Well 99ers, Congress reconvened yesterday, not that anyone noticed as every mainstream broadcast was inundated with “Bin Laden is dead.” I don’t really see what the big deal is, everyone out there does realize that this is the ninth time he has been dead. Yes you heard me correctly, nine times. Back in April of 2002 Alex Jones interviewed one Steve Pieczenik who was Henry Kissinger’s right hand man. Pieczenik said at that time that Osama Bin Laden was dead and that his body was being kept in deep freeze, waiting to be brought forth when it would be of great political advantage. Well I guess that day came.
Obama was down in the polls and the great Nobel Peace Prize winner had just found himself responsible for the deaths of three little children in Libya. All of this being reported as the Al Qaida in Libya were cheering in the streets for the murder of those three little children.
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