You shout this at the top of your lungs as if you know what it means. Although, if you really are rebelling – that is cutting yourself from the cord of tyrants – you are most certainly not 99% of the population. 99% may not be implementing the agenda of psychopaths, but 99% of us are also not necessarily doing anything about it. If the odds really did add up to that, the real counter-world would not have the challenge we do to get the real 99%  away from the plasma screen for more than ten minutes to look at what the government that represent them are doing. They do NOT represent me and they do NOT represent you if you can read this without cognitive dissonance.   Continue reading “Not 99%”

Gun Owners of America

We realize it’s short notice, but we wanted to alert you that, later tonight, Senator Mike Lee of Utah intends to offer an amendment to the budget resolution that would prohibit any gun control legislation which does not have a 2/3 vote in the Senate.

We know, we know. We would prefer to prohibit any and all gun control, even if it had 100 votes.   Continue reading “Senator Lee to Offer Amendment Tonight to Ban Most Gun Control in the Senate”

Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

Arguing that the Environmental Protection Agency has failed in its obligation to protect the nation’s bee population—one of the Earth’s most vital pollinators—from dangerous pesticides, a group of beekeepers and environmental groups have filed a lawsuit in federal court saying the EPA’s inaction is causing great harm to biodiversity and the future of food in the U.S.   Continue reading “EPA Favors ‘Bee-Toxic Pesticides’ Over Future of Food, Groups Charge”

Charleston Voice

The US Fed Has Stolen the German Bundesbank’s [World’s???] Central Bank Gold Reserves

 | 22.03.13

The global debt crisis world could follow the Cyprus model. Spain, New Zealand and Britain have quietly begun to create the legal framework for compulsory levies.   Continue reading “Compulsory levy: Secret Preparations have begun worldwide”

Bob Owens

Why is it that the gun control laws being proposed around this nation by Democrats have such well-defined targets? The truth of the matter is that gun control has always been politically-motivated, is driven by the oppression of one or more minority groups, and is often directed by racial hatred.

It is no accident that the cities and states with the greatest amount of gun control in the United States are those where rich white Democrats wanted to assure their dominance over minorities they secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) viewed as little more than vermin.   Continue reading “Gun control is the politics of oppression”

New America Now – by Brandon Smith

Preparation for disaster, whether natural or man-made, should be as vital as any ideal found in the various practices of religion and spiritualism. Preparedness should be treated with reverence, discipline and duty. The drive for preparation should be seated in the very heart of humanity. As individuals and as a society, we should hold preparedness dear, for it is an expression of the desire for survival and the key to maintaining our inherent freedoms. Without self-sufficiency, we set ourselves up for endless failure and enslavement.   Continue reading “Time To Plan For The Worst Rather Than Hope For The Best”

republic empireFreedom Outpost – by Dr. Robert Owens

Over the years in this column I have written about the American Empire. I have advocated jettisoning the Empire to save the Republic. This topic has sparked debate and controversy even among the most dedicated readers. Usually the argument runs like this, “America is not an Empire, never has been and never will be,” or “America’s far-flung military deployments are not the garrisoning of an empire it is instead a forward defense of the homeland.”   Continue reading “Is America a Republic or an Empire?”

Sen. Max Baucus, (D-MT) is questioned by media at the U.S. Capitol in Washington December 31, 2012. REUTERS/Mary F. CalvertReuters – by Lisa Lambert

(Reuters) – Legislation allowing states to collect sales taxes on goods sold over the Internet made its way to the Senate floor on Thursday – a sign that a decades-long struggle by states to tax businesses beyond their borders could end this year.

In February, both chambers took up, with bipartisan support, identical bills that would clear the way for states to collect the so-called “Amazon tax.” On Thursday, the Senate debated incorporating the legislation as an amendment to its budget resolution.    Continue reading “State online sales tax bill takes the stage at Senate”

RIA Novosti

WASHINGTON, March 21 (RIA Novosti) – A former Chinese contractor with the NASA appeared in US federal court Thursday, his lawyer said, after he was arrested following an attempt to fly back to China carrying laptops, hard drives and SIM cards in his bags.   Continue reading “Chinese NASA Worker in US Court Over Computer Cache”

The Organic Prepper

Preparing for the worst can be exhausting.

While generally speaking, preparedness activities and awareness provide peace of mind for me, there are days that I just don’t want to see another mylar bag or read the next scary headline trumpeting our imminent collapse.   Continue reading “Take a Break: 20 Ways to Keep Your Prepper Mojo”

2009-04-30-AFOSKVoting American

How can anyone ever forget that Air Force One Photo Op Ordered by President Obama early in his first term?  Air Force One buzzed New York City complete with fighter escort.  New Yorkers watched in horror as they thought 9/11 was happening all over again.

Some say Air Force One is capable of ‘Time Travel’ but I don’t believe that…   Continue reading “The History of President Obama’s Vehicle Debacles in the News”

I don’t even know how to address this. Something very funky is going on and it had been predicted in part by a number of “prophets of doom.”

I find it difficult to believe most of them. But for some reason I can’t quite pin down when I begin connecting dots of verified info in these videos I find that the suggestion of a false flag is very strong. And that TPTB are desperate now. They see the writing on the wall, THE GIG IS UP!    Continue reading “3-22-13 False flag?”

Activist Post

The rider (Sec. 735) that would prevent courts from halting illegally planted GM crops (sometimes courts find fault with USDA-approved GM fields) slipped into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill HR 933 blind-sided an angry populace last week, giving little time to voice complaint before it was to go through the Senate.

On Wednesday morning, HR 933 passed with the new rider dubbed by activists as the Monsanto Protection Act therein. The rider has nothing to do with proposed government spending to keep it running for the next six months.   Continue reading “Alert: Monsanto Rider Slips Through Senate, Hour Glass Running…”

The Extinction Protocol

March 22, 2013 – NORTH KOREA – North Korea was rattling its sabers and sparking fears overnight. Its military is now threatening South Korea, Japan, and the United States saying that war is coming. The statement from military leaders have said: “Outbreak of war in Korea is now just a matter of time. Nothing can prevent war from breaking out.”   Continue reading “Saber rattling intensifies: North Korea warns war is coming”

Lew Rockwell – by David Franke

Americans are being bombarded with an immense propaganda campaign that says we need tougher gun-control laws in order to reduce the number of gun murders. The evidence is just the opposite. The states with the toughest gun-control laws have 60% more gun murders than the states with the least restrictive gun laws.

And that evidence, ironically, comes from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence – one of the nation’s leading advocates of tougher gun laws.   Continue reading “Gun-Control Laws = 60% More Gun Murders”

Washington Post – by Olga Tanas and Ilya Arkhipov

Russia spurned Cyprus’s offers of assets for a bailout as the island nation’s lawmakers begin debate on legislation to avert a financial collapse.

“I think we aren’t able to get the support that we wanted to get,” Cypriot Finance Minister Michael Sarris said in an interview after checking out of the Lotte Hotel in Moscow. “But we must go back home because things are getting serious.”   Continue reading “Russia Rejects Cyprus Financial Rescue Bid as Deadline Looms”

European Central Bank CyprusHuffington Post – by MENELAOS HADJICOSTIS and ELENA BECATOROS

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Cypriot politicians moved Thursday to restructure the country’s most troubled bank as part of a broader bailout plan that must be in place by Monday to avoid financial ruin. Concerned customers rushed to get cash from ATMs as bank employees protested.

Cyprus has been told it must raise 5.8 billion euros ($7.5 billion) if it is to receive 10 billion euros ($12.9 billion) from its fellow eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund. If it does not find a way by Monday, the European Central Bank said it will cut off emergency support to the banks, letting them collapse.   Continue reading “Cyprus Has 4 Days To Create New Plan To Avoid Bankruptcy, European Central Bank Warns”

Sad. We need these guys to stay alive.

Before It’s News – by Deborah Dupre

An active-duty Marine shot and killed two fellow Marines at the Corps Base Quantico in Virginia before committing suicide early Friday. While no motive is known or publicly released, it is known that hidden wounds of U.S. military aggression and violence against innocent people link to 18 suicides daily among veterans and suicides kill more American troops than war.   Continue reading “Hidden Wounds: Marine Shoots 2 Marines, Self Dead at Quantico Base”