We have all noticed that the issue of illegal immigration has been removed from the mainstream.  There can be no doubt that foreign nationals have already voted in our primaries and caucuses and that these insurgents are voting 100% for the status quo.  And why shouldn’t they?  They know they will not be prosecuted for participating in election fraud any more than they are prosecuted for stealing the social security numbers of our children and collecting welfare in amounts that equate to a middle class lifestyle.

In other words, the status quo has been very good to the insurgency, and of course for every dollar given to one of these foreign nationals, a dollar is taken away from an American citizen.  This reality was omnipresent during the Christmas season as those who could afford to buy presents for their loved ones spoke no English.
Continue reading “The Primary and Caucus Insurgent Vote”

Last week has seen a parade of fifth column dual citizen Latino-Americans that have wormed their way into positions of authority within our government in the mainstream news.  All of the candidates for president in 2012 are being questioned as to how they will further facilitate the insurgency of foreign nationals across our southern border.  Once again we are seeing blatant treason being shoved in our faces, the false contention being that Latino-Americans will decide our presidential election.

An aspect of this situation that is being completely overlooked is as follows:  There is currently a world depression, which has been brought on by international fraud being committed by international elitists.  Common people around the world are suffering as their governments tighten up on resources in order to transfer more wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich elite .
Continue reading “Treasonous Candidates Seek Latino Vote”

On March 11, 2011, Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant failed and consequently three of its reactors melted down.  So what have we learned?  Nuclear power isn’t near as dangerous as we thought it was.  Exposure to radioactive particles is actually good for human beings, especially during the development years from fetus to age eighteen, thus it is a good thing that it is in our milk and every other part of our food chain.  In fact we should have been putting all of our clean energy dollars into nuclear energy because, don’t ya know, no carbon is emitted.

This is the power of the international nuclear industry.  They have absolutely swept three melted down reactors under the carpet and are indeed declaring nuclear energy “clean”.  For almost a year the propagandists have worked feverishly to change the reality of the three reactor meltdown to “no big deal” and as of this writing, new plants are being constructed in the United States using tax payer dollars through guaranteed loans.
Continue reading “Fukushima Still Destroying Human Life”

President Obama announced today a new tourism policy which will accommodate the streamlining of the visa process for foreigners entering our country for business and recreational purposes.  Obama contends that the ever expanding Chinese, Indian, and Brazilian middle classes should be welcomed into the United States with open arms and that the dollars they will bring will help American businesses and create jobs.

Now let’s look at what is really going on.  Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama, through NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT have dismantled our industrial base and sent it to China, India, and Brazil.  And now he wants to allow the peoples of these countries, who are prospering via our stolen jobs, to be allowed to come into our country for recreation and to perpetuate further dirty business deals designed to further deteriorate our condition.
Continue reading “Barack Obama the Pimp, the US his Prostitute”

Whenever the issue of vote fraud in the United States is brought up, the mainstream media immediately starts a campaign to minimize and remove the subject matter from debate.  Mainstream reporters will say that allegations of vote fraud are unfounded and assert that there have only been a couple of incidents reported in the whole history of the United States.  This is yet another lie designed to maintain the status quo.

Election fraud runs rampant in the United States and we the people are quite aware of the situation.  I guess we have just been desensitized to the ramifications this felonious activity represents.  How many times have you heard someone say, “We have the best government money can buy” or “You can’t fight city hall”?
Continue reading “Democrats Take Plea Deals in Election Fraud Case in Troy, New York”

We the American people know what has caused the drastic fall of our country.  And as more and more of us become awake and aware of the fact that our demise was, and continues to be, purposefully orchestrated by those who would enslave us, the elitist think tanks are working overtime to devise a strategy that will allow the status quo to finish us off.

The New Hampshire GOP primaries are coming up tomorrow following two debates over the weekend.  It has become clear that the status quo would like a presidential race featuring Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney.  So why would Mitt Romney be acceptable as the new figurehead for the international insurgency against we the people?
Continue reading “Romney and Huntsman have Outsourced your Jobs”

The treasonous soviet insurgent Barack Obama has, through the enactment of his executive dictate put into force January 1, 2012, invited any and every foreign national from around the world to come to the United States and take whatever they want from we the people.  The United States now has no immigration law and any state that tries to enforce its own laws is being attacked, using the very resources taken from those state citizens by the federal government.

In a shocking and unprecedented move last week, the Obama administration reversed the nation’s illegal immigration policy. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced new measures in dealing with illegal immigrants. Instead of accepting custody of illegal aliens for deportation, ICE will now only accept illegal immigrants who have been arrested, tried and convicted of a separate criminal offense. In short, illegal immigration is no longer considered a crime by the Federal government.            Source

Continue reading “Obama Declares Open Amnesty for Illegals”

Via testimony before the House Administration Committee it has been revealed that through matching ballots cast and driver license registration in Colorado, 5000 illegal aliens voted in the 2010 Senate race there.

New Haven, Connecticut Mayor, John DeStefano, is seeking to extend voting rights to illegal aliens and other non-citizens.

I know what you are going to say.  That can never happen.  Well there is another old saying, “The thin edge of a thick wedge.”  When a country is invaded the occupying forces begin immediately to put measures in place designed to take over the body politic.  You see, before one country can claim capture of another, they must establish a new government, distinct and apart from the old.
Continue reading “Illegal Alien Voting Block in the US”

Fair and honest elections are one of the greatest Rights we as Americans have and cherish. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee that Right today there is a monopoly on the vote reporting. It is called News Election Pool .There is no check and balance. There is no competition.

The purpose of this site is to provide a check and balance to the Main Stream Media’s (MSM) reporting. We are taught even as young children, one of the great difference between America and the many oppressive dictatorship in the world, is the fact that we have honest elections, were we can elect our candidates to represent We the People as opposed to the people living under these dictators . We go to war to spread democracy, to help free these people and set up free elections. Most recently Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, we have been told, to topple these dictators and spread democracy. Whether this is one of the main reason or not for going to war, most Americans and all honest candidates  would agreed we want to insure we will have honest, transparent vote counting and transparent reporting of our vote.
Continue reading “Sign Up – Transparent Vote Counting and Reporting”

The Japanese government announced Friday that cold shutdown of the Fukushima nuclear power plant has been achieved and that there is no longer substantial leakage of radiation coming from the plant.  From the onslaught of Fukushima the Japanese government has put forth lies with a total lack of consideration for their ramifications.

The Japanese government says that the leakage is no longer substantial.  What is this measurement “substantial”, especially when being put forth by a government that has raised the safe level of radiation over and over again in an attempt to minimize the situation?  This is also the same government that had radiated water from Fukushima pumped into tanker ships, taken out, and dumped into the Pacific Ocean.
Continue reading “Fukushima and the Future Nightmare”

Attorney General Eric Holder, testifying before Congress last week, still refused to disclose what he knew and when he knew it in reference to Fast and Furious, skirting the questioning like the attorney he is.  And now of course the DEA has been brought into the picture.  Apparently while Eric Holder and company were running guns into Mexico and drugs into the United States, the DEA was laundering the money.  Of course, like the ATF gunrunning, the illegal money laundering was just a part of yet another investigation.

How would the average citizen fare if he or she was busted for running guns and drugs and money laundering and then put forth the excuse that the activities were being perpetrated for the purpose of ascertaining who is at the top in the crime families, so that this average citizen could turn these names over to the proper authorities for prosecution?  The assertion would be laughed at.
Continue reading “Eric Holder Laughs At Congress as 12 Foreign Worker Visa Legislations Move through Committee”

As we close in on the 2012 election there is a mad scramble to put the mechanisms for mass voter fraud into place.  The left wing commies are up in arms in opposition to voter identification laws which are being enacted in many of the individual states, saying that the requirement will exclude minorities and the poor from participating in the polls.

I believe if you cannot show proof that you are a lawful citizen of the United States and the state you live in you not only should not vote, but should be arrested and detained until your citizenship can be ascertained.  After which, if you are a citizen you could use the decree from the court that released you from custody to obtain legal ID.  Then you could vote.
Continue reading “Prepare for Voter Fraud in the 2012 Presidential Election”

As the critical matter from the reactors of Fukushima continues to burn into the surface of the earth, contaminating ground water and sea water and moving ever closer to a hydrovolcanic explosion, the proverbial China Syndrome, the catastrophe that Fukushima represents remains virtually removed in the US mainstream media.  The fact is Fukushima is more a disaster with every passing day.

Many cancer patients within the United States are being denied medication reportedly as a result of shortage, the cause of which none seem able to explain.  Do you think it could be possible that Fukushima and the shortage of cancer medications in the US could be linked?  Do you think that if the United States had a real media that there just might be investigative reporters tracking Fukushima and its affects which are growing greater day by day?
Continue reading “Fukushima – Mainstream Media Genocide”

Thousands of foreign nationals, who have entered our country illegally, been arrested and held in jail are being released as a part of the illegal insurgent Barack Obama’s back door amnesty, perpetrated through an unconstitutional executive dictate.  The lie being put forth for this action is that the system is overloaded and that this amnesty will allow the more violent criminals to be deported sooner.

The truth of this action is that is represents nothing short of open treason as it facilitates a foreign invasion.  The fact is these insurgents who are being released are felons being released, as it is a felony to cross our borders without proper permission and documentation.  And I think we should all be asking ourselves, if these insurgents can be freed as felons, to what degree?  What other felonies can they have committed and still be unleashed upon us?
Continue reading “Illegal Alien Felons Being Released on the American People”