Public Intelligence

The following map and photos depict the locations of what remains of the U.S. chemical weapons stockpile and the facilities being constructed to complete the destruction of remaining chemical agents.

According to a press release from the Department of Defense’s Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives program office, the U.S. had destroyed “nearly 90 percent of the chemical weapons stockpile” in advance of the extended Chemical Weapons Convention deadline of April 29, 2012.   Continue reading “Comprehensive Map Of Chemical Weapons Stockpiles In United States”

ENE News

Title: Tainted water may be leaking near No.2 reactor
Date: Sept. 11, 2013

A nuclear expert says radioactive groundwater at the crippled plant in Fukushima is likely still flowing into the sea.   Continue reading “NHK: Attempts to stop Fukushima contamination flowing into ocean have failed”

ENE News

Xinhua, Sept. 11, 2013: […] “TEPCO can no longer effectively clean, filter and store the massive amounts of radioactive water on its site. At some point in the near future — and this may have happened already — the utility will simply resort to emptying its radioactive tanks into the Pacific Ocean,” [Shoji Tsurumi, an expert from Japan’s Marine Science & Technology Institute] said. “They will simply run out of other options to store such huge quantities of water.” “Perhaps this is another reason the government is keeping its distance. After all, if the government were to take responsibility for dumping toxic water into the ocean, who would it have to blame when the global backlash came?” Tsurumi said.   Continue reading “Japan Marine Expert: Fukushima radioactive tanks may have already been emptied into Pacific Ocean”

Russian fleetMiddle East Monitor

For the first time since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a large number of ships from the Russian fleet are gathering along the Syrian coast of the Mediterranean. In the midst of a potential US-led strike on the Al-Assad regime, many wonder what is the reason behind the unprecedented Russian presence in the region?

More than ten ships and an unknown number of Russian submarines are now in Mediterranean waters, amassing a presence for first time since the dissolution of the fifth military fleet of the Soviet Union in 1992.   Continue reading “The largest Russian fleet in Mediterranean waters since Soviet dissolution”

safety-deposit-boxesArmstrong Economics – by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Is it now illegal to store cash and gold in a safety deposit box?

ANSWER: They have not yet enacted an actual law prohibiting the storage of “money” in a safe deposit box. The problem is surfacing because of “interpretation” of laws with broad scopes. If you have $5,000 in cash in your pocket, they are now seizing it saying it is presumed to be illegal. Confiscation of money is becoming an epidemic and the burden is then yours to prove you paid taxes on it an where it came from (see NPR).   Continue reading “Are They Going After Safe Deposit Boxes?”

Ene News

AFP, September 10, 2013: […] TEPCO’s own estimates suggest the full decommissioning of the site could take up to four decades and that much of the trickier work is yet to be done — notably the removal of reactor cores that have probably melted beyond recognition. According to the utility’s own plan, these reactor cores — which are feared to have seeped into the containment vessels and possibly even eaten through thick concrete — will be removed around summer 2020, just as thousands of athletes descend on Tokyo.   Continue reading “AFP: Fears that Fukushima melted reactor cores have “eaten through” concrete of containment vessels — Tepco plan claims fuel to be removed at same time as 2020 Olympics in Tokyo”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Russian warships have gone into an offensive position in the Mediterranean Sea, awaiting the slightest signs of provocation by US warships in this breaking story from FARSNews. This story also shares that any US attack against Syria will lead to ‘Putin entering the scene and Syria attacking Israel.’ Also warned of are ‘unpredictable consequences’ and Barack Obama’s impeachment by Congress. The story and video reports, including a new Alex Jones video, are below.   Continue reading “Russian Warships Go On Offensive In Syria, Await Slightest American Provocation”

CNS News – by Susan Jones

As promised in his Fiscal Year 2014 budget, President Obama has just informed Congress that he will cap next year’s pay raise for U.S. military personnel at 1 percent, instead of the 1.8 percent raise set by the formula Congress established.

The announcement came on Friday afternoon, at the start of the long Labor Day weekend, in a letter to Congress.   Continue reading “Obama Reduces 2014 Pay Hike for U.S. Troops, Still Fighting in Afghanistan”

3016951-inline-drone-license-deer-fieldFreedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

Do you remember the story of Deer Trail, Colorado and its passion for hunting drones? Well evidently that passion spreads beyond just a few people. It is being reported that roughly 1000 people have already applied for licenses.

The New York Daily News reports:

Hunters in Colorado are lining up for a hot new license: $25 to shoot down a government drone over the village of Deer Trail.   Continue reading “1000 People Apply for Drone Hunting Licenses in Colorado”

Project Censored

Former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers confirmed the presence of American nuclear warheads in bunkers at the Netherlands’ Volkel air base.  According to the Telegraph’s report, the Dutch airbase “houses 22 tactical nuclear bombs belonging to the United States as part of a Cold War military arsenal described by the country’s former Prime Minister as ‘absolutely pointless.’”   Continue reading ““Pointless” US Nuclear Weapons at Dutch Airbase”

800px-Foster_Farms_breast_nuggets_frozenThe Daily Sheeple – by Heather Callaghan

There are many reasons, this year, to believe that the USDA will be more lax than ever on meat safety. Eat large-scale and processed meats at your own risk.

Just before Labor Day weekend, the USDA quietly admitted that they have lifted the ban against processed chicken imports from China.

This is of great concern for multiple reasons.   Continue reading “USDA Lifts Ban on Chinese Processed Chicken Imports”

News Max – by Greg Richter

President Barack Obama says he is willing to wait weeks, but not months, as Congress debates taking military action against Syria.

Speaking to Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace as part of a media blitz on Monday, Obama said that he is aware he has yet to persuade a majority of the American public or Congress.   Continue reading “Obama: Willing to Delay Military Action on Syria”

vaccineNatural News – by Mike Adams

If you haven’t yet realized the truth about how vaccines contain hidden cancer viruses, prepare yourself to be shocked by the admission you’re about to hear. Decades ago, one of the most prominent vaccine scientists in the history of the vaccine industry — a Merck scientist — made a recording where he openly admitted that vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and cancer viruses.

In hearing this admission, his colleagues (who are also recorded here) break into laughter and seem to think it’s hilarious. They then suggest that because these vaccines are first tested in Russia, their side effects will help the U.S. win the Olympics because the Russian athletes will all be “loaded down with tumors.”   Continue reading “Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys”

A Syrian military solider fires a heavy machine gun during clashes with rebels in MaaloulaDaily Mail

Terrified Christians claim Syrian rebels ordered them to convert to Islam on pain of death when they ‘liberated’ their ancient village.

Opposition forces, including fighters linked to Al Qaeda, gained temporary control of the Christian village of Maaloula after fighting with regime forces.   Continue reading “Syrian village is ‘liberated’ by rebels… who then forced Christians to convert to Islam”

radiationNatural News – by Mike Adams

Despite the fact that Fukushima is already the worst radiological disaster in human history — and worsening by the day — Japan has been chosen as the host nation for the 2020 Summer Olympics.

Hilariously, the event is being billed the “Safe Games” of 2020.   Continue reading “As Fukushima radiation rages, Tokyo awarded bid to host 2020 Summer Olympics, hilariously named the ‘Safe Games’”

The Asia Shimbun – by SHUNSUKE KIMURA

Highly radioactive water that leaked from a storage tank and was not discovered until last month is spreading underground at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Sept. 5.

The utility said 650 becquerels per liter of radioactive materials, which emit beta rays such as radioactive strontium, were found in water samples from an observation well near the tank, from which an estimated 300 tons of highly radioactive water were found to have leaked.   Continue reading “TEPCO confirms highly radioactive water spread underground”

ImageLas Vegas Sun – by Ana Ley

A cacophony of honks rang out along Interstate 15 to the delight of protesters who gathered along the Tropicana Avenue overpass early Saturday to shun President Barack Obama’s push to launch a military strike against Syria.

The group, whose numbers peaked at about 50 late in the morning, chatted and cheered in unison as reggae music bellowed from a portable radio whose sound was mostly drowned out by the noise of highway traffic below.   Continue reading “Dozens gather along I-15 to protest possible military strike on Syria”