Prevent Disease – by DAVE MIHALOVIC

Although the FDA gave a two year deadline to remove thimerosal from vaccines after the deadly neurotoxin was banned in 1999, they continue to appear in vaccine formulations to this day. The FDA now supports thimerosal in up to 60 percent of flu vaccines, many which are approved for children for the 2013/2014 flu season.

The public is still so propagandized by mainstream medicine and the media, that they are blind to the facts relating to the FDA’s reversal on their decision of allowing thimerosal into vaccines.    Continue reading “Despite Thimerosal (Mercury) Ban Imposed By The FDA, 60 Percent of All Flu Vaccines Still Contain This Deadly Neurotoxin”

NHC forecast track, cone of uncertainty, and watches/warnings as of 9am EDT.  (NOAA)Washington Post – by Brian McNoldy

Aircraft reconnaissance has found that the disturbance in the southern Gulf of Mexico has intensified to a tropical storm: Karen.  Tropical storm and hurricane watches are now in effect for a section of northern Gulf coast.

Cities under the hurricane watch include Biloxi,  Mobile, Panama City, and Pensacola.  New Orleans is in the tropical storm watch area.  Tropical storm conditions could begin in all of these areas as soon as late Friday.   Continue reading “Tropical storm Karen forms, hurricane watches issued for Gulf coast”

Debris from the collapse of WTC 1 located between WTC 7 (left) and the Verizon building (right). (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)IntelliHub – by Andrew Pontbriand

From September 28-30, the ReThink 9/11 billboard campaign raised an incredible $25,000 dollars to keep it’s 54 foot Billboard active in New York City’s Time Square through October. This comes following a giant month-long effort that raised $225,000 for a 12 city, international billboard campaign that came to fruition on the 12th anniversary of 9/11.

The Billboard campaign focuses to spread awareness about the elephant in the room regarding the 9/11 story, the collapse of building 7. Many polls and on the street interviews by several journalists show that many people were completely unaware that 3 towers fell on that day, which is mind-blowing considering this was the most horrific attack inside America in recent history.   Continue reading “Voting With Dollars – $25,000 Raised in 3 days for ReThink 9/11 Billboard”

Common Dreams – by Sarah Lazare

Tons of water exposed to radiation have leaked during a transfer operation at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant, owner TEPCO announced Tuesday. The new leak marks the latest in mounting failures to contain the ever-increasing quantity of water contaminated by efforts to cool the plant’s melted reactors.

Following heavy rains, workers pumped trapped water into a temporary tank, a TEPCO spokesperson stated Tuesday. In the process, workers “found water was spilling from the manhole on top of the tank,” releasing an estimated 4 tons of water into the ground, according to the spokesperson.   Continue reading “Fukushima Failure: Radioactive Water Bursts from Tank”

obama resistance is futileThe Common Sense Show- by Dave Hodges

One does not need to be psychic to know that world’s darkest days are right around the corner. There are events which are forming the perfect storm. We face the likely prospect of WWIII in the Middle East. America stands upon the brink of total economic collapse. The mechanisms for a brutal false flag attack have been put into motion and could happen within the next 45 days. The total obliteration of the Constitution is at hand and the legal mechanisms and rules for living in a post-apocalyptic America are clearly in place. On the surface, it appears that America’s fate is sealed.   Continue reading “The Apocalypse Is Upon Us”

An empty Senate meeting room, just outside the chamber, is seen Monday in Washington. Only a week remains for Congress to pass a funding bill to avoid a government shutdown.It’s All Politics – by Adam Wollner

In seven days, the federal government runs out of money.

While the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution Friday that keeps the government funded through Dec. 15, the measure also defunded President Obama’s signature health care law — which means it has virtually no chance of passing the Democratic-controlled Senate.

If a budget resolution doesn’t hit President Obama’s desk before Oct. 1, that’s a big problem: The government will be forced to close its doors.  Continue reading “8 Things To Know About A Government Shutdown”

The Weekly Standard – by Jeryl Bier

Even as President Obama and his administration are making a last minute push to encourage enrollment in Obamacare, a quiet change was made on the website regarding those who will still not be able to afford coverage after the program kicks in. From at least June 26, 2013 to as recently as September 15, under the topic, “Where can I get free or low-cost care in my community?” the following statement appeared: “If you can’t afford any health plan, you can get free or low-cost health and dental care at a nearby community health center.” Here is how the page in question appeared:   Continue reading “Obamacare Website Quietly Deletes Reference to ‘Free Health Care’”

Phoenix Tears – by Rick Simpson

For those of you who have watched the documentary “Run from the Cure”, this should answer any questions about producing your own oil. I recommend that people grow their own hemp either in a small indoor grow system or outdoors. Growing it yourself will eliminate the high cost associated with buying hemp from drug dealers. The cost of hemp can vary greatly from dealer to dealer and so can the quality of the hemp. For anyone new to growing hemp a good book or video on the subject is a necessity. Just go to one of the cannabis publications on line, or buy one of these publications at a local store where you live. If you do this you should have no trouble finding a good book on the subject. My personal favorite is The Indoor Outdoor Medicinal Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes. Also Ed Rosenthal and many others have excellent books on the subject available.   Continue reading “Make The Medicine”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

On a rare Saturday session (now Sunday); in a not-too-surprising vote down party lines, the House has voted in favor of the continued-military-funding, medical-device-tax-repealing, Obamacare-delaying continuing resolution that keeps the government paid until December 15th…   Continue reading “House Votes To Delay Obamacare By One Year; Checks To Senate Democrats – Shutdown ‘Inevitable’?”

MF59Natural News – by Ethan A. Huff

Compulsory vaccination has long been a requirement to serve in the U.S. armed forces, and it is well documented that many of the vaccines administered to servicemen over the years have been experimental in nature, meaning they contained untested adjuvants and other questionable additives. But it has recently come to our attention that the highly toxic vaccine adjuvant squalene MF59, which was first given to servicemen back during the first Gulf War and later linked to causing Gulf War syndrome, is now being added to some civilian flu vaccines.   Continue reading “Highly toxic squalene MF59 adjuvant that caused Gulf War syndrome in military servicemen now being added to some civilian flu vaccines”

RECON ALERT Massive Transport of Tanks Moving on the Huey P Long Bridge over the Mississippi River in Jefferson ParishIntelliHub – by Avalon

JEFFERSON PARISH — A massive transport of Tanks was spotted in New Orleans on the Huey P Long Bridge, which goes over the Mississippi River. The Google Coordinates are available on Google Maps – Huey P Long Bridge 29°56′39″N 90°10′08″W

Many will speculate these are in preparation for an ‘Event’ that has investigators researching daily to find possible reasons there’s been such a domestic military buildup recently.    Continue reading “Massive Transport of Tanks in New Orleans”

Truth is Treason – by KEVIN HAYDEN

In times of uncertainty, we humans like to stockpile and hoard.  We seek information that will keep us safe and provide for our well-being.  One of these topics will invariably center around medical knowledge or first-aid in case of an accident, sickness, or injury.  Many of us already have a well-rounded medical kit, or basic skills in how to treat traumatic injuries.  But one question I see and hear a lot of people talk about is medicine, and their lack of concrete, factual information when it comes to antibiotics – and specifically, whether it is safe to use animal antibiotics in humans.   Continue reading “Guide to Veterinary Drugs for Human Consumption, Post-SHTF”

Flickr - USDA Organic Label - USDAgovWaking Times – by April McCarthy, Prevent Disease

There are many reasons to no longer trust the USDA organic label, however history gives a good lesson on why you should never confide in this government agency. The original standards proposed in 1997 by the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) revised rule on National Organic Standards (NOS) was first finalized in 2000. The standards first proposed included proposals to use sewage sludge, irradiation, antibiotics in livestock, and genetically modified organisms. The USDA withdrew the proposal after receiving over 275,000 comments from the public– the most comments received on any US agency proposal in history. In the final NOS, the four practices listed above were left out, but unfortunately, despite opposition, those public concerns about fluoride were ignored. To this day, the organic standards allow the use of the toxic sodium fluoride in organic agriculture.  Continue reading “How the USDA Organic Standard Allowed Fluoride to Contaminate the Organic Label”

CNS News – by Hans Bader

On the Obamacare health insurance exchanges, being married can cost you a lot.

Get divorced (or avoid getting married, if you live together), and you save $7,230 per year if you are a fairly typical 40-year-old couple with kids (example: the husband working full-time, and the wife working part time, with the husband making $70,000, and the wife making $23,000).

If you are a 60-year-old couple with equal incomes and no kids, and you make $62,041 a year, you save $11,028 a year by getting divorced or remaining unmarried. These are the amounts of money you will lose if you get married, since you will lose this amount of taxpayer subsidies due to Obamacare’s discriminatory treatment of married versus unmarried couples. That’s the reality confirmed by an Obamacare “calculator” provided by the pro-Obamacare Kaiser Family Foundation showing how Obamacare’s “tax credits” work.    Continue reading “Obamacare Provides $7,200 ‘Divorce Incentive,’ $11,000 for Older Couples”