The income gap continues to grow as more protesters flow into the streets.  And what is the question of the day?  Would Jesus be a part of the Occupy Wall Street protests?  From 1979 to 2007 the income of the top 1% has risen 275%; this is the reality of the theft.  No one can claim that such enormous wealth can be acquired by so few honestly.

The new Super Soviet/Committee has gone to work.  And now we the people are going to find out what raw communism looks like.  On the live broadcast yesterday we revealed eleven pieces of legislation designed to expand foreign worker visas to bring foreign labor into the United States to further displace and replace those among us still fortunate to have a job.  This is a coordinated attack being orchestrated by both the neo-cons and social communists and is targeting everything from our high tech jobs, which is about all that is left of our middle class, clear down to sheepherders and everything in between.
Continue reading “Would Jesus Join the Occupy Wall Street Protests?”

Police in riot gear converged on protesters in Oakland, California yesterday morning, driving them first from Frank H. Ogawa Plaza in front of City Hall, then Snow Park Camp.  The police used tear gas and bean bags in the assault.  This can only be considered a violation of the law.  Imagine you are parked in a handicapped spot and a pig rams your car and pushes it out of that spot.  Well this is the essence of what happened in Oakland.  These Nazis walked into the protesters’ camps and ripped them apart, damaging and destroying the protesters’ personal private property.

From the reports I have seen these rogue thugs were not taking action under any court order.  Assuming the protesters were on public property, tell me how any group within the public can remove another group within the public from any public domain without so much as a court proceeding?
Continue reading “Occupy Protesters, Adapt and Overcome”

In my article yesterday we talked about laborers bringing brought in from Mexico on visas to do forest cleanup.  Mind you, this is the State of Oregon, we are loggers and woodsmen.  The jobs were stolen from us and why?  So the contractors would not have to pay Social Security and other taxes that they must pay by law for U.S. workers.  Now that my attention is focused on this issue, I am seeing it literally everywhere.

52% of businesses want to make new hires.  These are high tech businesses and they are now saying that Americans are too inexperienced and too stupid to learn so they would like to bring in foreign workers on visas.
Continue reading “We Must Stop the Work Visas Now!”

At a time when the traitor Obama is pushing a new jobs bill that will pay corporations to hire the unemployed through tax subsidies and sweat heart contracts, an incident in Oregon should be taking stage, front and center.  Four contractors/corporations, G.E. Forestry, Cutting Edge Forestry, Summitt Forestry, and Ponderosa Reforestations, received fourteen Recovery Act contracts worth $7,140,782 in 2009.

These monies were intended to put unemployed Oregonians to work doing clean up and maintenance in National Forests in Central Oregon.  Instead this money was paid to foreign workers brought in on H-2B visas, which is to say workers from another country.  Though the reporting parties have been careful to hide the country that the workers came from, I think it is safe to assume that they were Mexican nationals.
Continue reading “$7 Million in Oregon Recovery Dollars Employed Foreign Workers”

The rate for a 30 year mortgage dropped from 4.12% to 4.11% last week and as these rates continue to decline, the housing crisis continues to deepen as people without jobs cannot buy homes.  Some months back I predicted the Japanese fleeing the radiation in Japan would be coming to the United States to buy up the properties lost to US citizens through the collapse.  Some called this assertion ridiculous.  Well last week I saw the first signs indicating an opening being made for just such a migration.

So much of our industry has been shipped to Japan and the Japanese people, of course, have procured vast amounts wealth through the transfer.  I believe the Japanese will now start buying their homes here, complete with citizenship, and begin creating a new middle class consisting of foreigners staying here on visas without any loyalty to our constitution, our republic, or our people.  They will move the industry from Japan back to the United States, the work thereof to be accomplished by the Japanese here on visas, with no US taxes or Social Security paid.
Continue reading “The US goes on the Auction Block – Discounts and Incentives for Foreigners”

Texas Governor Rick Perry has come out with his economic plan to save the economy, which is essentially a 20% flat tax, which would kick in at about $36,000 annual income.  The neo-cons have been pushing their dream of a flat tax for many years now and it is looking like Bilderberg has ordained Rick Perry as their enforcer who will bring the plan to fruition.

Let’s take a look at this 20% flat tax.  As previously mentioned, people making under $36,000 per year will pay nothing, but is this really a selling point?  A person on welfare, in order to get off of welfare and become self sufficient, must make an enormous leap in the income gap to achieve independence.
Continue reading “The Truth about Rick “Bilderberg” Perry’s Tax Proposal”

Acting in defiance of the majority of its citizens, the democratic socialist country of Greece has voted in further austerity measures to pay for more loans they have taken out to bail out the international banksters in Greece.  The Greek people are showing themselves to be completely selfish as they riot in the streets in protests of losing the measly amount of $7000 per worker per year, bringing up images of the protesters on Wall Street, sniveling and crying just because they have no jobs.

Well it is time somebody said it.  It is the people’s fault that this international economic crisis has occurred.  We are too damn greedy.  Can’t people see the arrogance in thinking they have the right to eat meat two times a week when the bankers are only making record profits?
Continue reading “International Bailouts as Stupidity Runs Rampant in the United States”