The jails and prisons of the United States are literally jammed full of US citizens who have harmed no other person for so called victimless crimes, like possession of marijuana.  One of the cornerstones of our justice system, before the Patriot Act and the takeover of our court system by the corporations, was the great writ; that is habeas corpus, which is Latin for “produce the corps” which is to say you cannot have a crime without a victim.

Now let’s talk about some crimes with victims.  Just in the State of Illinois alone, a hundred fugitives, facing charges of murder, rape, and other serious felonies, have fled across the border back to where they came from, Mexico.  These illegal aliens are coming into our country and committing violent felonies, some capitol, and then returning home to live out their lives, unhampered by the past.
Continue reading “Obama Continues to Facilitate the Illegal Invasion”

The obvious gunrunning and drug dealing the US government is involved in, and has been involved in for many years, can no longer be denied.  No thinking person could put forth the assertion that Operation Gunrunner/Fast and Furious was just a case of a government foul up.  The more the situation comes to light, the more obvious the obvious becomes.

We are now being told that the gunrunning and drug dealing has been tracked back to 2007 with Operation Gun Walking under the Bush administration.  This is blatant felonious crime and it is all right out in the open.

In the world of we the people, if one gun could be found that led back to any one of us, there would be no delay.  We would be arrested and held incarcerated while the authorities built a case against us.
Continue reading “Operation Gun Walker/Gunrunner/Fast and Furious – What?”

As the United States continues to deteriorate the United States Congress is saying they will revisit the Dream Act.  What part of no do they not understand?  It is truly amazing how different subjects can be interjected and then withdrawn from the mainstream media in order to procure a certain desired affect at a select moment in time.

The investigation into Operation Gunrunner/Fast and Furious has to be getting pretty interesting about now.  Considering the potential impact of the investigation, shouldn’t it be front and center in the mainstream news?  But then again pointing out the corruption in both the US and Mexican governments at a time when there is a push to manipulate the polling places to accommodate illegal aliens voting in our elections, the fact of government corruption might need to be minimized.
Continue reading “The Illegal Alien Insurgency and the 2012 Election”

The rate for a 30 year mortgage dropped from 4.12% to 4.11% last week and as these rates continue to decline, the housing crisis continues to deepen as people without jobs cannot buy homes.  Some months back I predicted the Japanese fleeing the radiation in Japan would be coming to the United States to buy up the properties lost to US citizens through the collapse.  Some called this assertion ridiculous.  Well last week I saw the first signs indicating an opening being made for just such a migration.

So much of our industry has been shipped to Japan and the Japanese people, of course, have procured vast amounts wealth through the transfer.  I believe the Japanese will now start buying their homes here, complete with citizenship, and begin creating a new middle class consisting of foreigners staying here on visas without any loyalty to our constitution, our republic, or our people.  They will move the industry from Japan back to the United States, the work thereof to be accomplished by the Japanese here on visas, with no US taxes or Social Security paid.
Continue reading “The US goes on the Auction Block – Discounts and Incentives for Foreigners”

Hispanic businesses in Alabama staged a so called “Sickout” protest last week in an effort to punish the people of Alabama for daring to pass laws designed to stop the illegal invasion of their state.  Evidently Hispanics called in sick for work and Hispanic businesses shut down for the day.  This is proof positive that the invasion of the illegal immigrants is an organized insurgency supported by the Hispanic 5th columns here and the Hispanic insurgents who have infiltrated our government.

Our response should be swift and decisive.  All Hispanic businesses supporting the illegal invasion of the State of Alabama should have their business licenses pulled.  The other businesses depending on Hispanic labor should require verified doctor’s notes and all who cannot produce them should be fired.
Continue reading “Hispanic Sickout Protests in Alabama”

The federal government is cracking down on medical marijuana growers, emphasizing its efforts in California and spreading the crackdown to the other fourteen states where the use and production of medical marijuana has been legalized.  The reasoning that is being put forth is that the marijuana being grown in the states where it is legal to do so, is being transported and sold throughout the country.

We all remember Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign promise saying that he and his federal government would leave the medical marijuana states alone.  So what has changed?  I wanted to get to the truth, so I went to the trenches.  I talked to several growers, both commercial and private, and this is what I found.
Continue reading “Federal Crackdown on Domestic Medical Marijuana Industry”

There is now talk of bringing United States troops to Mexico to fight the drug cartels being put forth by Texas Governor/GOP Presidential Candidate, Rick Perry.  And if you read between the lines this action would make a lot of sense in that the drug cartels are vying for control of Mexico with their government, which in reality is a part of the international drug cartel consisting of international bank finance, the Mexican government, and the foreign insurgence in our own government with the foreigner Barack Hussein Obama acting as the cartels’ CEO.

We can still remember a few months back when drug raids were conducted throughout the United States in retaliation for the assassination of ICE Agent Jaime Zapata in Mexico.  So whatever happened to all those drug dealers that were picked up in those raids?  Shouldn’t the investigations and prosecutions be front and center in our news?  Of course not.  The Mexican drug cartels handed over the assassin to the AFT enforcers and the drug dealers went right back to work, business as usual.
Continue reading “Rick Perry, Barack Obama, the ATF, the Drug Cartels, and Connecting the Dots”

Rick Perry’s Texas State Executive Order making the Gardasil shot mandatory for girls as young as ten years old has been front and center in the news.  It is interesting to listen to the various factions argue back and forth ad nauseum without ever touching on the nuclei of the question and that is the necessity of a mandate verses personal liberty.

I know the mainstream has talked all around this issue but in every debate concerning mandatory vaccination, the ultimate logical conclusion is always avoided like the plague, pun intended.  If your children are going to enter a public school (which I would not recommend for more reasons than I can count) theoretically you must have them vaccinated in order to stop the spread of contagious diseases.
Continue reading “Good Communists Inoculate Their Children When Commissar Rick Perry Dictates Gardasil Shot”

Citizens in Milford, Massachusetts are calling for a crackdown on illegal immigration after an illegal from Ecuador ran down and drug to death one of their fellow citizen while driving drunk.  Apparently this illegal alien had been stopped several times previously for driving under the influence.  At a town meeting held later on that week there was a gentleman from the Ecuadorian Consul present who had come forth to justify illegal immigration from Ecuador.

The aforementioned young man was the third citizen in that community to be killed by an illegal alien.  What in the hell is going on in this country?  If this invader from Ecuador had been deported the first time he was stopped for being drunk behind the wheel, the young American would still be alive.  But then I guess American lives are inconsequential in the equation as it seems that Americans just do not count when it comes to allowing foreigners to flood over our borders and take everything we have worked for for 235 years.
Continue reading “Another American Killed by an Illegal Insurgent”

Every day it is becoming clearer that the Obama administration, not only had knowledge of, but condoned Operation Fast and Furious/Gunrunner, which in essence involved the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms running guns into Mexico for the drug cartels.  To pretend that Fast and Furious/Gunrunner was a botched operation rather than a criminal enterprise is becoming more ludicrous with each passing day.

Supposedly the idea was to allow the purchase of firearms by straw buyers and then follow the weapons to the drug cartels who were buying the guns from the straw buyers.  What is interesting about this whole fairy tale is that not one member of a drug cartel has been arrested for receiving the weapons and also not one straw buyer.
Continue reading “Investigation into Operation Fast and Furious/Gunrunner Continues”

Dateline USA:  And what is the question of the day?  Do we the people have the right to defend our lives and property if those we have elected and paid to do so refuse?  It would seem like a no brainer, but apparently we have become so indoctrinated into government command and control that we no longer know where our rights lie within our own laws.

In an article I was reading by William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration, Mr. Gheen was defending himself in reference to implications contained in statements he made, which implied that we the people might have to engage in illegal activities in rising up and removing the illegal aliens from within our borders.  So what are we saying here?  That it might be illegal for us to enforce our laws?
Continue reading “Illegal Immigration and US Law”

The treasonous insurgent Obama has stuck another blow for his people, which should not be confused with our people, as these illegal aliens coming across our southern border are our enemies and are intent on our destruction.  Think about it.  Obama has so abused the people of the United States that he has openly committed treason in order to gain the favor of an invading army.  And the rest of our government seems to be standing mute as our law enforcement is being ordered not to enforce our laws and hence not to enforce our rights.

The 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution says the people shall be secure in their property.  The United States of America is the property of the citizens of the United States.  Obama has made it clear that he hates our Constitution and is hell bent on its destruction.  At what point do we the people just stand up and say, “No more”?
Continue reading “Obama Leads His Illegal Army in the Battle for the Republic”

We are only into the early stages of the decision making process for the 2012 elections and vote fraud is already rearing its ugly head.  Prior to the Iowa Straw Poll, constitutional challenges to the procedures to be used were being put forth.  The Iowa Straw Poll definitely has had an influence on the 2012 election process, as witnessed by the withdrawal from the race of ex-Governor of Minnesota, Pawlenty, after coming in third place.

What was unconstitutional about the straw poll?  Well the fact that it cost $30 dollars to participate eliminated from the voting process all those who could not pay the $30 because they did not have it.  And certainly the people of our country who have been impoverished to the point that they do not have $30 to throw away are going to be a deciding factor in the 2012 Presidential Election.
Continue reading “Will Voter Fraud Decide the 2012 Election?”

Riots broke out in the streets of London over the weekend in response to police killing Mark Duggan, a 29 year old black man, who was riding in a cab that police pulled over.  Details of the shooting are not available.  It is reported one of the officers was shot in the incident but was spared serious injury as the bullet struck his walkie-talkie.  It is being reported that the shooting occurred in an area known for problems stemming from racial tensions.

What is interesting about this whole situation is the bullet finding itself in the officer’s walkie-talkie.  You see guns are banned in England.  This being said it would seem that if the man who was killed possessed a firearm that was used to shoot an officer’s walkie-talkie, it would have been the headline as it would have shown justification for the killing.
Continue reading “Riots in London – Police are no Better in U.S.”