scamalertbigFreedom Outpost – by Karen Schroeder

The federal government is planning to spend another 16 billion dollars to implement programs that are basically the same as those paid for during the 1950s. Many legislators, parents, and taxpayers have been given the false impression that Common Core State Standards and the International Baccalaureate programs will reform and improve education. However, these two newest educational policies are an extension of old policies that created weaknesses in the American educational system and destroyed its international reputation for excellence.   Continue reading “The Federal Government’s $16 Billion Education Scam”

Once one puts the trails of thread together, it leads to the obvious. The destruction of our America has been in the works for quite some time. Our founding fathers warned us of these possibilities….but we fell asleep. We, as a nation, have put too much trust in our elected officials to protect us from evil. But how can a society protect itself from the “machine”?

When the machine continually turns out, and allows enemies to educate our children. Working covertly then, but now openly, against the well being of the family, and its core values. They know they can ultimately win….after several generations.   Continue reading “Night before the Dawn”

Charles Carroll Society

Update on CAMOVER which I went over here.

A group calling itself the Barefoot Bandit Brigade, Puget Sound, Washington has claimed the destruction of 17 Police State cameras.  This is by far the greatest number of cameras I know of destroyed, in the U.S., so they are in the lead for the America’s.  Continue reading “Update on Camera Hunting Contest – CAMOVER”

Detroit's Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr. (Credit: Vickie Thomas/WWJ Newsradio 950)CBS Detroit

DETROIT (WWJ) – Detroit’s emergency manager says the city is bleeding much more red ink than originally thought. That’s what Kevyn Orr told WWJ City Beat Reporter Vickie Thomas in an exclusive one-on-one interview.

“The situation is severe,” Orr said. “It’s worse that we originally thought. It ain’t good.”   Continue reading “Kevyn Orr: Detroit Is In Worse Shape Than I Thought”

mANNINGsTILL2Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

I spoke with Tim Manning, a popular Southern Nationalist and Christian pastor from Greensboro, North Carolina, over the weekend. Mr. Manning’s home was raided late Wednesday evening into early Thursday morning. According to Manning, the raid consisted of at least one police officer form Kernersville Police Department with a Department of Homeland Security vest, along with 6 to 10 or more law enforcement officers in heavy body armor. Mr. Manning says they confiscated “$25-30,000 worth of my handguns, all in absolutely new condition some worth $2,000+ each.”   Continue reading “Christian Pastor’s Home Raided – Guns Taken”

Breitbart – by KEN KLUKOWSKI

The Obama-Hagel Pentagon is trying to minimize Breitbart News’blockbuster story last week of top brass meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein, whom we reported calls Christians “monsters” imposing a “rapacious reign of theocratic terror” and says sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military an act of “sedition and treason” that must be punished.  Continue reading “Pentagon Began Relationship with Anti-Christian Extremist in 2009”

Petraeus-Benghazi-probeFreedom Outpost- by Tim Brown

A little over a month after the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, that left four Americans dead, then CIA Director David Petraeus denied that the CIA issued any type of stand down orders to those requesting to assist in Benghazi, leaving only one person that could have given such an order. This came as it was revealed that there were people on the ground with targets painted and air support overhead and the strike was called off.   Continue reading “Source: Only President Could Have Given Stand Down Order During Benghazi Attack”

ENLARGE_01YNN_SS_PresidentSealFreedom Outpost – by Bradlee Dean

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.”   Continue reading “Honor The Office Of The President By Impeaching A Corrupt President”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

There is an increasing number of charges that the recent gun control legislation was rejected because of slippery slope arguments.  One such charge was leveled by the loser himself, Joe Manchin.

Think gun control failed in the Senate because of gun-clutching extremists? Or because of fanatical radicals who want to abolish the Second Amendment? Senator Joe Manchin, who’s been at the heart of the effort, says it’s nothing of the sort. In fact, the central problem really has nothing to do with firearms at all — it’s about trust.   Continue reading “The Slippery Slope Argument On Guns”

Liberty Hollow

History is replete with examples of government creating a problem by intervening in people’s business and then proposing a government solution to the problem that government itself has created.  Usually this sort of con is used not only to loot the public, but also to expand the power of government.  The Progressive Movement here in these presently united States, which started toward the tail end of the 19th century and which is still active today, is a perfect example.  Progressivism was sold to the public based on the idea that mankind could be ‘perfected’ by just the right legislation and regulation.  Rather than adhere to the Enlightenment idea of leaving people alone, letting them trade independently, and minimalizing government intrusion into the market, Progressives preferred to attempt to use the power of government to correct what they stated were “Flaws” in the free market.   Continue reading “Progressive Tyranny”

US Crow – by CMF Contributor

This tactical operations guide will outline basic combat theater operations for offense. More often than not survivalists and preppers tend to forget the darkness of man. Not only will we be forced to contend with military opponents, but we will be faced with evil men, men who will band together against our righteous cause. If you truly want your unit to survive you need to actively train for combat theater operations.

Offensive operations have one primary object, and that is to kill your enemy, while secondary operations could include; secure vantage points, block resources, gain intelligence, buy time, divert the enemy, or to hold the enemy in a position. Any tactical operation that is done in the offensive requires the element of surprise, unit concentration, tempo and aggression (show of force), and guile.  Continue reading “Tactical Operations Basic Offensive Guidelines for Survival Groups”

Fact-free gun control crusadesHuman Events -by Thomas Sowell

Amid all the heated, emotional advocacy of gun control, have you ever heard even one person present convincing hard evidence that tighter gun control laws have in fact reduced murders?

Think about all the states, communities within states, as well as foreign countries, that have either tight gun control laws or loose or non-existent gun control laws. With so many variations and so many sources of evidence available, surely there would be some compelling evidence somewhere if tighter gun control laws actually reduced the murder rate.   Continue reading “Fact Free Gun Control Crusades”

Shenandoah – by John Galt

Is there a relationship between an increase in the manipulation of paper Gold and Silver prices and the sudden appearance of counterfeit coinage on the market?

First, let’s review this video from the Hamilton Police Department in Ontario Canada:   Continue reading “As the Precious Metals Paper Market Manipulates, the Physical Counterfeit Market Expands”