Behind the hoopla of the mainstream financial pundits, behind the forced exuberance of the talking heads on the business news networks, behind the shills who pimp themselves for Wall Street, there are, like a dark, ominous thunderstorm on the horizon that is the precursor to a dangerous rash of tornadoes soon to descend from the sky, chilling signs that the stock market is on its way to being taken down. If and when this happens, there are going to be trillions upon trillions of losses that will drive the final nail into the financial coffin for baby boomers, retirees, pension funds, and the world economy at large. Continue reading “Warning Clouds on the Horizon for World Markets”
Author: Admin
Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide
Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens’ Arrests
End of American Dream – by Michael
Where are all of these giant sinkholes coming from? Of course there have always been sinkholes, but over the past few years it seems like both the severity and the number of giant sinkholes has been increasing dramatically. So exactly why are so many giant sinkholes appearing all over America all of a sudden? Is something happening to the earth’s crust, or is there some other explanation?
The “experts” are blaming this epidemic of sinkholes on things like loose soil, acidic groundwater, new construction, leaky water pipes, coal mines, fracking, long periods of drought followed by rain, and depletion of underground aquifers, but do they really understand what is going on? Continue reading “Why Are Giant Sinkholes Appearing All Over America? Is Something Happening To The Earth’s Crust?”
Washington Post – by Danielle Douglas
Within the next 31 days, 4.2 million homeowners who suffered abusive foreclosure tactics at the hands of some of the nation’s largest banks will be notified of their compensation, banking regulators said Thursday.
The Federal Reserve and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued the final details of a sweeping $9.3 billion agreement with 13 mortgage servicers, including JPMorgan Chase, Citibank and Bank of America, under consent orders for fraudulent and flawed foreclosure practices. Continue reading “Foreclosure victims to get compensation alerts in $9.3B agreement starting Friday”
CAIRO – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the Obama administration is rewarding the Egyptian government with financial aid because of Cairo’s promises of economic and political reforms.
Kerry says the U.S. is providing $190 million immediately as part of a larger pledge of $450 million over time. Continue reading “Kerry says US releasing millions in aid to Egypt”
DENVER (CBS4) – A popular hunting shotgun could be banned under one of the bills moving through the state Capitol.
A pump or semi-automatic shotgun is the gun most hunters in Colorado use. It’s a gun state Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray, says could be banned under a bill that’s already passed the House and Gov. John Hickenlooper says he’ll sign. Continue reading “Popular Standard Shotgun Could Be Banned Under Proposed Colorado Bill”
CNN – by John Zarrella and Holly Yan
Seffner, Florida (CNN) — Unable to rescue a man devoured by a giant sinkhole, workers will start demolishing his Florida home Sunday — three days after the ground under his bedroom opened up and swallowed him whole.
Authorities made the heartbreaking decision to stop the search for Jeff Bush after the odds of survival became abundantly clear. Continue reading “Home of Florida man devoured by sinkhole to be demolished”
Let’s begin with a definition. Investopedia defines the Law of Supply and Demand as follows:
“The effect that the availability of a particular product and the desire (or demand) for that product has on price. Generally, if there is a low supply and a high demand, the price will be high. In contrast, the greater the supply and the lower the demand, the lower the price will be.” Continue reading “Silver Prices Defy the Law of Supply and Demand”
Violation of state gun bans would make you a “Prohibited Person” all across the country
Do you like Cuomo’s semi-auto gun ban? D.C.’s microstamping requirement? Rahm Emaunuel’s licensure laws?
The Senate is about to vote to make all of these into federal crimes, turning gun-owning Americans into prohibited persons — meaning they would NOT be able to own a firearm anywhere in the country! Continue reading “S. 54 Would Effectively Ban Even More Guns than Feinstein’s Bill!”
Children at Park Elementary School went home with a letter today explaining there was a disruption in school. Seven year old Josh Welch, and his father, say the disruption lead to a two day suspension for the second grader in Brooklyn Park.
Academics are hard for Josh, who suffers from ADHD, but he excels in art class. It is Josh’s own creativity that may have gotten him into trouble. Continue reading “7-Year-Old Suspended, Teacher says he shaped pastry into gun”
On Wednesday’s broadcast, Mark Koernke said to tell these folks to carry flags. Well, take a look at this photograph of Thursday’s Gun Rally in Albany. I do not think that they needed any reminder. There were plenty of Don’t Trend on Me Flags, US Flags and anti-commie or anti-fascist signs. Note the flag pole near center of photograph; the flags it flies are almost off camera. The holder wanted to make sure the buracRATS could see his flags. Continue reading “Albany NY Gun Rally 2-28-13”
CNBC – by Stephanie Strom, New York Times
The United States Department of Agriculture is likely to approve a horse slaughtering plant in New Mexico in the next two months, which would allow equine meat suitable for human consumption to be produced in the United States for the first time since 2007.
The plant, in Roswell, N.M., is owned by Valley Meat Company, which sued the U.S.D.A. and its Food Safety and Inspection Service last fall over the lack of inspection services for horses going to slaughter. Horse meat cannot be processed for human consumption in the United States without inspection by the U.S.D.A., so horses destined for that purpose have been shipped to places like Mexico and Canada for slaughter. Continue reading “USDA May Approve Horse Slaughter Plant”
The Big Bad Bank – by George Washington Hunt
Obama Budgets $307 Billion For the African Internet, etc.
The “Alliance For An Affordable Internet” is a public-private partnership which intends to build a huge, expensive African Internet. Its headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya, now dubbed “Africa’s Silicon Valley”. Continue reading “Shock! $307 Billion paid to Africa while America goes over cliff”
Really think Barry Soetoro (Obama) and the gun grabbers will be so blatant to outright ban your guns and ammo? If you think that, then you are way more stupid than they are. Believe it or not, 99% of the supposed pro 2nd amendment crowd has played right into their hands after the latest mass killing in Newtown CT. So much that, I have to really wonder if that is a coincidence or by design.
Check out what most of the “conspiracy” and alternative media sites on the web say about this issue of mass killings and gun control – nearly all are blaming these horrible mass shootings on psychotropic drugs and not guns. It only dawned on me tonight where this is headed, and it’s entirely possible that they will start with the very exact argument the alleged pro 2nd amendment groups are using as a defense to start their gun grabbing. Continue reading “Gun Control Made Easy and Your Enemies Help”