Propaganda ain’t what it used to be.  In listening to these pathetic idiots report on the GOP primaries, it is becoming like listening to a child trying to talk its way out of bedtime.  Now these laughable fools are advising we the people not to vote for who we want, but rather to vote for who can win.  Here is the good part.  They are going to tell us who can win, and that would be absolutely anybody but Ron Paul.

I actually heard one of them say that the candidates actually wanted to come in second or third because second or third in reality is better than winning.  Can they possibly realize just how stupid they look?  I expect any day now to hear that the Republicans have changed their primary rules and procedures in that for 2012 the candidate who gets the least votes wins.  And remember, this is coming from both the false left and the false right, which everyone now realizes is the status quo.
Continue reading “More Suggestions and Advice from the Experts”

It is the day before Christmas and we here at From the Trenches will be keeping a vigilant watch through the weekend.  There will be no new articles put up until Monday unless something significant happens.  We are watching Iran and we are watching the National Defense Authorization Act, HR 1540, which Obama still has not signed, though he has signed every other bill that has been awaiting his endorsement.

Obama is educated in the law.  Obama, though a foreigner, took an oath to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.  If Obama signs HR 1540, he will have violated his oath with malice and forethought.  He also will have violated Title 42 (1984).  Obama has knowledge of the law and he knows HR 1540 is specifically designed to nullify superior constitutional law, (our Bill of Rights).  It is his duty to stop and correct this wrong which he knows to be a wrong.
Continue reading “Merry Christmas From the Trenches – Stay Vigilant”

Fair and honest elections are one of the greatest Rights we as Americans have and cherish. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee that Right today there is a monopoly on the vote reporting. It is called News Election Pool .There is no check and balance. There is no competition.

The purpose of this site is to provide a check and balance to the Main Stream Media’s (MSM) reporting. We are taught even as young children, one of the great difference between America and the many oppressive dictatorship in the world, is the fact that we have honest elections, were we can elect our candidates to represent We the People as opposed to the people living under these dictators . We go to war to spread democracy, to help free these people and set up free elections. Most recently Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, we have been told, to topple these dictators and spread democracy. Whether this is one of the main reason or not for going to war, most Americans and all honest candidates  would agreed we want to insure we will have honest, transparent vote counting and transparent reporting of our vote.
Continue reading “Sign Up – Transparent Vote Counting and Reporting”

As families gather together for Christmas, the talk around the table this year will be unique in comparing to those past.  The existence of the lie that we Americans have been living in for too many years can no longer be denied.  Twenty-eight million of us have lost our jobs, many of us our pensions and homes, and those still lucky enough to be working realize that they are next.  We have been witnessing the execution of a deliberate plan to disenfranchise and dispossess we the people and leave us in a third world hell.

Fortunately for us and unfortunately for our enemies, the international corporate mafia, through communicating with one another on the internet, there has been a great awakening.  The sleeping giant has risen from his slumber and quite frankly, he is pissed.  We the people, in returning to our Constitution, are now preparing to lay to waste those who would have enslaved us had we been less diligent.  It is indeed quite sobering to see how close we have come to the abyss.
Continue reading “Christmas and the American Family”

364,000 new jobless claims were filed this week and this is being hailed as a good thing.  Listen up people; this is the Christmas shopping season. This is as good as it gets.  About the second week in January after all the broken Chinese junk has been returned, the party will be over.  Millions who had temporary jobs will be again unemployed.  This is what the mainstream propaganda machine is failing to report on.

Ron Paul is in first place in Iowa and the fact that he is going to win that state can no longer be argued.  It has become evident that Ron Paul is the choice of we the American people of the American race.  And knowing that Barack Hussein Obama cannot beat Dr. Paul, the communists are playing their last card.
Continue reading “CNN and MSNBC Launch Pigment Attack on Ron Paul and We the People”

The mainstream propaganda machine has taken on a new tactic in their effort to stop Ron Paul’s legitimate run for GOP candidate for president.  Terry Branstad, Iowa’s Governor, is apparently calling on the Republicans to dismiss Ron Paul if he wins in that state.  Just who in the hell does this fellow think he is?  Not only should the people of Iowa reject this suggestion but when Branstad comes up for reelection they should let him know in no uncertain terms, that they do not appreciate him or anyone else trying to nullify their will using the power of the Governor’s Office, which belongs to the people.

The Republican Party,, is indicating that they are somehow angry because Independents and Democrats are registering as Republicans in order to insure Dr. Paul’s nomination.  They are saying that Dr. Paul and his people are trying to take over their party.  I for one did not realize that any party belonged to any particular group of individuals.  And if we the people choose to use the system to enforce our will, it is perfectly legitimate for us to take over the Republican Party as it has become a stop gap between we the people and our self-determination.
Continue reading “The Propaganda Machine Launches New Attack on Ron Paul”

The SEIU (Service Employees International Union) has launched a campaign to take over the Occupy movement for the soviet socialists.  The SEIU contributed $61 million to Obama’s election campaign in 2008 and now they think they are going to hijack our movement and use it to put the traitor Obama in office for another four years.

I think the SEIU understands that our patriotic movement cannot be taken over, however I do believe they are going to try to use the same techniques used by the neo-cons on the grassroots Tea Party to create the illusion that they control the power the movement represents.
Continue reading “Grassroots Occupy Protesters and Tea Partiers Be Aware There are Infiltrators in our Midst”

The desperation coming from the mainstream propaganda machine in the hopeless attempt to stop Dr. Ron Paul from securing the GOP nomination is becoming more bizarre every day.

Let’s talk about the Communist News Network first.  If the soviet socialists/Demorats truly believed Ron Paul could not beat Barack Obama, would they not be doing everything in their power to make sure Ron Paul is the GOP candidate?  Of course they would.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Leads in Iowa Poll – One Party System in a Panic – Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?”

The last of the US troops in Iraq are on their way home and thank God for that.  It truly seems that every other week we are celebrating Veterans Day, again and again.  I am so glad that our soldiers are returning home but to attempt to change the reality of the war in Iraq in the process is absolutely wrong.

The United States unlawfully invaded Iraq based on lies that were proven to be lies, which were proven to be deliberate lies, put forth for no other purpose than to invade the sovereign country of Iraq, for the sole purpose of capturing that country’s oil for the benefit of the State of Israel.
Continue reading “US End War in Iraq – The Eye of the Storm”

The Japanese government announced Friday that cold shutdown of the Fukushima nuclear power plant has been achieved and that there is no longer substantial leakage of radiation coming from the plant.  From the onslaught of Fukushima the Japanese government has put forth lies with a total lack of consideration for their ramifications.

The Japanese government says that the leakage is no longer substantial.  What is this measurement “substantial”, especially when being put forth by a government that has raised the safe level of radiation over and over again in an attempt to minimize the situation?  This is also the same government that had radiated water from Fukushima pumped into tanker ships, taken out, and dumped into the Pacific Ocean.
Continue reading “Fukushima and the Future Nightmare”

As Ron Paul has surged to the top of the field in the GOP nomination run it is now his turn to be attacked, at least this is the line the propagandists are putting forth.  The fact is Ron Paul has been viciously attacked from the get go.  Remember “Ron Paul cannot be elected as president,” “Ron Paul is a kook,” “No one takes Ron Paul seriously,” “Ron Paul’s views are not mainstream,” and “Ron Paul is not a serious candidate.”

And now that Paul is leading in Iowa, what have the propagandists to say?  Well nothing but the same, which has already been proven erroneous through Dr. Paul’s accumulation of support from the mainstream population of the American people of the American race.
Continue reading “All Attempts to Stop Ron Paul are Failing Miserably”

The National Defense Authorization Act containing Section 1031 (indefinite detention) was passed in the US House and Senate Wednesday on Bill of Rights Day.  The legislation is now headed for the White House and President Obama has said he will sign it.  This is a blatant act of treason against we the people.  This legislation is a complete nullification/repeal of our Bill of Rights.

Even the Congressmen and Senators, the few who spoke out against this outrage, did so only in the context that they didn’t agree with the language describing who is an enemy combatant.  They are every one of them, guilty of treason.  When this legislation was brought to the House floor, any one of them who was truly a patriot could have called for the Sergeant of Arms to arrest the individual presenting Section 1031 and every co-sponsor.
Continue reading “US Bill of Rights Repealed”

Lack of detailed coverage in reference to the legislations going through our Congress this week is truly alarming.  The National Defense Authorization Act, if passed can be considered nothing short of a complete repeal of the Bill of Rights.  The purposed unemployment extension bill would cut 40% of the coverage and divert millions into the pockets of the medical labs that will perform the urinalyses on the unemployed seeking benefits.

If the unemployment extension package is not passed, 3 million will be reduced to zero income overnight and of course be removed from the unemployment rate number, intensifying the lie of recovery.  Consumer prices have risen 3.4% and the increased spending of dollars that are buying fewer products is actually being portrayed as a positive in our economy.  Half of the US population, 150 million citizens, are now considered impoverished, and 50 million of that number are considered extremely impoverished.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Surging Upward as Elite Intensify Campaign of Duplicity”

Ron Paul immerged the clear winner of Fox’s GOP debate on Thursday night as the inadequacies of the other candidates became increasingly clear, as Dr. Paul’s platform for a return to the Constitution and an end to the tyranny has become a standard that leaves the other candidates in a position of joining in the popular Constitutional message or speaking in defiance of our founding document.

Rick Perry is and has been all along an embarrassment to the voters of Texas as their judgment came into question when the mildly retarded Perry took the national stage.
Continue reading “Ron Paul and We the People will be Victorious in Iowa”



On December 15, 1791, the United States adopted the Bill of Rights, enshrining in our Constitution the protection of our inalienable freedoms, from the right to speak our minds and worship as we please to the guarantee of equal justice under the law. For 220 years, these fundamental liberties have shaped our national character and stirred the souls of all who dream of a freer, more just world. As we mark this milestone, we renew our commitment to preserving our universal rights and perfecting our Union.
Continue reading “Emperor Obama Proclaims Today is Bill of Rights Day”

Dr. Ron Paul will not be denied.  For everyone who has shouted from the get go that Ron Paul could not win the GOP nomination, your propaganda has failed.  I have to believe the international corporate mafia is in a rage right now.  All the money they have spent on their propaganda machine and to no avail.  We the people and our numbers through the internet are prevailing and the best the mainstream can come up with is that if Ron Paul wins Iowa, it will be good for Mitt Romney.  Truly pathetic, don’t you think?

The Republiscums have announced that they will not be calculating the delegates as previously planned.  In a last ditch effort to rig the Republican race, the leadership has announced that the delegates, rather than going for the candidate who wins the state, will instead be proportioned out in coalition with the percentage of votes each candidate obtains.  This is a desperate act and I’m afraid it is just the first of many we are going to see as Ron Paul wins state after state.
Continue reading “A Ron Paul Win in Iowa Looks to be Inevitable”

This Thursday, December 15th at 9:00 EST, 6:00 PST, FOX News will hold yet another GOP debate and the propagandists have worked themselves up into a frenzy with one or two new polls coming out daily, showing either Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney as the clear winner in Iowa and New Hampshire.  And of course there is always a “possibility” that Ron Paul might just, could maybe, possibly win in Iowa.

No, no, no propagandists, Ron Paul IS going to win Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina and by jingle, you know it is true.  This is why the GOP has now made the announcement that they might just, possibly, or probably will be brokering the GOP nomination at the Republican Convention.
Continue reading “Fraudulent Polls Aside, Ron Paul will be President in 2012”

The payroll tax cut extension legislation must be passed immediately or the world will come to an end.  All joking aside, the failure to pass the legislation will hurt the working poor and middle class.  Both Demopublicans and Republicrats are saying they support the extension; however the corporate elite have certain conditions.

If you have not heard of the Keystone Pipeline proposal, you have been living under a rock.  Now the neo-con corporate lapdogs have attached an authorization for the Keystone Pipeline to the payroll tax cut extension legislation, saying we need to do it for jobs and any vote against the bill is a vote against jobs.
Continue reading “Payroll Tax Cut Extension and the Keystone Pipeline Legislation – A Fraudulent Scam on the American People”