American Freedom by Barbara

In this week’s cover story, TIME’s David Von Drehle interviews Mayor Rahm Emanuel about the enduring problems facing Chicago – school reform, gun violence, unemployment and budget shortfalls. Von Drehle also outlines how Emanuel’s aggressive efforts – often at odds with his Democratic base – could prove to be a proxy for a broader fight nationwide over the identity of the Democratic Party.

Mark Seliger photographed Rahm Emanuel for TIME on the L train platform in Chicago for the cover.   Continue reading “Godfather of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Cover of Time”

AlterNet – by  Aviva Shen

Protesters rallied in St. Louis, MO on Wednesday over the death of 25-year-old Cary Ball Jr, who was  shot 25 times by police officers last month. Police say Ball refused to pull over for a traffic stop, eventually crashed into a parked car, and started running. According to police, Ball pointed a semi-automatic handgun at the officers, prompting them to open fire.   Continue reading “St. Louis Police Shoot Black Honor Student 25 Times”

Mr. Conservative – by Kristin Tate

Kyle Dube lured a 15-year-old girl, Nicole Cable, in an effort to stage her kidnapping and then rescue her to become a “hero”. Instead, Dube ended up killing the girl by accident.

Oops.   Continue reading “Man Fakes Girl’s Kidnapping To ‘Be A Hero,’ Then Kills Her By Accident”

DoubleTap Tactical Pocket PistolAmmoLand

ST. LOUIS, MO –(  DoubleTap Defense is officially shipping the DoubleTap Tactical Pocket Pistol (design and utility patents pending) to their distributors.

Azimuth Technologies, the manufacturers of the DoubleTap pistol, are ramping up production to fill all outstanding orders as quickly as possible.   Continue reading “DoubleTap Tactical Pocket Pistol Now Shipping”

FBI Ill. Man admits selling cocaine to 2 judges  St Louis Today – by Paul Hampel

BELLEVILLE • Embattled St. Clair County Circuit Judge Michael N. Cook, who faces federal drug and gun charges, resigned from the bench Wednesday.

Chief Judge John Baricevic said he had received a letter from Cook’s attorney, Tom Keefe, notifying him of the decision.   Continue reading “Judge facing heroin, gun charge resigns from St. Clair County Court”

Public Intelligence

The following special report was released May 7, 2013 by the Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Bureau of Justice Statistics

deceptionPrevent Disease – by Marco Torres

Ever wonder why those same obnoxious, arrogant and infrequent users just happen to appear on the heels of very controversial posts like clock-work? They monitor, wait and then pounce of the same topics to emotionalize and antagonize legitimate users on social networking and thousands of other websites. Whether it be vaccines, GMO, organic foods or any other topic geared towards natural health or contradicting mainstream opinion, these “online trolls” are now being exposed as part of sophisticated, larger operation on behalf of multi-national food corporations, pharmaceutical cartels, big agribusiness and chemical companies that cumulatively generate trillions of dollars in revenue.   Continue reading “Surging Disinformation Analysts Commenting On Your Favorite Websites To Emotionalize and Antagonize”

arsenicNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

The old saying, “You are what you eat,” poses troubling implications for public health in light of a new study on chicken meat, which found that most of it contains dangerously high levels of toxic arsenic. And the worst part is that industrial chicken producers are directly responsible for causing this, as they intentionally add arsenic-based pharmaceutical drugs to chicken feed in order to bulk them up quickly and improve the color of their meat, which in turn poisons you and your family.   Continue reading “Arsenic being intentionally added to conventional chicken”

VIRGINIA: June 2012 - Bilderberg attendee Heather Reisman (born August 28, 1948) is a Canadian businesswoman. Reisman is the founder and chief executive of the Canadian retail chain Indigo Books and Music. (Photo: Shepard Ambellas,

BRITAIN — For the first time in fifteen years the secretive Bilderberg Group will be meeting on British soil at the Watford Hotel, starting June 6th. Amongst the attendees will be some of the most diabolic, powerful, wealthy, royalty, politicians, head’s of state, and white collar criminals from all corners of the globe.   Continue reading “Bilderberg 2013: Attendees Scared as Protestors Accumulate”

Washington’s Blog

California Fish Contaminated with Fukushima Radiation

We noted more than a year ago:

The ocean currents head from Japan to the West Coast of the U.S.   Continue reading ““Absolutely Every One” – 15 Out of 15 – Bluefin Tuna Tested In California Waters Contaminated with Fukushima Radiation”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

Ukraine’s New Region reports on a YouTube video created by retired colonel Sergey Razumovsky, calling on Ukrainian veterans to fight on behalf of Syria’s government in exchange for citizenship and benefits. The Ukrainian government has reportedly ignored the video.  Continue reading “50,000 Russian – Ukrainian Volunteers Heading To Syria To Fight For Assad?”

New America Now – by Jonathan Turley

Below is a column in the Sunday Washington Post.  The column addresses how the continued rollbacks on civil liberties in the United States conflicts with the view of the country as the land of the free.

If we are going to adopt Chinese legal principles, we should at least have the integrity to adopt one Chinese proverb: “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.”  We seem as a country to be in denial as to the implications of these laws and policies.   Continue reading “10 Reasons The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free”

OK, this is 164 years old. Change a few names and it could very well have been written yesterday. Truth is timeless!

Transcendentalists – by Henry David Thoreau

[1849, original title: Resistance to Civil Government]

I heartily accept the motto, “That government is best which governs least”; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe–“That government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which the will have.   Continue reading “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience”

Information Clearinghouse – by Conor Friedersdorf

The term is a euphemism that obscures the gravity of what its advocates are suggesting — a U.S. air attack on Syria.

Kudos to Josh Rogin for breaking the news that “the White House has asked the Pentagon to draw up plans for a no-fly zone inside Syria.” But wouldn’t it be a more powerful story without the euphemism?   Continue reading “Let’s Be Clear: Establishing a ‘No-Fly Zone’ Is an Act of War”

cartels-through-texasTexas Nationalist Movement – by Dave Mundy

What had been an open secret is no longer secret: Mexican drug cartels are now openly carrying their war into Texas.

The question is whether or not the federal government is intentionally allowing it to happen.

In spite of assurances from Department of Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano (“the border’s never been more secure”), a cartel hit man pulled off a trademark, brutally violent execution in the quiet suburb of Southlake Wednesday night.   Continue reading “Cartels: Coming to a Town Near You”

Constitutional Sheriffs Convention Focus: States’ Rights, 2nd AmendmentThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

For two days beginning on Friday, May 31, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) is holding a convention (see video below) at the Ameristar Casino Resort and Spa in St. Charles, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.

As explained on the group’s website, the purpose of the convention is “to equip sheriffs, peace officers and public officials with the necessary information and public support to carry out their duties in accordance with their Oaths of Office.” (See also the video below.)   Continue reading “Constitutional Sheriffs Convention Focus: States’ Rights, 2nd Amendment”

AlterNet – by William Dotinga

Killing not a cure for depression, family says.

A California sheriff’s deputy needlessly Tasered and then shot a man to death after his father called 911 seeking help for his son’s depression, the family claims in court.

Parents and two brothers of the late George I. Ramirez sued Stanislaus County, its sheriff’s department, Sheriff Adam Christianson, and Deputy Art Parra Jr. in Federal Court.   Continue reading “Cops Taser Then Shoot Man to Death After Family Calls 911 for Help for His Depression”