We have a new unemployment rate, 8.5%.  This number is an unmitigated lie and is an affront to the facts.  The unemployment rate is being dropped by simply saying hundreds of thousands more long term unemployed just stopped looking for work and have accepted their new life of poverty.

Here are the facts.  Net, millions more American workers are unemployed than were last year and no matter how many ways the lie is told this fact remains unchanged.  They say 200,000 jobs were added in December.  By the so called experts’ own assertions, it would take 250,000 jobs to keep the unemployment rate at an even keel in keeping up with our young people entering the workforce.  Now this is not to mention the tens of thousands of illegals crossing our borders every month.
Continue reading “Drop in Unemployment Rate to 8.5% – Do You Believe it?”

372,000 new unemployment filings for the week and this number, coupled with the claim of 200,000 new jobs created in December, is being used by the mainstream propaganda machine to purport a strengthening recovery.  Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.  I know no one in the 99% believes this crap, except for a pathetic handful who believe that if they keep themselves inserted in the arse of the status quo and completely deny reality, the worst thing that is going to happen to them is that they will have to put up with the stink.

Well I have a message for these mush minded zombies.  There is no escape.  The only thing that is going to prevent the elite that you are sucking up to from destroying you, is the fact that the patriot American people of the American race are going to destroy you first.  Your pathetic “going along to get along” has gone along about as far as it is going to get.  There are only two sides to the fence and every time you puff your puss guts up and step up in front of the cameras to parrot one of the party line messages you have been fed by your masters, you are tagged.
Continue reading “The Lie of Economic Recovery and the Circle of Death”

The treasonous soviet insurgent Barack Obama has, through the enactment of his executive dictate put into force January 1, 2012, invited any and every foreign national from around the world to come to the United States and take whatever they want from we the people.  The United States now has no immigration law and any state that tries to enforce its own laws is being attacked, using the very resources taken from those state citizens by the federal government.

In a shocking and unprecedented move last week, the Obama administration reversed the nation’s illegal immigration policy. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced new measures in dealing with illegal immigrants. Instead of accepting custody of illegal aliens for deportation, ICE will now only accept illegal immigrants who have been arrested, tried and convicted of a separate criminal offense. In short, illegal immigration is no longer considered a crime by the Federal government.            Source

Continue reading “Obama Declares Open Amnesty for Illegals”

The corporate elite have effectively gotten away with the duplicity they perpetrated in the Iowa Caucuses.  Now the mainstream propaganda machine is setting the stage for the next act of treachery to be perpetrated in New Hampshire.  On MSNBC one of the treasonous propagandists said that the Ron Paul thing is all over with now and we can get down to the real issues.

Ask yourself, why are the self-proclaimed enemies of the Republicrats so in love with Mitt Romney and why has there not been an in depth investigation and reporting on Rick Santorum’s past, but rather a continuing avocation for him in the mainstream.  The fact is there is no more difference between Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Jon Huntsman, and Barack Obama than there was between George Bush, John McCain, and Obama.
Continue reading “Will New Hampshire Voters Opt for the Republic and the Constitution?”

The mainstream propagandists are aglow this morning, thinking they have gotten over on the American people.  It is being reported that Dr. Paul came in third in the Iowa Caucus and that Mitt Romney got 3,796 more votes than Paul, and Rick Santorum came in second with 8 fewer votes than Romney.  Entry polls and exit polls showed Ron Paul with a commanding lead and in no way did the vote count jive with these polls, raising the question as to why.

What fraud was committed cannot yet be ascertained as the website Transparent Vote was overwhelmed and apparently it’s operators are working to get it back up at present.  I believe the vote was manipulated, to what extent like I said is yet to be ascertained.
Continue reading “Iowans Vote for Farm Subsidies and War, Ron Paul Comes in Third”

Iowans, you are up.  It is time to go forth and do.  It is time to show the international elite that we the American people of the American race are not going to be denied our right to our Republic under our Constitution.  Today patriotic Iowans are going to shove the fraudulent corporate opinion polls so far down the throats of the corporate owned propagandists, that there is going to be no doubt as to extent of the rejection of the propaganda machine that has been herding the people of the United States down the status quo path to slavery for the past fifty years.

Iowans, when you go forth to caucus, do so with your hearts filled with defiance for the status quo insurgent government that just finished passing legislation through our House and Senate that removes we the people’s Bill of Rights from the United States Constitution.  Know without question that the dictator Obama has signed this legislation and that we must all stand in defiance to put down this insurgency and restore our Republic under our Constitution with the people’s rights restored therein.
Continue reading “Iowans Step Up to the Battle Line”

Tomorrow the people of Iowa will come forth to Caucus and the rest of us will find out just how far the neo-con elite are willing to go in committing blatant election fraud in their attempt to stop the Ron Paul Revolution.  The propaganda attack on Dr. Paul has become as vicious as a pack of hyenas on a lamb.  Unfortunately for these hyenas, Dr. Paul is proving to be a wolf in lamb’s clothing, countering every attack and calling the propagandists out on their own forum, as the low down deceitful traitors to our country that they are.

Every Tom, Dick, Harry, Linda, Delilah, and Louise who are supposed to represent some claim to perfection that the rest of us are void of, are coming forth to make their endorsements for the candidate we should choose.  Any person that would vote for a candidate based on an endorsement from a person that is not a close friend or a member of their family is a mush-minded mental midget that should not be allowed to vote.
Continue reading “The GOP Caucus in Iowa will Tell the Tale”

Dr. Ron Paul is presently being attacked in the mainstream media because he will not commit the United States to enforcing Israeli dictates in the Middle East if he is elected president.  However it seems that every time the media points this fact out, Paul surges in the polls.  Could it be that the people of the United States have grown sick of foreign wars to build empire?  Or maybe we are just sick and tired of living like paupers while trillions upon trillions of dollars of our wealth is being used to kill other human beings.

The arrogance of the Israeli-American population is showing itself front and center in the mainstream media.  Maybe it is time this 1.7% of our population was taught a lesson through deportation to their beloved Israel.  I have mentioned in previous articles that the Israeli-Americans exercise an extraordinary amount of power and influence over our government.  Why?  Because they are deeply entrenched in our highest seats of power.
Continue reading “All Eyes on the Strait of Hormuz”

Via testimony before the House Administration Committee it has been revealed that through matching ballots cast and driver license registration in Colorado, 5000 illegal aliens voted in the 2010 Senate race there.

New Haven, Connecticut Mayor, John DeStefano, is seeking to extend voting rights to illegal aliens and other non-citizens.

I know what you are going to say.  That can never happen.  Well there is another old saying, “The thin edge of a thick wedge.”  When a country is invaded the occupying forces begin immediately to put measures in place designed to take over the body politic.  You see, before one country can claim capture of another, they must establish a new government, distinct and apart from the old.
Continue reading “Illegal Alien Voting Block in the US”

ALERT! Just before midnight December 31, 2011, Barack Hussein Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act, nullifying the people’s Bill of Rights and establishing a totalitarian, soviet style, military dictatorship.  The document is a signed declaration of war against we the people of the United States.

The insurgents within our government have just put a legislative coup into action to be followed by a military coup and enslavement of we the people.  I think we can expect to see attempts at gun confiscation which will lead to conflict between the insurgents and the American people.
Continue reading “HR 1540 – S 1867 National Defense Authorization Act Signed in the Middle of the Night, Obama Now Officially a Military Dictator”

Newt Gingrich broke down in tears on Friday in an effort to enact the Hilary Clinton cry strategy in order to put a halt to his fall in the polls.  I guess this little act was designed to make him seem more human.  I say “act” because this is essentially what it was.  It is common knowledge that the student in acting school is taught the technique of bringing up an old painful memory in order to induce tears on cue.  Though the emotion is real, the assertion is ingenuine.  (Newt was probably thinking about his fall in the polls, rather than his mother.)

I think everyone knows by now that the mainstream candidates employ acting coaches as a status quo course of action.  And as the people have become aware of this situation, the genuine honesty of Dr. Ron Paul shines as does the truth in his words.  I think at this point in the game the majority of those who have recently become awakened to the lie of the false left-right paradigm are saying to themselves, “Thank God for Ron Paul.  He is the only chance this country has.”  In that being the reality, this fight is just heating up.
Continue reading “How Far will the International Elite go to Stop the Revolution and Preserve the Status Quo?”

Four days until the Iowa Caucus and no effort is being spared by the mainstream propaganda machine in doing everything, including pleading with the Iowa voters to not vote for Ron Paul.

People, we must understand that there is a group of individuals in our country who believe they have established themselves as an elitist ruling class.  They live in another world under another set of laws, and if you think they do not look down with contempt on the rest of us, you are foolish to the extreme.
Continue reading “Iowa Voters Thumbing their noses at Elitist Attempts to Dictate their Decisions”

I would like to have a dollar for every time I have heard it said that we the people cannot elect Ron Paul as our next president.  Ron Paul has been called a kook and even dangerous.  So what makes Ron Paul a dangerous kook?  Well he does not want to invade Iran, start World War III, and see a billion lives and untold fortunes lost.  Pretty kooky, huh?

There is another issue that is just as prominent that is not being reported on.  You see the reason Ron Paul’s anti-war stance is so unacceptable to the power elite is because the wars represent a further opportunity for the transfer of US wealth from the 99% to the 1%, thus the second issue: the threat Ron Paul represents to the unconstitutional Federal Reserve, which in reality is the foundation of all problems facing the American people today.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Unstoppable – Patriots Prepare for the Final Round”

In 2011 American businesses created 1.5 million jobs……in other countries.  The United States has lost 3 million jobs in the past three years.  This is how our news is reported.  The facts to be ascertained are simple.  New jobs are not created overseas.  American jobs are moved there.  Citing the statistic of 1.5 million jobs created overseas last year, American corporations say they would have liked to have created those jobs in the US, but they just cannot feel secure until we drop all regulations and stop taxing them completely.

To start with these rich bastards pay no taxes and we all know it.  What they are actually talking out of the sides of their mouths about is an end to corporations paying matched amount in withholding for Social Security and Medicare.  These same corporations would also prefer that we get rid of the minimum wage and child labor laws.  And oh yes, they would like tens of thousands more foreign work visas to be issued to bring in cheap high tech labor.
Continue reading “The Rich Elite want a Return to the Grapes of Wrath”

The mainstream media is in a frenzy.  Oh yes, it is all about the 2012 election.  I have to believe that our regular readers are becoming about as weary of reading on this subject as I am of writing, but we have to understand the mainstream propaganda machine has been overtly controlling our destiny and affecting our lives since its inception.  I know that the intelligent thinking people out there pay no mind to the attacks on Dr. Ron Paul, but as these attacks are orchestrated using techniques that have worked in the past, we must counter them on every front.

The propagandists will tell a lie mixed with truths and half-truths, hundreds of times a day, and each day a little more truth and half-truth is removed from the lie until it is the pure lie that is being mimicked.  They will do this from the false left and the false right in order to create an illusion of truth through false diversity.  Like I said, we are not listening to this crap, but not every citizen is wide awake yet so we will continue to counter the lies with the truth.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Dominating – Propagandists in a Panic”

As Ron Paul sits poised to win in Iowa, the message coming out of the mainstream propaganda machine is that even if Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination, he cannot beat Barack Obama, and they sport their polls as the absolute proof thereof.  But wait a minute, didn’t their polls say Ron Paul not only could not win the GOP nomination, but indeed they said he was a non-contender who would not win a single caucus?  Could it be that the American people of the American race have decided they will not be pushed like a herd of cattle by the elitist propagandists anymore?

It is like this, people.  A vote for anyone other than Ron Paul is a vote for a war in Iran and the completion of the destruction of our nation.  How does the song go?  You’re a grand ole flag, you’re a high flying flag, and forever in peace may you wave.  What a farce.
Continue reading “Ron Paul Can’t Lose – The Alternative is Unacceptable”

Today, the Global Power Elite are wrapping up globalization and ushering in World Government.  Paraphrasing the tightrope walker in German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Thus Spake Zarathustra,” this implies “….a dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting…”

These 12 Triggers are interlinked and interlocked in a highly complex, holistic matrix, very flexible in its tactics but rigidly unbending in its strategic objectives. When read as a whole, the picture that unfolds shows that whole being far more than the sum of its parts.
Continue reading “Twelve Triggers for World Government”