global coolingDaily Mail – by David Rose

A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year – an increase of 60 per cent.

The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.   Continue reading “And now it’s global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year”

Breitbart – by Stephen Wilson

Tokyo was awarded the 2020 Olympics on Saturday, capitalizing on its reputation as a “safe pair of hands” and defying concerns about the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

Tokyo defeated Istanbul 60-36 in the final round of secret voting by the International Olympic Committee. Madrid was eliminated earlier after an initial tie with Istanbul.    Continue reading “Tokyo will host 2020 Olympics”

Gen. Ray OdiernoWired – by Allen Mcduffee

Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis doesn’t have faith in Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno.

Or the rest of the U.S. Army’s generals, for that matter.

Writing in the August issues of The Armed Forces Journal (“Purge the generals“), Davis argues that it’s high time to sack the Army’s senior leaders for what he sees as an institutionalized epidemic of astonishing failures that not only go unreported, but are typically rewarded. All of it, he says, is creating a self-perpetuating culture of abysmal performance that won’t go away until the generals do.    Continue reading “How to Fix the Army: Sack All the Generals”

President Barack ObamaCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffery

( – The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation’s labor force has pushed past 90,000,000 for the first time, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The BLS counts a person as participating in the labor force if they are 16 years or older and either have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. A person is not participating in the labor force if they are 16 or older and have not sought a job in the last four weeks.   Continue reading “90,473,000: Record Number Not in Labor Force–Up Almost 10M Under Obama”

U.S. President Barack Obama answers questions during a press conference in the East Room of the White House August 9, 2013 in Washington, DC.Intelli Hub – by JG Vibes

Obama recognizes that a war with Syria will be unpopular with the American people, but says that it is not their decision to make

The popular myth in America and most modern democracies is that the general population decides on important issues that effect their lives.  However the reality is very different from this myth.  In reality the general population has no say at all, their only options are to be persuaded by the politicians and get in line, or shut up and deal with it.   Continue reading “Obama Admits Public Doesn’t Want War, But Says He Knows Whats Best”

Washington’s Blog

Numerous Intelligence Officials Question Administration’s Claims

Preface:   Without doubt, intelligence is being manipulated to justify war against Syria.  Herehere,herehere and here.   Continue reading “High-Level U.S. Intelligence Officers: Syrian Government Didn’t Launch Chemical Weapons”

City Watch – by Lisa Cerda, August 23, 2013

CERDAFIED – Following the bread crumb trail of FEMA orders, retired State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad of South Dakota State issued an “Emergency Fema Region 3 Alert!!!,” on August 13th.

Region three is comprised of; Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Songstad’s research turned up some very interesting facts. Each item on its own could go unnoticed, but the collective facts may be worthy of your attention and scrutiny. The U.S. government appears to be preparing for a major event. It appears that this event is being staged for approximately Oct. 1st. Let’s look at the numbers and dates.    Continue reading “Mysterious FEMA Region lll Alert Has Folks on Edge”

Allegations: Johnny Calderon (left) and Gerald Allen (right) are facing several charges including attempted robbery. The pair were hospitalised when their alleged victims fought backAllegations: Johnny Calderon (left) and Gerald Allen (right) are facing several charges including attempted robbery. The pair were hospitalised when their alleged victims fought backDaily Mail – by STUART WOLEDGE

A pair of teenagers who allegedly tried to rob two university students at gunpoint are behind bars after their would-be victims fought back putting their assailants in hospital.

When police arrived at the scene of the alleged robbery in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 27, they found Johnny Calderon Junior, 19, and Gerald Allen, 18, with beaten-up and bloodied faces.   Continue reading “Pictured: The battered and bruised armed thugs who were taught a lesson by their intended victims who decided to fight back”

Washington’s Blog

Military Is Opposed to Syria War

Many current and former military officers are highly skeptical of any military engagement with Syria.

They are speaking out in interviews, in photos, and in conversations with politicians.

And the doubts go all the way up to the Pentagon.   Continue reading “Opposition to Syria War Goes All the Way to the Pentagon”

Horrific: The soldiers are stripped, bound and pushed to the ground where a number of rebels stand over them pointing guns at their bodies before they are shot Daily Mail -by TARA BRADY

Video footage has emerged which shows the moment seven of President Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian soldiers are executed on camera by rebels fighting to overthrow the regime.

The soldiers are stripped, bound and pushed to the ground where a number of rebels stand over them pointing guns at their bodies. Some bear vicious injuries on their backs and arms.      Continue reading “Stripped, bound and shot in the head: Horrifying fate of Assad’s soldiers executed on camera by Syrian rebels”


With U.S. diplomats secretly talking with their Russian counterparts behind the scenes at the G-20 summit in St. Petersburg in hopes of avoiding a stalemate over Syria, publicly Moscow warned that a military strike on Syria could have catastrophic effects if a missile hit a small reactor near Damascus that contains radioactive uranium.   Continue reading “Revealed: America and Russia in secret Syria talks as Moscow warns of nuclear catastrophe if US launches strikes at Assad’s uranium reactor”

Investment Watchblog

Turkish military deploys tanks, armored cars to reinforce units on Syrian border

Convoys carrying tanks and rocket-launchers headed to border areas in Hatay, Gaziantep and Sanliurfa provinces today and yesterday, according to Hurriyet newspaper and Anatolia news agency.   Continue reading “TURKEY: Massive Convoys of Tanks & Armored Vehicles Deploy to Syrian Border”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

China has now joined Russia in sending warships to Syria to peacefully monitor the actions of US ships sent there by Barack Obama to commit terrorist attacks against Syria according to this breaking story from Infowars. As the build up to WW3 rapidly escalates, will Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama do the unthinkable and launch ‘love bombs‘ towards the Syrian people based upon a ‘false flag‘ or will he back down and wait for a full investigation from the UN inspectors to be completed? Continue reading “China Sends Warships To Syria, Joining Russian Warships In Mediterranean Sea”

WND –  by Garth Kant and Chelsea Schilling

Americans are slamming at least 22 members of Congress with thousands of phone calls and emails, urging lawmakers not to approve a military strike on Syria  by a margin of as much as 499 to 1.

A national debate is raging on Twitter. Tweets and statements from members of Congress  both Democrat and Republican  show tremendously strong opposition to President Obama’s call for an air strike on Syria:   Continue reading “Calls to Congress 499 to 1 against Syria War”