As if things were not chaotic enough in the Middle East, a Florida preacher publically burned a copy of the Koran sparking protests in Afghanistan and attacks on our personnel there.  Many have come out in condemnation for the Koran burning preacher and there are now renewed calls for government powers and censorship. 

Under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States the Florida preacher can burn the Koran.  Though the act is disrespectful and repugnant it is protected speech. 
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This review from our Red Pill Documentaries page deals with America: Freedom to Fascism (2006) which is a documentary, created by former music promoter and actor Aaron Russo. In this film Russo sets out to find whether or not there is an actual law that requires the average worker in America to pay an income tax. By the end of the documentary it is not only apparent that there is no such law, but also that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Internal Revenue Service was set up for the primary purpose of funneling the wealth of our country into the hands of an elite few.

This film does a great job of showing the viewer how our country was originally taken over by global bankers. It points out that in 1913 J.P Morgan, Paul Warburg and John D. Rockefeller set up the Federal Income Tax, and “convinced” Congress to turn over its power to print money to the Federal Reserve, which was a private banking institution headed by the these three men.
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So the United States is now allowing other countries to take the lead in providing air support to the rebel offenses in Libya.  As I’ve stated before the U.S. is the command structure for NATO and though we are not flying any missions right now, we have already pounded Gaddafi’s forces with everything in our arsenal, short of a daisy cutter or an atomic bomb. 

It is being noted in the reporting coming out of Libya that the so called rebels seem to be acquiring better weaponry with each passing day.  Of course the propaganda we are being fed is indicating that the weaponry must be coming from other sources like France or England as President Obama would never take any such action without first informing our Congress and the American people.
Continue reading “CIA Boots on the Ground in Libya”

CBS Sunday Morning did a piece outlining the age discrimination in reference to the long term unemployed, which has become predominant throughout the United States.  The piece was indeed an affirmation of what we 99ers already know and that is that the bulk of our numbers is baby boomers. 

Anyone who cannot see that the majority of the 99ers are the victims of an intentional culling is ignoring the facts.  When we were intentionally removed from the workforce it was because we had reached the tops of our pay scales, were reaching the age that the insurance companies would just as soon be rid of us, and on the brink of retiring as a part of the baby boom. 
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters Ignore It and It will Go Away?”

It has been more than three weeks since the earthquake and tsunami in Japan that facilitated the failure of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.  Over those three weeks we have been given small measures of information designed to belittle and minimize the true magnitude of this catastrophe.  Last week it was finally revealed that radiation was getting into the Pacific Ocean, leading to us finding out about the existence of a crack in the piping system that has been gushing radioactive water into the Pacific since the first day.

They really do not give us any credit for intelligence.  We are supposed to believe that it took them two weeks to discover the radiation going into the Pacific.  For this to be true it would have to be reasoned that radiation was only being monitored on one side of the plant and not at all in the ocean. 
Continue reading “Japanese Officials Finally Admit to Radioactive Water Gushing into the Pacific”

Well the 99ers got into the mainstream propaganda on Saturday thanks in part to a FOX propaganda piece designed to belittle the deplorable conditions we 99ers find ourselves in.  Like the piece on 60 Minutes, it was designed to show the 99ers as a people who are not really that bad off and completely to blame for our plight as we were not fiscally responsible with the boondoggle we received from our unemployment benefits.

The person being interviewed, one Leslie Jacobs, is perfect for a hit piece on 99ers, obese to a fault with a holier than thou attitude.  She indicated that after a year she came to the conclusion that she needed to “bank” more of her unemployment monies. 
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters Back in the Mainstream News – But to What End?”

216,000 jobs were added to the economy and the unemployment rate dropped to 8.8%.  This is a lie and I’ll tell you why.  If an American based business adds 232,000 jobs in other countries it is calculated as jobs added to our economy.  The fact is even more jobs have been lost in the United States in the past month.

When the United States government ran tanks into the Branch Davidian Church in Waco, Texas they shot canisters containing two kinds of gas which when mixed became Saran gas, a deadly agent banned by the Geneva Convention.  As they were doing so they were shouting over a loud speaker, “This is not an attack, this is not an attack.”  These deplorable bastards burned to death 20 children and 56 adults, including 2 pregnant women, and they got away with it.  They lit the place on fire and shot all they could who were trying to escape the flames.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Supporters UE Rate Drops to 8.8%, This is Not an Attack This is Not an Attack”

Every day I have to sit and watch the elite on FOX Business brag about how much money they are making and in the next instant I am being told our country is broke and we have to make drastic cuts because we have no money to run our government.  So where is all the money?  Well I just told you, the rich are piling it up and as true wealth is not accumulated through thin air, that which they are accumulating has to be coming from somewhere.  And that somewhere has to be from the rest of us.

Our country is rich in natural resources and billions are being made from them every day.  The natural resources of this country are supposed to belong to all the people.  So why is it that a handful is getting everything?
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Supporters – We Can Get it Back by Enforcing our Law”