Militia to be demonized as radicals by media during upcoming BLM protestIntellihub

Media rhetoric has just shifted into second gear and is building steam fast.

In fact, the Las Vegas Sun and others have already reported that Bundy Ranch militiamen and women along with members of the Citizens Action Network headed to Utah in preparation to protest the BLM Saturday.

However, proponents of the BLM say that the protesters are nothing more than Ted Nugent fans and Obama hating gun lovers seeking to wage war with the BLM. Rhetoric from the Denver Post reads, “San Juan County residents who support Saturday’s protest ride identify themselves on their Facebook pages as fans of Bundy and guns-rights rocker Ted Nugent.   Continue reading “Militia to be demonized as radicals by media during upcoming BLM protest”


Hebrew graffiti sprayed by Jewish extremists on a Roman Orthodox Church in Jerusalem reads: ‘King David, king of the Jews and Jesus is garbage’. May,9, 2014 (Photograph: Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images)    Continue reading “Vatican responds to Jewish extremists attacks against Christians ahead of Pope’s visit”

oligarchyTruthstream Media – by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

Still think we’re a Constitutional Republic with a sound democratic process? Not even close.

When avowed socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders recently put Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen on the spot at a Capitol Hill hearing regarding the state of America as an oligarchy, Yellen basically admitted that’s what our nation has become.   Continue reading “Even Fed Chair Janet Yellen Admits America Is an Oligarchy”

The Money Masters


If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their  currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of  all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” – Thomas Jefferson

Continue reading “Famous Quotations on Banking”

Patriot Rising

An Ohio man is fighting an lawsuit against police in Fayette County following an incident that almost left him blinded, as the cops tasered him directly in the eye during a routine traffic stop.

Matthew David Kelly claims that a Sheriff’s deputy and an Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper used excessive force in deploying a taser and stunning Kelly twice, causing him to lose vision in his right eye.   Continue reading “Cops Almost Blind Man With Taser To The Eye During Routine Traffic Stop”

News 8 Now – by George Knapp, April 8, 2014

LAS VEGAS — Tensions have subsided and the crowds of armed militia around rancher Cliven Bundy have largely dispersed, but the situation is far from resolved.

Federal officials are exploring their legal options, and Metro Police confirm that an investigation is ongoing. What has not been made public is just how close things came to an all-out gun battle. Some of those who were on the front lines spoke exclusively to the I-Team’s George Knapp.
Continue reading “More Bullshit Propaganda From News 8 Now: Police faced possible ‘bloodbath’ at Bundy protest”

Palestine my homelandIntifada – by Dr A.Clare Brandabur

On June 23, 2013, a handsome young wedding-singer from the Khan Younis refugee Camp in Gaza won the Arab Idol Song Contest in Beirut after a hair-raising journey across borders and checkpoints that make the short distance from Gaza to Beirut an obstacle course. With the aplomb and perfect phrasing of a La Scala veteran, Mohammed Assaf delivered his winning assertion of patriotism and peaceful resistance to a cheering worldwide audience. Even local Hamas officials, who had frowned on and impeded his journey, had no choice but to bask in his reflected glory, joining him in a motorcade on his triumphant return.   Continue reading “Palestine’s Post-Zionist Spring”

8 News Now – by George Knapp

LAS VEGAS — A dramatic development in the saga surrounding rancher Cliven Bundy, the FBI has entered the case.

The 8 News NOW I-Team has learned that FBI agents have started an investigation into the events surrounding a potentially deadly showdown one month ago.

It is one thing for Cliven Bundy and his supporters to square off against an assortment of Bureau of Land Management employees. It is quite another when the FBI enters the picture, and that is exactly what has happened.   Continue reading “FBI investigating Bundy supporters in BLM dispute”

On tape, again: A longtime friend of Donald Sterling released a second 'surreptitiously' recorded call where Sterling is heard sounding off about the scandal and how he will not sell his teamDaily Mail – by MEGHAN KENEALLY

A new recording of Donald Sterling has been released by a friend of the disgraced Clippers owner and he is heard declaring that he is not a racist.

‘You think I’m a racist? You think I have anything in the world but love for everybody? You don’t think that! You know I’m not a racist!’ Sterling is heard saying to his unidentified friend.    Continue reading “I’m not racist, I’m a Jew! Donald Sterling calls out Magic Johnson for not defending him and vows to hold onto the Clippers in newly recorded rant”

web1_reid_heller_0.jpgReview Journal – by Steve Tetreault

WASHINGTON – With the proposed Interstate 11 connecting Southern Nevada and Phoenix on a path to reality, Nevada leaders are setting their sights on the next stretch, north from Las Vegas.

Sens. Dean Heller and Harry Reid are looking to insert wording into an upcoming federal highway bill that would designate an Interstate 11 corridor through Northern Nevada. While studies still are ongoing and substantive work might be a decade or more out, favorable mention in the bill would effectively plant an early flag for a project that must compete for billions in federal dollars.   Continue reading “Congressional delegation to jump-start Interstate 11’s Nevada stretch”

Ben Swann – by Bryan Daugherty

Bangor, Maine- It was only weeks ago when with the news of Cliven Bundy and his ranch being surrounded by federal agents, specifically the Bureau of Land Management, I found my way from Bangor, Maine to Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada.

I had several preconceived ideas of what the ranch in Bunkerville would be like.

Continue reading “Perspective: 3 Days In Bunkerville At The Bundy Ranch”

The Virginia Land Rights Coalition – by Albert V. Burns

More and more, we are seeing citizens being invited to “participate” in various forms of meetings, councils, or boards to “help determine” public policy in one field or another. They are supposedly being included to get ”input” from the public to help officials make final decisions on taxes, education, community growth or whatever the particular subject matter might be.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, surface appearances are often deceiving.   Continue reading “The Delphi Technique: Let’s Stop Being Manipulated!”


At ToBeFree, I’ve focused mainly on the Rockefellers, key kingpins in the US, which apparently are secretly worth more than $10 trillion. But the Rothschilds are far more wealthier, and are by many considered the greatest controlling factor worldwide — the kingpins of the world!

In the late ’90s, I attended an event in which Gaylon Ross was lecturing. He laid out the big picture for me that has continued to prove true. In addition to speaking about these two families, he laid out the elite’s plan to create unions within the continents, and then merge all 5 continents into the one-world government which they control.   Continue reading “The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold”