Jon Rappoport

Yes, prior to Gulf War 2, all sorts of people were lying about WMDs in Iraq. There was the whole business about the yellowcake and Niger, and Colin Powell speaking before the UN.

There was a WMD depot in Iraq that wasn’t a depot.

There were people who said they had secret evidence Saddam shipped weapons out of the country. And maybe they did have evidence.   Continue reading “Is this why no one found WMDs in Iraq?”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

In the Orwellian world of post 9/11 hysteria and the Global War On Terror, speaking truth is a revolutionary act. Indeed, such is evidenced by the fact that speaking out against terrorism is now enough to cause you to be labeled as a supporter of terrorism. At least, that is, in certain instances. 

This is particularly the case with Mimi Al-Laham, (aka SyrianGirl), a young Syrian woman who has been active on YouTube, social media, and her own website in speaking out about the Western-backed destabilization of Syria. Continue reading “Australian Security Agencies Target “SyrianGirl” Mimi Al-Laham”

Memory Hole Blog – by James F. Tracy

On June 3, 2014, at the ostensible recommendation of the Southern Poverty Law Center [1] the U.S. Department of Justice announced it will revive the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee (DTEC), founded after the 1995 Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing.

“We must concern ourselves with the continued danger we face from individuals within our own borders who may be motivated by a variety of other causes from anti-government animus to racial prejudice,” Attorney General Eric Holder remarked.[2]   Continue reading “SPLC Calls Shots in Post-Vegas Propaganda War”

Activist Post

PANDA Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Resistance is announcing its latest civil rights victory. Rutland, MA has passed the Rutland RestoringConstitutional Governance Resolution (RCGR) by a unanimous margin. This resolution provides inhabitants of Rutland their first legal defense against indefinite detentions since passage of the 2012 NDAA. Continue reading “Six down: Another city unanimously votes to block NDAA detention provisions”

Yahoo News – by Paul Ingram

TUCSON Ariz. (Reuters) – A Mexican immigrant who took refuge in an Arizona church to avoid deportation from a country where he has lived illegally for over a decade and raised a family can stay in the United States, a federal official said on Tuesday.

Daniel Neyoy Ruiz, 36, had been ordered to report for voluntary deportation in May. But in a high-profile challenge to U.S. immigration policy he instead turned to a Tucson church whose leaders were involved in a movement to give sanctuary to Central American refugees in the 1980s.   Continue reading “Mexican immigrant who sought sanctuary in church can stay in U.S”

Tumblr Goes to The White HouseYahoo News – by Liz Goodwin

President Barack Obama had some tough love for young people in a discussion on student loans hosted by Tumblr on Tuesday afternoon, warning them not to waste their time while in college and reminding them that they might have to take a job they don’t like to pay off their debts.

Obama told the audience of Tumblr users gathered at the White House that despite skyrocketing tuition costs, college is still worth it for most people.   Continue reading “Obama has tough love for young people in Tumblr student loan chat”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

The mainstream media is officially having a full-on field day with the Vegas shooters’ online postings, demonizing the patriot movement and basically anyone critical of the government.

In case you haven’t seen the news, the main report is that 31-year-old Jerad Miller and his 22-year-old wife Amanda shot two police in cold blood at a Las Vegas CiCi’s Pizza, left a Gadsen “Don’t Tread on Me” flag on one cop’s body and a Nazi swastika on the other’s before heading over to the Walmart across the street and yelling about how the revolution had begun.   Continue reading “Critical of the Gov’t? Pro Liberty? Pro Gun? Get Ready to Be Lumped in with the Vegas Shooters”

The elite are really stepping up on their false flag gun events this week.


SEATTLE (AP) — Seattle police now say there are four victims in a shooting Thursday afternoon on the campus of Seattle Pacific University. They say one suspect is in custody.

Police say one man and one woman have life-threatening injuries while another man and another woman are reported in stable condition.   Continue reading “Seattle police: 4 victims in university shooting”

David Letterman Demands Gun Control, Attacks Second AmendmentInfowars – by Kit Daniels

In an attempt to prop up the failing gun control movement, television host David Letterman clamored for more gun control during a discussion with CNN anchor Anderson Cooper last night on The Late Show With David Letterman.

The nearly four minute segment was little more than a ploy to attack the Second Amendment, with Letterman setting aside comedy in favor of asking loaded questions designed to make the audience believe that support for gun control is much larger than it actually is.   Continue reading “David Letterman Demands Gun Control, Attacks Second Amendment”

Photo: Swimsuits For AllThe Communist’s new class conflict: So we should make fat women better than skinny women now and we should be ashamed of ourselves for looking down on them because they are fat, just like we should be ashamed of ourselves for looking down on gays and transgendered things. More social indoctrination and reversing of values to degrade this country even more.

Yahoo Shine – by Lilit Marcus

Earlier this year, models Nina Agdal, Lily Aldridge, and Chrissy Teigen went topless for the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. But when three plus-size models, including supermodel Robyn Lawley, did a tongue-in-cheek recreation of the photo, it wasn’t a satire  it was a way to show how women of all sizes can be sexy and confident in swimwear.   Continue reading “Plus-Size Models Reimagine the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Cover”

U.S. soldiers walk after a ceremony for the arrival of U.S. paratroopers from the U.S. Army's 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team based in Italy in...I guess the War on Terror is over or getting old and they need a new reason to keep the Military Industrial Complex going.

Yahoo News – by Peter Apps

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – After more than a decade focused on combating Islamist militancy, Western military planners are once again contemplating potential war between major powers – and how to prevent one happening by accident.   Continue reading “West ponders how to stop – or fight – a new Great War”

First Shinseki and now Carney. Everyone seems to be fleeing today.

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama disclosed he’s losing his chief spokesman on the same day that the president came to the White House briefing room to personally announce the resignation of his Veterans Affairs secretary.

It was a Friday not quite like any other recently.   Continue reading “Obama says press secretary Jay Carney resigning”

Pre_panel_7_entryENE News

The Verge, May 23, 2014: Radioactive kitty litter may have ruined our best hope to store nuclear waste; Billions invested in an underground New Mexico repository could be wasted […] The most dangerous nuclear waste in the US is currently scattered between 77 locations all over the country, awaiting permanent storage. Until February, many experts suggested that the best place to put it was [WIPP…] two emergencies brought that suggestion – and WIPP’s future – into question. […] The damage and the resulting radiation leak could close the facility, experts say. […] the real lesson here may lie in the fragility of even the best nuclear storage facility. Corrective action at WIPP could be a massive undertaking. How many other barrels contain the dangerous organic cat litter? Are all of those barrels underground at WIPP? […] if the DOE decides stabilizing or repackaging the material is unjustified, that would close WIPP for good.   Continue reading “Experts: Gov’t may never stabilize hundreds of explosive drums of radioactive waste stored at WIPP”

Jon Rappoport

The number of methods of mind control has proliferated as funding for research has expanded.

Here, I want to consider what could be called thought substitution, one ongoing facet of this research.

My conclusions on this subject come from accounts of modern mind control research, which utilize forms of signal-broadcasting aimed at the brain.   Continue reading “How effective is electromagnetic thought control?”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Although the Western media reports regarding the Presidential elections currently taking place in Syria attempt to portray the event as a “sham election” or nothing more than a political stunt, evidence coming out of the country seem to show quite the opposite.

Indeed, the elections, which include Assad as one candidate among three, are experiencing widespread participation from Syrians inside the country as well as those who have been displaced in the region and around the world. Continue reading “Democracy Comes To Syria, West Demands Democracy Come To Syria”

Interesting how no one wants to host the 2022 Winter Olympics or probably any Olympics anymore, due to its massive costs to pay for it. That’s assuming we even get to 2022.

Yahoo News – by Jay Busbee

For all the talk of global honor and prestige that the Olympics bring to a host city, talk largely promoted by the International Olympic Committee itself, the truth is that the Games tend to smother cities in debt and saddle them with venues they can’t ever use again.   Continue reading “Does anyone want to host the 2022 Winter Olympics?”

Notice how it states withdrawal from Afghanistan, but it doesn’t state that they will be brought home, meaning Barry is most likely going to re-station them in Ukraine or some other war torn country. Just a redistribution of troops. A sign of a true Communist.

CBS News – by Rebecca Kaplan

President Obama is set to announce that the U.S. will leave 9,800 troops in Afghanistan after 2014 if the Afghan government signs a bilateral security agreement allowing their presence, a senior administration official said Tuesday. The announcement is scheduled for 2:45 p.m.   Continue reading “White House: U.S. will have 9,800 troops in Afghanistan after 2014”

This was sent to my email. So for those of you who need more schooling or a career change, I have just the degree for you. Earn a Homeland Security degree!

They’ll teach you how to spy on Americans, snitch and make you believe everything the government says is the truth and everything anyone else says is a lie and a sign of terrorism. What more can you ask for in an education?   Continue reading “You too can be a Snitch!”


GOLETA, Calif. (AP) — A California gunman who went on a rampage near a Santa Barbara university stabbed three people to death at his apartment before shooting to death three more in a terrorizing crime spree through a neighborhood, sheriff’s officials said Saturday.

The three people in the apartment were among the six left dead Friday night during the shootings near the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Elliot Rodger, 22, the suspected gunman, apparently killed himself, authorities said.   Continue reading “Sheriff: Calif. gunman killed 3 people at home”