, listens to a question during and interview in New YorkBlacklisted News – by BOB TUSKIN

This week, President Obama named Stanley Fischer, former governor of the Bank of Israel, to serve as vice chairman Friday of the U.S. Federal Reserve board.  The president named Lael Brainard, one of his top economic advisers, to serve as a governor of the fed and nominated Jerome Powell to a second term, According to UPI.

“Stanley Fischer brings decades of leadership and expertise from various roles, including serving at the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of Israel,” Obama said. “He is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s leading and most experienced economic policy minds and I’m grateful he has agreed to take on this new role and I am confident that he and Janet Yellen will make a great team.”   Continue reading “Obama Appoints Bank of Israel Governor to the Federal Reserve”

Breitbart – by Kerry Picket

GunBroker.com, the world’s largest gun auction website, announced Friday it reached a historic occasion since its launch in 1999. The online firearms and shooting gear auction site reached $3 billion in online sales.

According to a press release, “GunBroker.com is an informative, secure, and safe way to buy and sell firearms, ammunition, and hunting and shooting gear online. GunBroker.com promotes responsible ownership of guns and firearms.” Steve Urvan, CEO of GunBroker.com, will be in Las Vegas Tuesday at the annual Shot Show convention where he will be presented with a commemorative plaque in recognition of his site’s success.    Continue reading “Gun Auction Site Gunbroker.com Marks Industry Milestone With $3 Billion In Sales”

Sent to us by the victim’s sister, Jennifer Ryan:

I have filed complaints with the Los Angeles FBI office over and over again. The FBI Office in LA seems to be friends with the Riverside County Sheriffs and the District Attorneys office, and the LA FBI will not look at this case.

Please look at this case. Everything on the case I have posted online so you can view the Sheriff’s reports and evidence. You will see this falls under the color of law.

We have planting of evidence, excessive force, police brutality, filing of false reports and changing reports to fit their lies.   Continue reading “Help Me to Clean Up Riverside County, California”

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is sending dozens of its personnel to RussiaRia Novosti

MOSCOW, January 10 (RIA Novosti) – The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is sending dozens of its personnel to Russia to help secure the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi from possible terror attacks, its director told reporters.

FBI director James Comey said about two dozen agents and other personnel will be sent to Moscow and more than a dozen others will be based in the Black Sea resort that is hosting the Winter Olympics from February 7 to 23. Some of them are already there, he told the Wall Street Journal.   Continue reading “FBI Sends Dozens of Agents to Help Guard Sochi Olympics”

My Fox New York

NEW YORK (MYFOXNY) -The line wrapped nearly around an entire city block on Friday as approximately 1,500 people waited in Queens for a chance to apply for a coveted union job as painters or blasters on bridges and steel structures.

The first few people on line had been there since 1 p.m. on Tuesday when the temperature in New York City was in the single digits.   Continue reading “More than 1,000 Camp out for Union Jobs”

MRAP vehicle policeRaw Story – by Travis Gettys

As U.S. military operations wind down overseas, some of that surplus hardware has been used to equip cash-strapped local police departments.

Police and sheriff’s departments have been given at least 165 mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles since this summer, according to a recent Washington Post analysis.   Continue reading “Cops use armored military vehicles to deliver shock and awe during routine police work”

The Blaze – by Becket Adams

U.S. employers added only 74,000 jobs in December, pushing the unemployment rate down to 6.7 percent, down from its previous rate of 7 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

A full two-thirds of the unemployment rate is due to people who have given up on finding work – and a at least one news outlets has taken notice:   Continue reading “Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest ever during Obama Presidency…But why even the Associated Press is Pointing Out it’s Not Good”

Tony West, the associate attorney general, helped broker the government's settlement with JPMorgan Chase.New York Times – by JESSICA SILVER-GREENBERG AND PETER EAVIS

Wall Street could pay nearly $50 billion to buy peace from federal authorities who are taking aim at the banks over their role in the mortgage crisis, according to interviews and a confidential analysis of the industry’s potential legal exposure.

Bracing for a potential reckoning, the banks and their outside lawyers are quietly using JPMorgan Chase’s record $13 billion mortgage settlement in November to do the math and determine just how much each bank might have to pay to move beyond the torrent of government mortgage litigation that has dogged them since the financial crisis. Such calculations, people briefed on the matter said, have gained particular urgency among the banks’ board members.   Continue reading “Wall Street Predicts $50 Billion Bill to Settle U.S. Mortgage Suits”