Well as expected the mainstream media is trying to interpret the CNN debate as an exclusive for Rick Perry and Mitt Romney, which is A-OK with me.  I love watching these two jerks step up center stage and argue the question as to who is sleazier.  I think these early propaganda pieces have been designed to bring forth the treason both have committed and get the people used to listening to it before the campaign commercials start.

Mitt Romney is a plastic socialist with a long history of catering to the corporate elite and the kosher mafia he serves, and it was kind of fun watching Rick Perry try to explain why he signed an unconstitutional executive order to force 10 – 12 year old girls to take the Gardasil shot, which is supposed to protect women from cervical cancer that is sexually transmitted.  So is he a pedophile or did he force these girls to take this shot for his elitist buddies in the pharmaceutical industry that created it?
Continue reading “Rick Perry and Mitt Romney – End Famine in Somalia – Feed Them the Corporate Elite”

It has been two weeks since the August job report came out wherein for the first time since 1945, zero jobs were created.  So what has our faithful government done to address this clear and present danger to our Republic?  Not one damn thing.  I know you socialist pigs out there are going to say President Barack Obama has brought forth a bold new jobs plan that is going to make everything all right again.  Horse doo doo.

All Barry the Rat has accomplished is having his opening campaign speech, outlining the rhetoric he intends to parrot up to 2012, introduced before a joint session of Congress.  And all this big bold plan equates to is more of the same old shit, which will be countered by the neo-cons with more of their same old shit.  The fact is jobs are not going to be created because the whole idea is to cripple our economy to the point that we will compete at the work site for food.
Continue reading “Same Old Obama’s New Jobs Plan Different Day”

The Tea Party hijackers held their debate on CNN.  These neo-con national socialists will happily take the Social Security and Medicare and spend that money in forcing corporate dictates in foreign countries under the guise of emancipating women.  All but one of the candidates catered to the Tea Party hijacker neo-cons, which only represent 20% of the top 10% of the wealthiest.  They represent a minute minority.

The true Tea Partiers are nameless and faceless as they are either unemployed and can’t afford it, or too busy working to organize into groups that can get dressed up in $1,000 suits and attend a propaganda debate.

The 2012 election is not going to be decided by the neo-con Tea Party hijackers.  It is going to be decided by the American people of the American race who want our Republic back under our Constitution apart from the rest of the world with freedom and liberty and a return to prosperity.
Continue reading “CNN’s Tea Party Debate- Ron Paul Wins Individual Majority Vote”

Hopefully things will get back to normal today, whatever the hell that means.  Please do not let today be the day after the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, to be followed by two days after the 10th Anniversary, and so on.  What we have just witnessed was nothing short of a weeklong commercial.  If you have ever watched the Military Channel, a lot of what you see in reference to modern weaponry consists of presentations put together by defense contractors, displaying their newest products, which unfortunately for us, are designed to spy on and kill the citizen.

With our country in bankruptcy, every expenditure is being intensely scrutinized by the public, especially those who have become gluttonous in sucking up our resources and taking away our freedoms and liberties.  Homeland Security is unconstitutional, just like the BATF, FEMA, the FBI, and every other KGB style federal agency.  If we step back and look at how this police state was created it is plain to see that we are paying top dollar for our own enslavement.
Continue reading “American People of the American Race, Socialism is Knocking on Our Door”

The pathetic treasonous scumbags who do not want the truth being told are now trying to shut this site down by burying us with spam comments.  We have spam filters that take care of the robotic attacks, but this new spam is coming from a different IP number with each individual fake comment.

We have had to delete over 500 spam comments since yesterday morning and the pace was picking up.
Continue reading “New Spam Attack on From the Trenches”

The mainstream propaganda machine is in overdrive putting forth a monumental effort to instill the lie of 9/11 into the history books.  $700 million spent on 8 acres of reflecting pools while the first responders are being denied health care.   9/11 happened a decade ago, that is 10 years for you mentally challenged out there.

I’ll tell you what I am reflecting on today – the Patriot Act that suspended our Constitutional Rights; the $1 trillion spent on creating and maintaining the Department of Homeland Security which equates to the United States KGB; $4 trillion spent on wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq; more than a million Middle Eastern men, women, and children murdered who didn’t have a goddamn thing to do with 9/11; 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by the United States CIA and Israeli Mossad, designed to perpetuate the destruction of the United States by insurgents within; and this whole 10th Anniversary circus which is costing hundreds of millions of dollars is nothing more than the conspirators coming out in front of God and everybody to proclaim that they got away with it.
Continue reading “Ignorance Reflecting from the Pools at Ground Zero”

Well it seems we have a new official holiday in the United States of America and oh the revenue it is generating.  They call it 9/11 and every merchant is coming forth to ply his or her wares, wearing a long face, and if they can manage a tear, all the better.  As soon as the customer walks out the door they dance a little jig, (ka-ching ka-ching).

The so called news channels look more like American Idol as anyone who can throw together a few 9/11 words and sing them to a chord on a guitar is gaining his or her fifteen minutes of fame.  Of course this fits right in with the international corporate mafia’s agenda as they try to counter the growing dissent among we the people in trying to display for us why we a need them to protects us.
Continue reading “American Patriots of the American Race, Stay Focused”

At present Ron Paul has 57.4% of the vote on the MSNBC Poll.  Wouldn’t you think that as MSNBC put on the debate they would be broadcasting the results of their online poll as a part of their mainstream broadcast?  But no.  The debate itself was designed to make Ron Paul look as if he did not belong, and it definitely succeeded in this area.  What these fools are now realizing is that not being like these establishment traitors is seen as a good thing by we the people.

Rick Perry, in his defining moment, attacked Ron Paul in reference to a critical letter he sent to Ronald Regan.  They have certainly done a smash up job in rewriting history to put Ronald Regan right up there with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  Ronald Regan should not have lived long enough to die of Alzheimer’s.  He should have been prosecuted for the treason he committed and given 20 years at hard labor.  I guess that just goes to show how far our country has deteriorated, when something like Iran-Contra can be completely dismissed while hundreds of thousands of Americans sit in prisons and jails for possessing marijuana.
Continue reading “The Worm has Turned, the Cream is Rising, Ron Paul Cannot be Stopped”

So does anyone out there believe there is any way in hell the good Republicans in the Congress would ever pass Obama’s socialist jobs bill?  Not a chance in hell, right?  Wrong.  There might be one way – an attack on the homeland.   You know like in New York and Washington DC like last time and the next day, neo-cons and social communists alike are rallying around the Rat.  The legislation passes and we are off to another war, which is going to put a hell of a lot more than $400 billion into the pockets of the corporate elitist military war complex scam.

The propagandists have been working for weeks trying to get us into 9/11 mode again, the terror and the horror, straight from the lips of the victims, the re-run of the re-runs of the tragedy.  I was joking about this just this morning with my wife as it was playing across the screen.  I started singing, “Oooh that frightening feeling, oh, oh, that frightening feeling, I’ve got that 9/11 feeling, like it happened today, hey hey.”
Continue reading “President Obama’s Jobs Plan and Taliban-Ahmed”

NBC News Political Unit has a poll asking who won.  Ron Paul is winning hands down as of this morning.

Results with 751 short comments

Total of 117,006 votes
Ron Paul
(58,016 votes)
Mitt Romney
(20,450 votes)
Rick Perry
(17,069 votes)
Jon Huntsman
(8,080 votes)
Newt Gingrich
(5,568 votes)
Herman Cain
(3,911 votes)
Michele Bachmann
(2,668 votes)
Rick Santorum
(1,244 votes)