Saif Eddine Errais , spokesman of radical Islam Salafist group Ansar al-Sharia speaks during a press conference / APWashington Free Beacon – by Bill Gertz

U.S. intelligence agencies earlier this month uncovered new evidence that al Qaeda-linked terrorists in Benghazi are training foreign jihadists to fight with Syria’s Islamist rebels, according to U.S. officials.

Ansar al-Sharia, the al Qaeda-affiliated militia that U.S. officials say orchestrated the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound and a CIA facility in Benghazi, is running several training camps for jihadists in Benghazi and nearby Darnah, another port city further east, said officials who discussed some details of the camps on condition of anonymity.   Continue reading “U.S.: Al Qaeda-linked Group Behind Benghazi Attack Trains Jihadists for Syrian Rebel Groups”

Star Tribune – by DAVID CHANEN

Attorney hired by girlfriend says four witnesses told him Edmond Fair was killed while handcuffed.

Edmond D. Fair was fatally shot in the chest by police during a traffic stop and struggle in Brooklyn Center last week, authorities said Tuesday.

The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, which is investigating the shooting, said it couldn’t comment on the case.    Continue reading “Man killed in clash with Brooklyn Center, Minnesota police was shot in chest”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Intercepted phone calls that will be presented by the Obama administration as proof that Bashar Al-Assad was behind last week’s chemical weapons attack in Syria actually suggest that the attack was not ordered by the Syrian government.

Phone calls by the Syrian Ministry of Defense intercepted by Mossad and passed to the US reveal that Syrian government officials, “exchanged panicked phone calls with a leader of a chemical weapons unit, demanding answers for a nerve agent strike that killed more than 1,000 people,” in the hours after last week’s attack.   Continue reading “Intelligence Suggests Assad Not Behind Chemical Weapons Attack”

An Israeli soldier rests on his armoured bulldozerThe Guardian – by Harriet Sherwood

A team of United Nations inspectors have resumed their second day of investigations at the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack outside Damascus, as western leaders moved towards military action in response to the Syrian regime’s reported use of chemical weapons against civilians.

The UN team left their Damascus hotel early on Wednesday after the operation was suspended on Tuesday following a sniper attack on its convoy on Monday.   Continue reading “Israeli intelligence ‘intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack’”

Center for Investigative Reporting – by Kris Hundley and Kendall Taggart

Former employees of Kids Wish Network say the Holiday, Fla.-based charity exploits sick and dying children to raise cash, then misleads donors about where their money goes.

The criticism from four ex-employees comes after Kids Wish was named in June as the worst charity in America by the Tampa Bay Times and The Center for Investigative Reporting.   Continue reading “Ex-employees of Kids Wish Network say they misled donors”

JP MorganThe Guardian – by Rupert Neate

A former JP Morgan banker has been arrested in Spain 10 days after US authorities filed charges against him over the “London Whale” affair that cost the bank $6bn (£3.9bn).

Javier Martin-Artajo, who was the direct supervisor of Bruno Iksil, the trader dubbed the “London Whale”, handed himself in on Tuesday in Madrid following a conversation with the specialist fugitive unit of the Spanish police.   Continue reading “Former JP Morgan banker arrested in Spain over ‘London Whale’ charges”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

With president Obama taking his role as Warmonger-In-Chief ever more seriously, it is easy to forget that the only important function before the greatest presidential teleprompter reader in history, is that of Socialized Healthcare Provider-in-Comrade. And so today, in the fog of pre-war, the Obama administration released the final rules on the “Individual Mandate” component of Obamacare, which requires most Americans to buy health insurance starting in 2014 or be fined. Specifically, the rules list lay out the amount of penalties that Americans will face if they opt out of socialized healthcare.   Continue reading “Final Obamacare “Individual Mandate” Rules Released: This Is What You Will Pay” Destroyer Report – by Tony Cartalucci

The US has accused the Syrian government of delaying UN inspectors from accessing the site of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus. But now, according to Reuters, the US appears to be preparing to strike Syria militarily before the UN’s now ongoing investigation is concluded and evidence revealed to either support or conflict with the West’s so far baseless allegations.

Reuters’ article, “Syria strike due in days, West tells opposition: sources,” states that:     Continue reading “Reuters: US to Strike Syria Before UN Evidence Collected”

The guided-missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107)Press TV

Senior American officials say the United States has planned to launch missile strikes against Syria “as early as Thursday” in order to punish Damascus over the alleged use of chemical weapons.

The unnamed officials told NBC News on Tuesday that the “three days” of strikes would be limited in scope, and aimed at “sending a message to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad rather than degrading his military capabilities.”    Continue reading “US begins war on Syria as early as Thursday, officials say”

Washington’s Blog

Americans Are Sick of War

We noted last month than Congress is less popular than North Korea, cockroaches, lice, root canals, colonoscopies, traffic jams, used car salesmen, Genghis Khan, Communism, BP during the Gulf oil spill, Nixon during Watergate or King George during the American Revolution.   Continue reading “Americans Would Rather Get a Root Canal or a Colonoscopy than Launch War Against Syria”

Syria-Chemical-AttacksWND – by Jerome R. Corsi

NEW YORK – As the U.S. considers a response to what it calls a chemical weapon attack by Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime that killed hundreds of civilians, reliable Middle Eastern sources say they have evidence the culprits actually were the rebel forces trying to take over the government.

Secretary of State John Kerry accused the Assad government Monday of covering up the use of chemical weapons in “a cowardly crime” and a “moral obscenity” that shocked the world’s conscience. Kerry claimed the Obama administration had “undeniable” evidence “that the Assad government was culpable in the use of chemical weapons on civilians” in the Aug. 21 attack in Damascus suburbs.   Continue reading “Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies”

Minnesota Attack WolfAmmoLand

Minnesota – -( A 16-year-old boy was injured in an apparent wolf bite early Saturday morning, Aug. 24th  2013, near the lakeshore of the West Winnie Campground on Lake Winnibigoshish in north-central Minnesota, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

The boy sustained multiple puncture wounds and a laceration to his head of about 11 centimeters long. The wolf ran into the woods after the boy kicked it.   Continue reading “Minnesota Teen Injured In An Apparent Wolf Attack”

Prison CampThe Truth – by Michael Snyder

Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner?  Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order?  Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)?  If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents.    Continue reading “72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents”

Officer UnfriendlyEric Peters Autos – by Eric

In a word – don’t.

Not if you can help it.

Officer Friendly is a fiction – a vicious fable sold to schoolkids – who soon learn in one way or another that any interaction with a cop is a likely to be a bad interaction. You are dealing with perhaps the worst possible tag-team combination: Someone with legal power over you who is held to a different – and far more lenient – standard than you are. And therefore, you are dealing with a person who is much more likely to do things – not nice things – than you or I or any other person sans special costume and badge might be inclined to do. After all – why not? Especially if one is a bully – or an outright sadist – and the cop profession attracts exactly that type precisely because of the nature of the work. In its own way, giving a bully a badge is like giving a fat kid free reign at the candy store. Expecting him not to eat is almost silly.   Continue reading “Dealing with Cops These Days . . .”

Wall Street Journal – by MARIA ABI-HABIB in Beirut, SAM DAGHER in Damascus and JOE LAURIA

BEIRUT—United Nations weapons inspectors arrived at one of the sites of last week’s presumed chemical weapons attacks outside Damascus, spurning U.S. calls for the team to stop their mission as American officials said they are inching closer to a decision for a military strike.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rebuffed the U.S. request to withdraw the inspectors and “stood firm on principle,” according to a person familiar with the matter, ordering his team to continue their work establishing whether chemical weapons or toxins were responsible for the estimated hundreds of deaths of Syrian civilians.   Continue reading “U.N. Pushes Back at U.S. Calls to Abort Syria Inspection Mission”

obama-worriedWND – by Jerome R. Corsi

The evidence is mounting that the military government currently ruling Egypt has decided to embarrass the Obama administration as part of a strategy to suppress Muslim Brotherhood activity in Egypt.

Last week, WND reported that Tehani al-Gebali, the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, gave a speech and participated in an interview broadcast on Egyptian television that identified Malik Obama, the Kenyan half-brother of President Obama, as “a major architect” managing investments for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.  Continue reading “Now Egypt looks to ‘Expose’ Obama”