Maryland Parent Manhandled, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public ForumThe Blaze – by Jason Howerton

A parent in Towson, Md., was arrested Thursday night at a public forum after vocally expressing his concerns about the Baltimore County School District’s plan to use Common Core standards in its curriculum.

Robert Small, a concerned father, was forcefully removed from the meeting by a police officer after he interrupted Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance during the question-and-answer portion of the forum.  Continue reading “‘Is this America?’: Parent Manhandled, Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum”

Common Dreams – by Sarah Lazare

The UN nuclear agency crushed an effort of Arab states to reign in nuclear Israel, rejecting a non-binding resolution on Friday that would have compelled Israel to join the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and place its arsenal under International Atomic Energy Agency supervision.

“Israel has once again become the exception to international norms to reduce the potential of nuclear war and reduce nuclear weapons,” Deborah Agre from the Middle East Children’s Alliance told Common Dreams.   Continue reading “UN Stamps Out Measure to Reign In Nuclear Israel”

Before It’s New – by Mort Amsel

Tony Rooke refused to pay a TV license fee because the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks, he alleged. It is widely known that the BBC reported the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 over 20 minutes before it occurred. WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that was not hit by a plane on 9/11 but collapsed at free-fall speed later that day.    Continue reading “UK Man Wins Court Case Against BBC For 9-11 WTC 7 Cover Up”

It is becoming more and more meaningless to compare the performance of the Dow 30 from one period to another with the continuing replacement of constituent companies with underperforming and lower priced stocks (losers out) with companies with higher priced stocks with greater future prospects for price appreciation (winners in). We explain below exactly what this reconfiguring (and the further change in the Dow Divisor) encompasses and exactly how it will affect the performance of the index. Read on, its significance is absolutely dramatic! This manipulation of the performance of the Dow 30 has been going on since 1928 and it was further denigrated this week with a 3 constituent swap which will, in effect, assure that the Dow 30 continues to rise in the long term.   Continue reading “Dow Jones Index injected again with epo and growth hormones”

Detroit Free Press – by Kathleen Gray

LANSING — Bills that would deny unemployment benefits to people who refuse to take drug tests required by employers and that would mandate community service for people receiving public assistance were approved in the state Senate and a House committee Wednesday.

The drug-testing bill, which passed the House Commerce Committee on a 12-4 vote with three Democrats passing on the issue, would deny unemployment benefits for people who either refused to take a drug test required by an employer or tested positive.   Continue reading “Michigan State lawmakers pass bill requiring drug tests, community service for those on welfare”

Oklahoma chemical fireUSA Today

A fire and early morning explosion Thursday at an industrial facility rocked the area around the small town of Thomas, Okla., in Custer County, but caused no injuries, according to local media.

KWTV News 9, citing police, said about 10 families living near the Danlin plant were evacuated. KOCO reports that a four-mile area around the plant was cleared.   Continue reading “Fire, explosion rock Okla. chemical plant”

The Columbus Dispatch – by Martin Crutsinger

WASHINGTON — In a surprise, the Federal Reserve has decided against reducing its stimulus for the U.S. economy because its outlook for growth has dimmed in the past three months.

The Fed said yesterday that it will continue to buy $85 billion a month in bonds while it awaits conclusive evidence that the economy is strengthening. The Fed’s bond purchases are intended to keep long-term borrowing rates low to boost spending and economic growth.   Continue reading “Stocks soar as the Fed continues its stimulus”

atf policeIntellihub – by Andrew Pontbriand

Officials involved in the investigation of the Navy Yard shooting, have come forward with new insights on the weapon that was used in the shooting. Alexis had carved the words ‘My ELF weapon’ on his Remington 870-Express-Tactical shotgun. ELF stands for ‘extremely low frequency’, and usually refers to communications or weather.[1]

For those who are familiar with this technology, it is well understood that this is used in programs such as H.A.A.R.P. It has also been reported by several government whistle blowers, and even political activists that they suspected a ‘ELF weapon’ was being used on them.   Continue reading “Aaron Alexis Carved ‘My ELF Weapon’ on the Stock of his Shotgun”

FOI Lawyer: Newtown Broke Law By Withholding Sandy Hook 911 CallsThe Hartford Courant – by MATTHEW KAUFFMAN

State prosecutors seeking to block the release of 911 calls made during the attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School say a preliminary order to disclose the calls could put police “at the mercy” of criminals eager to determine what evidence investigators had collected.

Prosecutors will make their case Sept. 25, when the state Freedom of Information Commission considers a proposed order that tapes of the calls be made public. The Associated Press asked Newtown police for copies of the 911 tapes on Dec. 14, the same day Adam Lanza shot his way into the school and killed 20 children and six women.   Continue reading “Sandy Hook Prosecutor: Releasing 911 Calls Could Aid Criminals”

Senator Richard Blumenthal (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialovsky)RT News

In cold war style, US Senators have urged the Obama administration to freeze assets of three major Russian banks, ban their activities in the US, and deny employees’ entry into the country on the suspicion they are doing business with the Assad regime.

Having failed to galvanize allies for military action, and politically trumped by President Putin’s proposal for peaceful intervention in Syria, American congressmen have now turned to soft power to regain a grip on the Syria conflict.  The senators are blaming Russia’s banking giants VTB, Gazprombank, and Vnesheconombank -the state development bank known as VEB– for ‘undermining’ UN sanctions by ‘aiding Assad’.    Continue reading “Sour over Syria: American senators attack Russian banks”

Mint Press

Cooperatively run credit unions used by 96 million Americans could lose their tax exempt status if Congress approves a proposal from big banks to tax the not-for-profit financial institutions. Behind the push to impose a tax on credit unions is the American Bankers Association (ABA), an lobbyist organization representing the $13 trillion U.S. banking industry.   Continue reading “Big Banks Push To End Credit Unions’ Tax-Exempt Status”

Jim Stone Freelance

Digital camera exif data proves they released the article before they said they did

If the ziopress wishes to lie and “debunk” and modify things after the fact, I SUGGEST THEY STICK TO HIRING PROFESSIONAL LIARS. Make sure they actually work in the media, and are NOT JUST SYSTEMS TECHS DOING A JOB.   Continue reading “Liars Nailed. Forensic Proof (That Would Stand up in Court) that the Keylowna Article was Posted the Night Before”

Verizon's diabolical plan to turn the Web into pay-per-viewInfoWorld – by Bill Synder

Think of all the things that tick you off about cable TV. Along with brainless programming and crummy customer service, the very worst aspect of it is forced bundling. You can’t pay just for the couple of dozen channels you actually watch. Instead, you have to pay for a couple of hundred channels, because the good stuff is scattered among a number of overstuffed packages.

Now, imagine that the Internet worked that way. You’d hate it, of course. But that’s the direction that Verizon, with the support of many wired and wireless carriers, would like to push the Web. That’s not hypothetical. The country’s No. 1 carrier is fighting in court to end the Federal Communications Commission’s policy of Net neutrality, a move that would open the gates to a whole new — and wholly bad — economic model on the Web.   Continue reading “Verizon’s diabolical plan to turn the Web into pay-per-view”

oklahoma_car_okcfox.jpgFox News

Oklahoma state law enforcement officials have pulled two vehicles from a lake that may contain the bodies of six people listed as missing for decades.

The Daily Elk Citian reported that the vehicles — which were recovered from Foss Lake in western Oklahoma Tuesday afternoon — appear to match a Camaro missing with three Sayre teenagers since 1970 and an older Chevrolet with two Canute residents missing since the late 1950s or early 1960s.   Continue reading “Authorities find 6 bodies in submerged cars in Oklahoma”

Ayvani is described as Hispanic; 4 feet, 9 inches tall; and 93 pounds.New York Daily News – by NINA GOLGOWSKI

Two thugs wanted in the abduction of a 14-year-old girl during an armed home invasion in Georgia are now demanding $10,000 for her return, according to local reports.

The family of Ayvani Hope Perez rallied Tuesday to raise money to meet the men’s demands, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, after the teen was forced from her Ellenwood home at gun point around 2 that morning.   Continue reading “Georgia kidnappers reportedly demand $10,000 ransom for release of girl”

Alan CarubaVeterans Today – by Jonas E. Alexis

One of the many essential doctrines of the Talmud is that Jews are allowed to cheat and deceive the goyim for the purpose of advancing Jewish interest. According to Baba Kamma 11a, “Jews may use lies to circumvent a Gentile.”

This is permitted because Gentiles, according to the Talmud, are “outside the protection of the law and God has ‘exposed their money to Israel.’”[1] Let me illustrate this point from experience.   Continue reading “The NSA Is Ideologically and Deceptively Talmudic (Part II)”