At Least 6 Dead in Illinois After Tornadoes, Storms Damage HomesYahoo News – by GILLIAN MOHNEY and ANTHONY CASTELLANO | Good Morning America

Search and recovery operations are underway after severe storms and tornadoes wreaked havoc on the Midwest, killing at least six people and injuring dozens more after powerful winds flattened homes and decimated much of the town of Washington, Ill.

A sixth death was confirmed late Sunday night after 81 reports of tornadoes ripped through the Midwest earlier in the day. One of the tornadoes in New Minden, Ill., was estimated to be an EF 4 with winds up to 200 mph.   Continue reading “At Least 6 Dead in Illinois After Tornadoes, Storms Damage Homes”

Canadian Civil Liberties Union – by hpitcher

On November 9th, investigative journalist and human rights activist, John McNamer sent a request to the International Criminal Court to investigate Canada’s complicity in war crimes. McNamer argues that Canada has “actively and intentionally failed to comply with legal obligations under The Convention against Torture and the Rome Statue” (page 1).  McNamer’s submissions to the ICC include that Canada has transferred detainees to the United States and Afghanistan with full knowledge that the detainees would be in extreme danger of torture and that Canada uses and shares intelligence likely obtained through torture. McNamer provides over 250 documents in support of his allegations.   Continue reading “Is Canada Guilty of War Crimes?”

radar 2CBS Chicago – by Adam Hoge

SOLDIER FIELD (CBS) — Sunday’s Bears game against the Ravens was delayed with 4:51 left in the first quarter by severe weather.

Storms rolled in along the lakefront shortly after kickoff. Fans were warned about a possible evacuation to the concourse with about 10 minutes left in the first quarter and were eventually told to leave their seats after the Ravens kicked a field goal with 4:51 left in the first quarter.    Continue reading “Fans Evacuated From Stands As Bears-Ravens Game Delayed By Storms”

USS Chancellorsville (AFP Photo / US NAVY)RT News

An American drone has malfunctioned and crashed into a guided missile cruiser off the coast of Southern California, causing two injuries, say officials. The incident happened while the vessel was testing a combat weapons system.

Lt. Lenaya Rotklein of the US Third Fleet told AP the two sailors injured in the crash were being treated for minor burns. The remotely-controlled craft reportedly veered out of control during an operation to test the USS Chancellorsville’s combat weapons system on Saturday afternoon. Rotklein said the drone was being used to test the ship’s radar.    Continue reading “Drone crashes into Navy ship injuring 2 in California”

Ynet News

The Mossad is currently working with Saudi Arabian officials on contingency plans for a possible attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, the Sunday Times reported.

According to the paper, both Israel and the Saudi kingdom are skeptical of the nuclear talks between Iran and world powers and are working together on a possible attack plan should such an agreement actualize but fail to stop the Islamic republic from continuing its nuclear project.   Continue reading “Report: Israel, Saudi Arabia cooperating on possible attack on Iran”

Continue reading “State cop shoots at minivan full of kids”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have “each contributed $25,000” to Washington’s Initiative 594, which would effectively ban private gun sales in the state.

The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) is pushing the initiative, claiming it “makes sure anyone buying a gun in Washington State passes the same background check, no matter where they buy the gun and no matter whom they buy it from.”    Continue reading “Bill Gates Backs Washington Initiative to Stop Private Gun Sales”

6889519220_8fc7f3a776_z-e1335414801266Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Last month in a shootout between Mexican police and drug cartel members, three officers were killed, but following the shootout it appears that another US weapons smuggling operation was uncovered, one that includes “Kingery” grenades.   Continue reading “Fast and Furious Grenades – Another Obama ATF Smuggling Operation”

Wanda Sue Larson, 57WRAL

UNION COUNTY, N.C. — Authorities arrested a Union County Department of Social Services worker and a Monroe man Friday night after an 11-year-old boy was found handcuffed to the front porch of a home with a dead chicken tied around his neck, investigators said.

WBTV of Charlotte reported a deputy was answering an animal services complaint next door to the home on Austin Road, south of Monroe, when he saw a child secured to the front porch at the ankle, by what appeared to be a pair of handcuffs.   Continue reading “DSS worker arrested after boy found handcuffed to porch with dead chicken around neck”

Mother of Fallen Yarnell Hill Firefighter Files Claim Seeking $36 MillionYahoo News – by Liz Fields

The mother of firefighter who died while battling the Yarnell Hill blaze on June 30, intends to sue state and local authorities for negligence and attempting to “whitewash” an investigation into the deaths of the crew.

Marcia McKee filed a notice of claim on Friday against the state of Arizona, City of Prescott and Yavapai County seeking $12 million from each for negligent and careless actions that led to the death of her son, Grant, who was 21 when he perished alongside 18 members of his Granite Mountain Hotshots crew.   Continue reading “Mother of Fallen Yarnell Hill Firefighter Files Claim Seeking $36 Million”

Next Gov – by Aliya Sternstein

The next Cuban missile crisis could be resolved through the power of music rather than an armed standoff between nuclear powers, military officials and researchers speculate.

It is believed that sound waves can “jump the air gap” — or hack a machine that is not on a network — to paralyze a ship’s control systems. Instead of using a blockade or firing Tomahawk missiles to prevent Russia from delivering weapons to Cuba, the United States could use malicious tones.    Continue reading “The Next U.S. Weapon at Sea Could be Music”

Fox News – by Catherine Herridge

At least five CIA personnel, including government contractors, were asked to sign a second non-disclosure agreement after the Benghazi terrorist attack, Fox News has learned.

While the three-page NDA, obtained by Fox News, does not contain specific references to the 2012 attack which killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, it does contain standard language that unauthorized disclosures could lead to “temporary loss of pay or termination” and “in some circumstances, constitute a criminal offense.”   Continue reading “CIA personnel asked to sign additional non-disclosure form after Benghazi attack”

jim rogers birch gold groupPR Web

Legendary investor and financial commentator tells Birch Gold Group that everyone should own precious metals as an insurance policy against a stock market crash and the declining dollar.

“We’re all losing the currency wars,” says legendary investor Jim Rogers in an exclusive interview released by Birch Gold Group. And he predicts that “as long as the politicians can continue to print money,” the problem will get worse.   Continue reading “Jim Rogers Warns of “Serious Collapse” of Financial Markets in Interview With Birch Gold Group”

There is no "fix" for ObamaCareHuman Events – by John Hayward

I think – well, to be forthright, I know, with actuarial certainty – that any of the various “Keep Your Plan” legislative fixes floating around Congress would kill ObamaCare.  President Obama and the rest of the Affordable Care Act con artists know it, too.  There’s a reason he told the biggest lie in modern history, over and over again.  More to the point, there’s a reason ObamaCare includes the insurance-slaying regulations and requirements Obama kept lying about.  This bill, like all socialist failure, is a massive exercise of compulsive force.  It won’t work if there’s an escape valve.   Continue reading “There is No ‘Fix’ for Obamacare”

Sgt. Report

If you, like I, have brainwashed, intellectually dishonest, “liberal” friends who still insist on giving Barack Obama a pass for every horrible, often criminal thing he has ever done, you might want to make them aware of this additional fact.

According to Senator Rand Paul, who spoke at a luncheon in Charleston, South Carolina on Monday, November 11, the President of the United States himself wrote the regulation to cancel the health insurance of MILLIONS of Americans. And every single Democrat voted for it.   Continue reading “Sen. Rand Paul Reveals: Barack Obama Wrote the Regulation to Cancel your Insurance, and Every Democrat Voted for It!”